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Germany Jalsa Salana\\Based on Address by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V to Ahmadiyya Muslim Ladies.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.


[Quran ch8:v21]O ye who believe! obey Allah and His Messenger, and do not turn away from him while you hearhim speak.

If one claims to be believer, one should obey Allah and His Messenger. This obedience will reform believers’ conditions and bring unity among them, and they shall get individual and communal progresses.

These are benevolence of Allah on us that He sent His directives in Holy Quran, which are for all times, and He kept it safe; Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is sent to explain these commandment; and He attached us with Ahmadiyya Khilafat so that we pay attention to act upon directives of Allah and Messenger……..Due to this obedience we have been granted the bounty of Khilafat so that we should gain strength in unity and divine blessings.

If one claims to be member of Ahmadiyya Jama'at, and believes in Promised Messiah Mahdi (a.s.) and Ahmadiyya Khilafat then one has to fully obey commandments of Allah and Messenger. One who leaves the circle of these commandments intentionally, is not Ahmadi. Mistakes and shortcoming happen but intentionally ignoring these commandments means self expulsion from the system made by Allah.

One (of 10) condition of Bai'at written by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) is:

“That he/she shall refrain from following un-Islamic customs and lustful inclinations, and shall completely submit himself/herself to the authority of the Holy Quran; and shall make the Word of God and sayings of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) the guiding principle in very walk of his/her life.”

If any believer is following un-Islamic customs of society or has earthly priorities and effect of society is prohibiting him or her practicing faith, he or she is not paying right of Bai'at…….If they think directives of Holy Quran are impracticable, they are not paying right of Bai'at……..If they are not following directives of Allah and Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him), their claim of Bai'at is wrong……..Ahmadiyyat means to practice and obey the directives of Allah and the Messenger.

Believing men, women, young and old are repeatedly reminded to obey Allah and Messenger. For this reminder, system of Jama'at and its office-holders are appointed …...If believers do not pay attention to this, they shall be wasting their faith, they shall be hurting collective power of Jama'at; world will be seeing contradiction in their practice to their teaching; they shall be presenting wrong picture of Islam before the world……Each Ahmadi man and woman should self check with responsibility that up to what extent they are making effort to obey Allah and Messenger.

Islam is not such a religion which does not have wisdom and benefit for society in its commandments. Commandment to obey Allah and Messenger is for our benefit of our life. This obedience bring pleasure of Allah for us which in turn brings Falah [prosperity, successes, fulfillment of virtuous desires]..Those who say ‘sameyna wa ata-na’ (we listened and we obey), these are one ‘wa ola-eyka homul muflehoon’ (and these are the ones who get Falah)….Believers’ desires are good, they do not wish for matters of vain, they get good conditions, eases, blessings and security of Allah.


[24:53] And whoso obeys Allah and His Messenger, and fears Allah, and takes Him as a shield for protection, it is they who will be successful.

Success of Jama'at is linked with this.

Men and women who take oath of allegiance (Bai'at) and give priority to faith over worldly life, and make effort to establish system of Jama'at, bring changes in themselves, obey Allah and the Messenger, maintain unity, they create a concept of Jama'at before the world…But if someone give priority to his or her own benefits and obey Allah and Messenger if something suits him or her; if he or she is shy to practice certain commandments due to fear of society; if he or she thinks that certain progress can be achieved only if one flows with popular flow of era then they are wrong because then they lose blessings of Allah, cause harm to repute of Jama'at, hinder progress of Jama'at……… And those who think commandments of Allah are obsolete, have disparity with this time, were applicable in old times, they should remember that what they consider as progress is actually ditch of destruction they should save themselves from fall.

The real success and fortress of security is actions done in obedience to Allah and Messenger. The paths shown by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) lead to fortress of security.

