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God’s philosophy.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
God’s philosophy.
I have a problem with how my fellow Christians view God.
Scripture states that God failed to convince a full third of the angels in heaven of the truth of His words before creating us.
He gave us Satan and evil to learn from but it also appears that He has failed to convince most humans.
Where did He go wrong?
Why was He forced to create a hell for all this opposition to His philosophy?
It seems strange to me that at the end of time God would have to stand and admit that He somehow lost more than a third of His perfect creations.
Why could He not convince 100% of all His created beings?
Where does His philosophy fail.
Could it be because woman is not equal to man in God’s view and should walk behind man instead of beside him?
Could it be because He only tells us how to deal with slaves instead of abolishing the practice all together?
Could it be because He discriminates and denigrates Gays and names them abominations?
Could it be because He is shown as breaking His own laws of killing humans, including innocent children and babies?
How can we help God reclaim all His lost souls and angels?



Guardian of Asgaard
God’s philosophy.
I have a problem with how my fellow Christians view God.
Scripture states that God failed to convince a full third of the angels in heaven of the truth of His words before creating us.
He gave us Satan and evil to learn from but it also appears that He has failed to convince most humans.
Where did He go wrong?
Why was He forced to create a hell for all this opposition to His philosophy?
It seems strange to me that at the end of time God would have to stand and admit that He somehow lost more than a third of His perfect creations.
Why could He not convince 100% of all His created beings?
Where does His philosophy fail.
Could it be because woman is not equal to man in God’s view and should walk behind man instead of beside him?
Could it be because He only tells us how to deal with slaves instead of abolishing the practice all together?
Could it be because He discriminates and denigrates Gays and names them abominations?
Could it be because He is shown as breaking His own laws of killing humans, including innocent children and babies?
How can we help God reclaim all His lost souls and angels?

Because he doesn't keep his promises. People die, people suffer, i thought Jesus died to save us from ourselves and to make this hive a better place. Everything suggests that we're going downhill, so where's this God now? Creations are losing faith because there's no God to see, and lets face it, these days faith doesn't really keep you alive does it?

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Because he doesn't keep his promises. People die, people suffer, i thought Jesus died to save us from ourselves and to make this hive a better place. Everything suggests that we're going downhill, so where's this God now? Creations are losing faith because there's no God to see, and lets face it, these days faith doesn't really keep you alive does it?

Some, yes.
Some, no.

I believe that God was a man before He became God so there is a God that can be seen. We just need to look for Him.

I se Gods and religions and political philosophies as Goods.

All follow one of these so in a sense all have faith in their God. He is just hard to define.

If their is a God though we must have faith that He created all souls perfect and we will all know truth eventualy.

Even you and I.

I still can't see how Christians would follow a God who seems to be a loser.



Miss Independent
John the baptist who was the one to identify jesus as the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world, had his head chopped off.

While he was in captivity...he started to wonder...did I do this for nothing? Did I get it wrong? Shouldnt god be doing something to deliver me from my predicament?

He sends his disciples to jesus to ask him if he was really the ONE. This is what jesus said:

Matthew 11: 4Jesus replied, "Go back and report to John what you hear and see: 5The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosyB are cured, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is preached to the poor. 6Blessed is the man who does not fall away on account of me."

Blessed are you dear friends...if you dont get offended by god and his methods.

God is the god of the loosers! :D. If your righteous already you dont need him, the sick need a doctor.


Let's go racing boys !
Some, yes.
Some, no.

I believe that God was a man before He became God so there is a God that can be seen. We just need to look for Him.

I se Gods and religions and political philosophies as Goods.

All follow one of these so in a sense all have faith in their God. He is just hard to define.

If their is a God though we must have faith that He created all souls perfect and we will all know truth eventualy.

Even you and I.

I still can't see how Christians would follow a God who seems to be a loser.

God is hard to define for the unbeliever, but the truth will be revealed eventually.
Loser? Are you absolutely sure?

