First and foremost, thank you for sharing your story. Personally, I think it takes courage to openly talk about this kind of experience online. Second, I'd like to share my thoughts on your experience based on my knowledge and personal experiences as a psychic medium and paranormal investigator. Based on my knowledge and personal experiences, I believe that what you experienced was undoubtedly real, having experienced the same myself. I've experienced this paranormal phenomenon myself more than once. Of course, I don't know the circumstances surrounding your father's death or how he reacted to it.
I do believe, however, that earthbound human spirits can be angry and frustrated about their passing (whether it was sudden or expected), and lashing out aggressively towards the living is one way that they express their anger. I'd also like to say that it might not have even been your father who made physical contact with you. You may have an attachment to another human spirit, or it could be a non-human entity. If it is a non-human entity, then it doesn't mean that the entity is "evil." Grant it, it could be malicious. As a former Christian, I no longer categorize non-human entities as "evil" because, in my opinion, the word is a subjective term and religiously based. I'd like to reiterate that what I've shared is what I believe to be true and what I've experienced for the vast majority of my life, as I explained in detail in other threads linked below. Finally, as far as I'm concerned, it's entirely your decision whether you believe and accept what I've said. You can disagree with me if you wish, but I will not, under any circumstances, argue or debate with you about my personal beliefs or experiences relating to what I consider to be paranormal. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, or if you'd like to speak privately, let me know.
Nothing imo. The only death where something happens is when the man that god chose as his incarnate dies imo. Then of course all the dead, since this man’s inception, rise with him once again along with a new earth. What’s your view beyond death? I have no opinion, since I have never died.
There is no evidence that he did even that. God is a imaginary product of human fear of difficulties and death. Perhaps also of the guilt of our own evil acts, like the thugs worshiped Goddess Kali. I know, but at least it is in the realm of unanswered questions. But I have noticed that...