Few days ago, some professors of religious studies from university in Frankfurt met Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.). They said Ahmadis are people of big heart, they work with loyalty, they care about rights of others but 50% of them are not among them. They explained, not mixing of men and women is depriving women from progress; they cannot dance together or go to club together…..Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (a.t.) told them that they should make difference between religion and their customs. [Huzur explained that it is not permitted for any Ahmadiyya Muslim man or woman (separately or together) to attend dance clubs]. Christianity have forgotten its teaching and it is giving wrong permissions to adherents to keep them with religion. Huzur further told them that his Jama'at practices Islam and follows its teachings……Ireland is supposedly a great Christian place. Majority favoured a law in favour of homosexuality. Archbishop, there, said that people’s opinion should be followed and there should be not much restriction…..Huzur (a.t.) said, people’s work is to follow guidance from religion; not the other way around……We follow what Allah has taught. Allah has told such and such matters are sins, avoid these. Bible has also told so to avoid evils. Avoiding that brings progress in world and in Hereafter. Men and women mixing usurp rights of women. For example, our women attend Jalsa separately, they have their own freedom there they feel well and free in their own environment.

Ahmadis women should give weight to remarks of such ‘kind’ people and feel no fear. These people have gone away from religion. Remember each directive of Allah has wisdom and is in our own benefit. Each Ahmadi girl and woman (and men too) should enhance their religious knowledge and repel those who tell them their men have freedom but they do not have…..Satan bring thoughts to our hearts in various ways.

Allah is very merciful. His obedience will save us from destruction. Ahmadis should focus on commandments of Allah and Messenger, our permanence is in it. The worldly life is of few day. Practicing commandments of Allah bring good in this life and brings manifold reward in the Hereafter.

There are some Ahmadi girls who have grown up here (Germany) and also some who have come from Pakistan think that the woman here have progressed due to freedom. Huzur (a.t.) said that they should remember that local people’s progress in worldly life is due to their hard work and progress in physical knowledge. Their chamber of spirituality is empty. They do not care whether God exists or not.

Huzur (a.t.) reminded that believers have joined the Jama'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) for the sake of Allah the Exalted. Faith is the name of practicing the directives of Allah and the Messenger. This practice brings pleasure of Allah, worldly success and success in Hereafter and purpose of life will be achieved. Allah the Exalted has promised Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) for progress in knowledge. We have claimed we have taken oath of allegiance (Bai'at ) of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) our works will be blessed if we shall give precedence to our faith worldly freedom. World shall seek guidance from us. Those who do not have faith on promises of God cannot understand how it takes place……Now indication in Germany are being visible, Ahmadiyya Jama'at is now more (10 to 20 time) known in Germany, it was not thought so in past. We have influence in educated class. Communities progress that way. It is grace of Allah the Exalted.

Our identity is not in leaving the faith. Our distinction is in practice of faith. We need not to have inferiority complex. Obey Allah and Messenger, it will bring blessing of Allah very fast.

Behind apparent freedom there are numerous restlessness of hearts. These apparent freedoms are only hollow shells. Peep in their hearts. They find peace of mind in drinking and clubs. Suicide rate is higher in places which are thought to have better economical conditions.

Peace of mind reside in remembrance of Allah:

‘aalaa bezikrillahe tatma-innul qolub’

[13:29 partly] “……………….Aye! it is in the remembrance of Allah that hearts can find comfort.”

As much human bows to God that much he or she gets peace of heart. It is demand of human nature. May the world remember it. First of all we should remember it then we can full others from unrest. This is the true independence we have to teach to world by obedience of God.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that it is learned from Quran that remembrance of God gives peace to hearts. ‘aalaa bezikrillahe tatmaennul qolub’ One should remember God as much as possible. It need patience and hard work. One should not get tired otherwise believe will not be obtained…. When a person remember God with full sincerity and understand that he is always before God, fear and grandeur of God is developed in him, he is saved from prohibited things, he get developed in righteousness and purity. It is the purpose of human life. Connection with God is established by following His commandments and His remembrance.