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
God is hard to define for the unbeliever, but the truth will be revealed eventually.
Loser? Are you absolutely sure?

Yes. The Bible paints God as a loser who has a hard time geting things right.

My belief is that all about us is perfect as only a perfect God can do.

As to - hard to define for non believers-, you would be right.

As a believer, I have a hard time with the definitions of those who believe in the wrong God.

So many Gods to chose from, eh.



Miss Independent
Yes. The Bible paints God as a loser who has a hard time geting things right.

My belief is that all about us is perfect as only a perfect God can do.

As to - hard to define for non believers-, you would be right.

As a believer, I have a hard time with the definitions of those who believe in the wrong God.

So many Gods to chose from, eh.


At the risk of spoiling your approach, but are you going to tell us that god isnt a looser...we are all perfect already?

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
At the risk of spoiling your approach, but are you going to tell us that god isnt a looser...we are all perfect already?


Souls and natures are created perfect.

God does not do oops when He creates us.

Perfect here should be thought of as an evolving perfection. We evolve and so does God.

He is in our image and we in His.



Premium Member
I have had a lot of trouble trying to find this story in the Old Testament about 1/3 of the angels falling. I can't find it anywhere. My husband told me the story, so I did a very exhaustive search of the whole bible, I read the whole thing. There seems to be only one mention of it in the New Testament, wasn't it Paul who brought it up?

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Does god create our thoughts? Or do we?

And if we do....are they perfect?

We are born with perfect souls and natures in a world where evil exists.

Follow your bliss regardless of evil or good and know that you are doing the work that God has ordained.

Are all our thoughts self generated and perfect. Yes.

Remember thought that perfection is always evolving as God evolves.
He nor we are stagnant, never changing entities.

We, like the US-if I may use their language- are always working towards a more perfect union.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
I have had a lot of trouble trying to find this story in the Old Testament about 1/3 of the angels falling. I can't find it anywhere. My husband told me the story, so I did a very exhaustive search of the whole bible, I read the whole thing. There seems to be only one mention of it in the New Testament, wasn't it Paul who brought it up?

Revelation 12-9

Somehow the translation has lost the -third- and now only says and his-Satans- angels.

The timing for the casting out has to be in Genesis because evil was found there along with the talking snake that is Satan.



Let's go racing boys !
Yes. The Bible paints God as a loser who has a hard time geting things right.

My belief is that all about us is perfect as only a perfect God can do.

As to - hard to define for non believers-, you would be right.

As a believer, I have a hard time with the definitions of those who believe in the wrong God.

So many Gods to chose from, eh.

Where does the Bible "paint" God as a loser? So many Gods, Have you chosen one? :shrug:

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Where does the Bible "paint" God as a loser? So many Gods, Have you chosen one? :shrug:

Scripture shows a God who cannot come out of heaven without Satan.
It shows a God who cannot seem to create perfect humans.
It shows a God who places women somewhere behind men instead of beside them.
It shows a God who tells us how to deal with slaves instead of abolishing the preactice.
A God who discriminates against Gays.
A God who allows angels and Himself to use earth as a brothal.
A God who breaks His own laws by killing millions including innocent babies and children.

If this is not a loser then we would need a new definition.

I have chosen a God yes.

It is more of a cosmic counciousness than what comes from scripture.



Let's go racing boys !
Scripture shows a God who cannot come out of heaven without Satan.
It shows a God who cannot seem to create perfect humans.
It shows a God who places women somewhere behind men instead of beside them.
It shows a God who tells us how to deal with slaves instead of abolishing the preactice.
A God who discriminates against Gays.
A God who allows angels and Himself to use earth as a brothal.
A God who breaks His own laws by killing millions including innocent babies and children.

If this is not a loser then we would need a new definition.

I have chosen a God yes.

It is more of a cosmic counciousness than what comes from scripture.

I'm sorry I think you just need another word that one doesn't really fit your description......I don't agree with you, but I do understand your logic and your reasoning but I think you need another word besides loser.......;)