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Getting better every decade?


Well-Known Member
Me: "In how many years will people get better? Definition: getting closer to God than satan is to become better."

Satanist: "Why did you decide that God is a positive character ??? Have you read the Bible ??? Genocide, murder - this is all from His business. If the Devil exists, then I am on his side. "

Me: "It means that Satanists also have a notion of good and evil. Therefore, to become closer to good than evil is to become better. When will people become better? I will consult you in every deed.
Let me be your way to goodness. For example, if you have murdered 100 people per day, the better is to murder less than 100 per day."

Comment from mod: Sorry, but I don't share in the Christian axiom that people are somehow broken.

Me: But they can become better. Better in math, in swimming, in sex, in love....
If people are not perfect people, then they are broken.

Comment of mod: How are you measuring "perfect." Perfect relative to what?

Me: Sometimes it is difficult. But many times it is easy to see. Bob has A+ as a grade for math class. John has B. Thus, Bob is more perfect in math.

Mod: You didn't answer my question.

Me: I am sorry. According to my data, I have answered your questions.

Viker: What if Bob cheated?

Me: The teacher uses Presumption of Innocence.

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Your beloved eccentric Auntie Cristal
Are you wanting to debate or imagining to debate Satanists? Or if things are getting better or worse? What the heck?

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
Why is the content of this thread being edited into the original post? Is this one of those "better" things you keep talking about? Doesn't seem practical to me.


Well-Known Member
Why is the content of this thread being edited into the original post? Is this one of those "better" things you keep talking about? Doesn't seem practical to me.
Please do not judge my freedom. Aren't we in USA? USA is the capital of FREEDOM. I am well free to edit my post.

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
Please do not judge my freedom. Aren't we in USA? USA is the capital of FREEDOM. I am well free to edit my post.
Did I say you weren't? I was questioning the practicality of your having done so. Well? What is the practical reason you have for having done so? Can you relay it to me? Are you capable of doing so?