To be counted in true Ahmadiyya Muslims, as Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) wanted, one has to avoid the glitter of so called earthly freedom and become true momin / believer. These are not mere talk. There are many in Ahmadiyya Jama'at who have obtained peace of heart by using this prescription. Many men and women write to Huzur (a.t.) that they were deceived by colorfulness of the world. They realize and seek repentance and promise to never ever go away from the directives of Allah and Messenger.

When world get away from obedience of God it fall into unrest of heart, shameless acts, nude dresses……The effect is so enormous that professor of religious studies asks why the believers do not go to mixed dance parties of men and women…….True believers do not have such idea of freedom which makes God unpleased. ….If common Muslims are involved such weaknesses that is not the argument of the validity of such freedom. In fact, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) was sent to correct such deformities.

Huzur (a.t.) said the elders of current Ahmadis accepted the Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) so that they could help him in religion……Huzur (a.t.) noted that some from Arab ladies (who argue with Ahmadi ladies) with a small hijab at heads and tight jeans and small blouse object the full cover of Ahmadi ladies. The purpose of full cover is to have safety from ill eyes…..Small hijab with tight dress is no covering. Then there are some Pakistani ladies who make show off of their hairs……Huzur (a.t.) asked that believing women should know the purpose of cover.

Huzur (a.t.) reminded Ahmadi women if they want to help in the reform work by Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) they should establish models. Many in Muslim countries are falling in the hands of so called freedom lovers and Extremists too. Immodesties are rising on the name of fashion. Today Ahmadi woman has to defend the property of modesty and chasteness of women gender….There are some Ahmadi women in Germany who show reaction against Islamic full covering. If they cover themselves because of fear of family and Khalifah (not to seek God) then it is useless. God has commandment to remind as reminding is beneficial so they are being reminded…..Decide whether such women want liking from God or from world. If they want God’s liking then ponder at directives. God has established rights of women too. Once Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) disallowed a would-be marriage when lady complained that her father was marrying her with an older man. [Huzur (a.t.) said, sometimes women approach him that they feel hesitation in some proposal which they do not like].

An Ahmadi well educated woman has written a good research paper about Covering / hijab. It will appear in magazines of Jama'at.

Some women object that Cover wastes talent….Huzur (a.t.) said there are many women who are highly educated, they are doctors, research scholars, etc they are married and virtuous. Some have even sacrificed and married to men somewhat less educated than them. The practice of true Islam has not wasted their talent.

Some people argue that separate gathering of men and women is backward thing….Huzur (a.t.) said that we have to reform the world spiritually, we cannot withdraw from our teaching. Wise people openly mention their liking of our way of separate gathering of genders. In UK Jalsa Salana, a British lady journalist spent the whole day with Ahmadiyya Muslim ladies, she noticed women were fully independent in their programs, she said if it were mixed, men would have dominated in controlling things. She remarked that she received such high respect in Jalsa which she had never found in her own church. There are many examples like this.

Ahmadiyya ladies should never feel any inferiority complex, just see what their religion say. If there is any problem with women, it is due to ignorance. Allah the Exalted has given rights to women in Quran. Men should well behave with women; their emotions should be cared; justice should be done; meher [mandatory money given to wife by husband at the time of marriage] gives protection to marriage; in case of divorce wealth should not be taken back by men; both genders get similar reward of virtues; earning of woman is her, household expenses is responsibility of man. Islam dislike the attitude of people who feel unhappiness at the birth of baby-girl……There is no need to loose mind by seeing freedom of worldly people. Islam has given the women-believers their freedom, its commandments have brought benefits for them. By doing Allah’s worship and obedience, and by giving precedence to faith over world, they should help the work of Imam of the era, and gather blessings.

Reference: Based on the Address by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) in ladies’ section, 40 th Jalasa Salana Germany, June 6 2015, mta.tv [alislam.org]
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