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Germany: New Al-Mahdi Mosque, Neufahrn, Munich inaugurated. Photos.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on all. From a Press Release:
"The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is pleased to announce that on 9 June 2014, the World Head of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, the Fifth Khalifa, His Holiness, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad inaugurated the Al-Mahdi Mosque in the German municipality Neufahrn, 20km from Munich.

More than 260 guests attended a special reception held at the Oskar-Maria-Graf School including various dignitaries such as Franz Heilmeier, Mayor Neufahrn, Erich Irlstorfer, Member of the Bundestag Freising and Professor Heiner Bielefeldt, Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Religion at the United Nations.

Prior to the ceremony, His Holiness officially inaugurated the Al-Mahdi Mosque by unveiling a commemorative plaque and offering a silent prayer in thanks to God Almighty. 12 white doves were also released into the sky marking a local Bavarian tradition.


Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“The Holy Quran says that there should be no compulsion in religion and so no one has the right to speak ill of any other person’s belief or faith.”

His Holiness also responded to a small local protest comprising a handful of people against the building of the Mosque that was taking place simultaneously. He said that Ahmadi Muslims would not respond with counter protests or rallies but only by peacefully raising its slogan of Love for All, Hatred for None.

“Islam has taught us to respond to curses with prayers; it has taught us to respond to those who grieve us only with love and care and it has taught us to respond to arrogance only with humility.”

During his address, His Holiness also spoke of the recent martyrdom of Dr Mehdi Ali Qamar, a US-Canadian citizen in Pakistan. His Holiness informed the audience that Dr Mehdi had travelled to Pakistan to volunteer his services at a hospital but had been target killed only because he was an Ahmadi Muslim.

His Holiness said that the body of Dr Mehdi was flown to Canada where it was draped in both the American and Canadian flags before burial and members of both Governments paid great respect and honour to the deceased.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said:

“When Dr Mehdi Ali Qamar was killed we Ahmadi Muslims did not protest or take to the streets and nor will we ever stop serving humanity. Rather more than ever before we will seek to help those in need or those who are vulnerable. Wherever Ahmadi Muslims exist they seek only to serve mankind. This is our spirit and this is our way.”

Earlier, visiting dignitaries took to the stage to offer their congratulations to the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community.

Franz Heilmeier, Mayor Neufahrn said:

“Today is a very significant day whereby we are all joining together to inaugurate this new Mosque. The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community has made a home for themselves here and I hope and pray that you live here in peace and harmony.”



More / Photos at https://www.alislam.org/egazette/press-release/al-mahdi-mosque-neufahrn-munich-inaugurated/
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