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God’s philosophy.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Maybe eve was the tree of life...no..just kidding.

No actually im not kidding...I dont think that eve was cast out of the garden...which is by the way...where the tree of life remained. And she...who is the source of life.


You mean that Adam left the garden alone.
If so then where did his mate come from?



Miss Independent
The question is, are women behind men or beside them?


Part of them.

To be as Gods knowing good and evil.

Would you give up your moral sense?


Cain who was born knowing the difference between good and evil, had sin crouching at his door, and god said that he should master it. The poor fellow couldnt. He killed his brother. Sin was too powerful for humans to overcome, and they became its slave. Is that good?


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Part of them.

Cain who was born knowing the difference between good and evil, had sin crouching at his door, and god said that he should master it. The poor fellow couldnt. He killed his brother. Sin was too powerful for humans to overcome, and they became its slave. Is that good?


Answer my first question and I will answer your.
Reciprocity is fair play.



Miss Independent
Scripture indicates that woman is below man.
Is she?


OOOOHHHHWWWYYY....that depends on what you consider to be below?

That word 'below' is LOADED like a gun....

Personally i wouldnt want to be 'below' any man unless he was my husband.

Im just as cute, smart, able, competant and many more things than a man. Im not below a man in terms of anything.

A women is however 'below' her husband in terms of authority. But not in personal worth or capabilities.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
OOOOHHHHWWWYYY....that depends on what you consider to be below?

That word 'below' is LOADED like a gun....

Personally i wouldnt want to be 'below' any man unless he was my husband.

Im just as cute, smart, able, competant and many more things than a man. Im not below a man in terms of anything.

A women is however 'below' her husband in terms of authority. But not in personal worth or capabilities.

I did not realize you were female.

That being the case, should all women be below their husbands as scripture indicates or should they be equal in all ways.

Should they-in older terms- walk behind their mates or beside them.

Should women be priests or should they be silent -old tern- inthe church.



Miss Independent
I did not realize you were female.

That being the case, should all women be below their husbands as scripture indicates or should they be equal in all ways.

Should they-in older terms- walk behind their mates or beside them.

Should women be priests or should they be silent -old tern- inthe church.


Women shouting from the back pews in the church has never been attractive.:D

I think im not really sure what you like to discuss though. Is this still about perfection?

Is it whether women are equal to men? Yes...Equal in authority ....yes...UNLESS...she is married, then her husband has authority over her.

I think ive just about said all I can muster at the moment. Why dont you tell us what you have on your mind.


Premium Member
There are some things I have noticed about human nature (at times). When everything is going well, they take what they are given. When things suddenly goes wrong, they take their fists out and blame God. Did they ever thank God for their good times? Usually, no. I am not exempt, I have been guilty of this in the past. If there are good times, there will also be bad times.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
Women shouting from the back pews in the church has never been attractive.:D

I think im not really sure what you like to discuss though. Is this still about perfection?

Is it whether women are equal to men? Yes...Equal in authority ....yes...UNLESS...she is married, then her husband has authority over her.

I think ive just about said all I can muster at the moment. Why dont you tell us what you have on your mind.

I just believe that maried or not, all souls have the same value. They all start that way and to think that just because a woman gets maried she sudenly must take a lower position than her husband just demeans man.

I place my wife above me.

The lower I would have to reach to bring her to my leve mens the lower I must lower myself to reach her.
She walks beside me not behind me. If she walked behind me it would demean both of us.

If you are looking at your husbands back then it is a poor view indeed. It makes him look bad. Man does not put himself higher by having to lower himself to his mate.
You cannot be as helpfull in seeing what is coming with him blocking your view.


Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
There are some things I have noticed about human nature (at times). When everything is going well, they take what they are given. When things suddenly goes wrong, they take their fists out and blame God. Did they ever thank God for their good times? Usually, no. I am not exempt, I have been guilty of this in the past. If there are good times, there will also be bad times.

Good point.

One of my pet peeves is believers saying how all powerfull and perfect God is along with His works and the praying for the end times when they say God will return to fix the mess He left behind.


God does not goof. There is nothing to fix if He is all that they think He is.

Somewhat of a catch 22.



Good point.

One of my pet peeves is believers saying how all powerfull and perfect God is along with His works and the praying for the end times when they say God will return to fix the mess He left behind.


God does not goof. There is nothing to fix if He is all that they think He is.

Somewhat of a catch 22.


God did not create the mess. He has allowed the mess to continue until his appointed time. Why? 1 Timothy 2:3,4. If we believe God made the mess then yes he would not be all powerful or truly righteous to create 2 beings with the goal of them failing and then allowing millions more to die, suffer and live their lives confused by not knowing what is going on.

Greatest I am

Well-Known Member
God did not create the mess. He has allowed the mess to continue until his appointed time. Why? 1 Timothy 2:3,4. If we believe God made the mess then yes he would not be all powerful or truly righteous to create 2 beings with the goal of them failing and then allowing millions more to die, suffer and live their lives confused by not knowing what is going on.

As a father, I like to have my children clean up any mess that they make.
To reduce God to our nurse maid is not what He would plan.

How else would we learn not to make messes if we always had someone else clean it up.

God wants responsible humans, not humans who rely on others to do our work. Good trainning for sure.

God helps those who help themselves.
