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Germany: Internal & External Effects of Jalsa Salana'16 and Mosques’ ceremonies: 72 Millions Reached


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) said that By the grace of Allah the Exalted, Jalsa Salana Germany 2016 concluded on Sunday (September 4, 2016). The general preparation continues whole year long….Hundreds of volunteers begin to work many days before the start of Jalsa….. Jalsa begins, then seems ended soon, three days pass in blink of an eye.

Though Jalsa Germany in convened in large halls, yet there are certain works which have to be done with lot of hard work; temporary arrangements outside the main building for residence, cooking food and presenting to guests, to fit marquees, arranging seats inside halls, sound system, cleaning, parking, security, MTA [muslim television Ahmadiyya] telecasting from Jalsa area and from studios with Jalsa related interesting and informative programs.

These volunteer works are done by waqar e amal [offering self for doing labour and other services] by young men’s auxiliary [khuddam ul Ahmadiyya] and also by auxiliary of men above forty [ansar ullah] and auxiliary of women [lajna imaillah] ---- All these men, women, youth (boys and girls), and children are rightful to be thanked by participants of Jalsa and worldwide Jama'at.

By the grace of Allah the Exalted it all worked, may Allah the Exalted reward them…..Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) thanked them that they well served the guests of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.). May Allah the Exalted enable them to offer more service.

On one hand, this Jalsa does training for Ahmadis especially the participants, and worldwide viewers of MTA in general. On the other hand, non-Ahmadis and non-Muslims guests are present at Jalsa, and similar viewer watch our programs at MTA due to connection with Ahmadi friends and they get more and more interest in the message and Jama'at . Some opponents watch too…..In many cases, Jalsa becomes means of conveying the message…..There are some non-Ahmadis who come in Jalsa, observe the environment and join the Jama'at by doing Bai'at.

There are many blessings of Jalsa and now these are mentioned with respect to Jalsas in all countries.


Some incidences are being presented about the effect of Jalsa in Germany on them.

Since last two or three years, Bai'at program is being convened at Jalsa Germany too. This year 83 men and women from 14 countries participated in Bait and joined Jama'at by doing Bai'at. Hearts of some Bait doers turned towards Ahmadiyat by the proceedings of Jalsa and good conduct of Ahmadis.

=Bosnia: Mr. Ibrahimu said Ahmadiyyat is real truth which is practicing Holy Quran. On me, the most effect was of addresses and Friday sermons of Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.), which gave satisfactory answers to my questions, my heart was satisfied from each respect and I joined Ahmadiyyat by doing Bai'at. Now I want to live by being of Khalifatul Messiah and I desire to get his nearness. I am bewitched by your organization, love, and peace.

=Iraq: Mr. Riaz, now in Germany: I learned about Jama'at through an Ahmadi. Afterward, I attended meeting with Arabs in Jamia Ahmadiyya with families, learned about creed of Jama'at from your local Imam which were all new for me and were based on truth and affected my heart. Then I went to Jalsa Salana. The scene was surprising for me; extremely organized, passions to serve, human values, people of various nationalities. But in my opinion, this air of fraternity is not seen anywhere in the world except Ahmadiyya. I saw love everywhere. The addresses of Khalifah manifest hearty passions. I swear, no other sect has such extremely beautiful picture of Islam in the world. After seeing all this , I and my family did not feel even the minutest hesitation to accept Ahmadiyyat. And when we told all this to our other family after returning we have accepted Ahmadiyyat, they said why we did not take them with us. After hearing all this, we too want to join Ahmadiyyat.

Huzur (a.t.) said: Thus an Ahmadi should be a model of good morals. It becomes means to convey the message.

=Bosnia: Mr. Bayram: He did Bai'at. He said: I have joined the Jalsa Salana for first time. At this occasion, I found opportunity to see Ahmadiyyat from close and got much introduction of Jama'at. It is the true Jama'at, established on the right-path. When I heard talk of Khalifah of time, I decided to do Bai'at at his hand, and by doing so, joined the Jama'at Ahmadiyya. I consider myself very fortunate. Khalifah of time has brought me close to him by his words. Now I consider myself fortunate that I am part of this Jama'at and I promise to convey this message forward.

=Belgium:This great gathering is spiritual gatering and seems that we know each other for long times. Firstly I had done Bai'at through letter but today my heart is rapidly beating in chest with interst and fear. I will tell all muslims, this is the deen Islam and join it. It is incredible for me, today I am present before Khalifah for Bai'at. I remember I used to hear Ahadith from clergies that Mahdi Muntazir would come. Today my desire is fulfilled, I have seen everything from my own eyes.

