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Germany: Instructions: Jalsa Salana / Annual Convention for Spiritual and Moral Training, 2014


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you....By the grace of Allah the Exalted, Jalsa Salana of Jama'at Ahmadiyya Germany has started. Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has asked that all Ahmadiyya Muslims should attend this Jalsa; he has prayed for those who attend it. As number of followers are increasing, it is hoped that attendance will be increased. Followers in Pakistan cannot have this Jalsa, they miss it; they need to pray more than before to have such gathering; prayers are the only weapon they have. Ahmadiyya Muslims in other places can get together for all kind of spiritual gathering and they ought to be thankful to God the Exalted.

The real thankfulness shall mean that positive changes are made in lives after hearing righteous words during the Jalsa and afterwards.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) has said that by coming to Jalsa, one should seek deen (way / religion) with patience. In the light of it:

i-Those who are doing volunteer duties at various departments of Jalsa, should serve with forbearance for the sake of Allah.
ii-Those who attend Jalsa should seek religion – they and their children should increase in spirituality here.

Attendees should feel the pain in the advice of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) who said that……..I say repeatedly, purify eyes. Brighten them as they are bright physically. Human sees when he get share of internal sight. Lean towards virtues. Salvation is for those who get rid of earthly passions. If heart does not prostrate with humbleness, no hope can be placed at apparent prostration. As sacrificial meat does not reach God, only righteousness does, the bowing and prostration of body is useless if heart does not do so… May God purify His Jama'at, extend His Hand of mercy and turn hearts towards Him.

Reformation is the purpose of this three day gathering (Jalsa).

Brighten your spiritual eyes. [.b] If there is ailment in our physical eyes we stay away from thing which harm our eyes and we go to doctor. Similarly, these three days are means of cure for our spirituality. When Jalsa will end, we must maintain reforms for latter time.

Lean towards virtues. After reformation, do virtues which are asked by God to do; worship and pay rights to creation. There are some unrests in matrimonial matters in Germany to those spouses who come from outside.. Parents of bride and bridegroom should be supportive and act their part with fear of God; get rid of selfishness; involved office-bearers should pay heed too.

Salvation is for those who get rid of earthly passions. We ought to self check. Are we clear of earthly passions? Do we stay away from all evils? Do we hurt others? Do we pay rights of God and rights of His creation? Do we seek help of Allah for reforms? Do we obey commandments of Allah according to our capacities and then prostrate before Him? – Unmindful prostration are not accepted: “fawailul lil’mosalleen” (107:5). May none of us gather God’s displeasure. He is free and has all Praises.

Offer Standing of Heart before God and Prostrate, as He likes. Standing of Heart means to follow His commandments in Holy Quran steadfastly and never fail never fall. Bowing of Heart means to bow to God in each matter of life i.e. there should be none in mind other than God. Prostration of Heart means forfeit low desires of self for the sake of God; sacrifice in relations, let ego go.

God may extend His Hand of mercy for members of Jama'at. We should try to get this state. May we strengthen our relation with Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.).

Spiritual Revolution: Jalsa + Ramadan. Jalsa-commers should check themselves for above standards. In these days, there is environment when one can practically pay rights of God and people; make it part of latter life. Insha’Allah, Ramadan month will start at the end of this month, so connect blessings of this Jalsa with blessings of Ramadan; it will create spiritual revolution.

If there is no reform tried and obtained, coming to Jalsa will be useless. Hazrat Musleh Moud (r.a.) mentions that once, in the time of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.), Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) came to mosque, people moved quickly to sit closer to him to get benefits of his discourse. A man started in the middle and started to say Salaat and took longer time. People who were moving ahead, someone’s elbow touched him. He became angry and said loose words and left the gathering….. This is an example that the gathering which reformed others by fresh spiritual provisions, a person remained unfortunate due to his impatience.

Illumination continues..….Now gatherings with Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) are not present. But, in the light of his teachings, scholarly discourses, commentaries of Holy Quran, advice in the light of character of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.), are presented in Jalsa and collective Salaat and Tahajjud are offered. If someone has to offer Salaat individually for some reason, they should not obstruct others. Righteous-deed is the action which is done rightly and according to situation. If the man in above example had offered proper Salaat a little quicker and had taken benefit of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.)’a gathering, he would have received blessings.

Patience and forbearance has to be exercised during Jalsa. In extreme condition, official corrective action is taken.

Shiekh Adam Jalsa Salana….Jalsa becomes the source of righteousness. Example: In Sierra Leon, a non Ahmadiyya Muslim, religious scholar (deputy chief Imam) attended the Jalsa. He saw people crying in Tahajjud Salaat, he reached at conclusion that these are not false people. After the first session of Jalsa, the host asked him about his comments, he replied that he had become Ahmadiyya Muslim already. When he went back, his Incharge Imam dismissed him. He did not care and became enthusiast preacher and brought many new converts. He changed his name from ‘Sheikh Adam’ to ‘Shiekh Adam Jalsa Salana’.

Asylum seekers…Many people have come here after suffering persecution and they seek asylum. They are ambassador of faith and they should prove it.

Vie in virtues.… World of Ahmadiyya Islam is expanding. Once cities were mutually competing in virtues, now it is country-wise competition.

Expand your place.….Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) was revealed several times in various forms (from before start of Jama'at till 1907, a year before his passing away): “wassey makanaka” i.e ‘expand your place’. It was prophecy that he was going to get a lot of guests, so he should be prepared. The late year revelation showed that, after him, the guests will increase. It is happening in his Khilafat era. There is ‘langar khana’ the Kitchen. It serves wordwide. During the presence of Khalifah of time at a Jalsa, its duty increase many fold…. The hospitalities of Hazrat Ibrahim (a.s.), Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) should be copied. Once some guest became angry at serving personals, they left. When Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s) knew he went behind them and brought the guests back…..Here is Germany Jalsa, food should be well served. Hot weather should be considered…….

Hospitality…German and other guests commend like our hospitality…..In mosque opening ceremonies, seating should be more comfortable. Refreshments should be improved. Halal and Taiyab should be served which also should suit them.

Be watchful..One should have watchful eye around. Cooperate with duty volunteers.

Prayer…May Allah the Exalted make this Jalsa successful with every respect. Everyone should join. May we fulfill the expectations. May Allah enable us. [Amen]

Reference: Friday Sermon (13 June 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), Germany, alislam.org and mta.tv