Huzur (a.s.) said that Jalsa, environment and speeches become way to convey message, as these speeches affect hearts. Not only speeches but an Ahmadis should make each of his each act such that it affect others best, not only for show off, in reality our each deed should be voice of our heart, our creed.


On Jalsa Salana, non-Ahmadi guests go back with great impression for sure, even if they do not convert. Some act as ambassador of Jama'at Ahmadiyya and begin to convey message. This year, in Germany Jalsa delagtion came from Lithuania, Latvia, Mecodonia, Bosnia, Albania, Romania, Kosovo, Balgaria, Kazakhstan, Malta, Belgium, Croatia and Hungary. They met with Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.).

=Lithuania: Ms. Maria, a project manager in legal accountancy services, said: To attend Jalsa, is a very good experience of my life. With respect to my work I often meet people of Pakistan, Iran, Iraq and Dubai who believe in Islam. My friends often tell me these people believe in Islam and Islam is a religion of terrorism…..but after attending the Jalsa I am compelled to believe Muslim people are very good and help each other. In these days, I felt that as if I am living in my own home. Thus after I return, I shall change the opinion of my friends about Muslims.

=Lithuania: Another guest, the foriegn Minister of Uzupis area said: It is a great Jalsa. This Jalsa has changed my views about Islam for ever. I did not know Jama'at before much. People of Jama'at are very much hospitable and loving. In the exhibition, I liked very much the idea of writing Holy Quran by hand. It was nice to see people gathered from various countries.

=Morocco: Mr. Jalil: A young man who lives in Belgium said: My father Abdul Qadir did Bai'at on Jalsa Salna UK, and he brought him here in Germany. It is first time I atteneded a Jalsa. Being a young man, I want to tell my young brothers, they must attend such occasions, as this Jalsa has increased my spirituality. I am feeling good. When we young fellows walk on street, people on street seldom say greetings but in this Jalsa everyone was seen saying Salam to each other. It was very impressive. I am very much thankful to God the Exalted He granted me such opportunity and enabled me to attend this Mubarak Jalsa. When I arrived here in the beginning, thought came to my heart what I would do for three days here. But when I attended the events this Jalsa, and saw brotherhood and love, I did not notice where did these three days go! On the third day of Jalsa I attended the Bai'at.

=Mecedonia etc: A Christian friend: I am related to journalism. Earlier I have attended Jalsa Salana UK and Germany…. Last year when for the first time I attended the Jalsa, I was much impressed that so many people were attending a so large gathering, and all arrangemenst are nice, all people were under discipline, they were respecting each other, first thought all this was by chance, or it was real happening, it seemed as it was a dream. This Jalsa is great gathering of people….Then I attended the UK Jalsa in August, now I am again in Germany. Thus I am convinced, the arrangements of Jalsa are perfect, I am 52 years old, I have never seen such organized gathering in my life, I have not seen any shortage in the arrangements of Jalsa neither in UK nor here.

Journalist observe with critical eye, it is the beauty of Ahmadiyyat that he found same thing everywhere.


Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) pointed out few things for further improvements in the Jalsa. He also mentioned the views of German guests who attended the ceremonies of mosques.


He asked members of Jama'at that it is your responsibility to act on even the smallest part of your teaching, and tell these people that after coming to Europe you do not have even the minutest doubt about the superioty of (true) Islamic teaching. Likewise girls should take care of their dress and covers, and let not come any soil on their modesty and santity. The auxialiary of women Lajna pay special attention to it. Silimarly young men’s auxiliary Khuddam ul Ahmadiyya should pay special attention. Ansarullah should not be negligent of their duties. All organizations and system of Jama'at should make their respective training programs keeping in view practical weaknesses of members of Jama'at and make effort to get the best results. Others have begun to watch you that how much do you practice. May Allah the Exalted enable all to act on this.


About Jalsa and ceremonies of mosques, there were more than 80 news. There were more than 72 million people who watched or heard. Five TV channels gave news about Jalsa Germany.


Based on some parts of Friday sermon (September 9, 2016) in Frankfurt Germany, by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah Help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org, mta.tv


10-language (English too) translations @ https://www.alislam.org/friday-sermon/2016-09-09.html
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