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God became a man!


Active Member
You won't find the words of Jesus himself claiming that the devil or Satan took him flying through the air to mountains and pinnacles, tempting him with things that already belonged to the Son of God! Nobody knew what Jesus was doing during the 40 days ALONE in the "wilderness"!!! The story was added later by speculators
Which "speculators" are you referencing for that?


God cannot become his own creation.

Moreover, how can ‘part of God’ become his own creation?

Claiming that God became man is part of the fallacy that Satan set in action to try to diminish the power of God, particularly, the role of the promised Messiah, the prophesied ‘Seed of the Woman’.

Eternal life depends on believing in:
and in:
  • Jesus Christ, whom GOD sent
There are TWO persons who must be believed on in order to attain eternal life. But trinity says, “NO, since Jesus is GOD, you need only believe in either Jesus, OR God, because believing in one or tithed necessitates believing in the other…. Because JESUS is GOD AND GOD IS JESUS.” (Anecdotally)

That is what Satan wants disruption and destruction of the testament of God BROUGHT BY JESUS CHRIST…. Or, in trinity: The testament of God BROUGHT BY GOD!!

But the scriptures says that he who was raised up to Heaven was THE MAN, JESUS CHRIST.

Scriptures also tells us that he who is to return is THE MAN, JESUS CHRIST!

Scriptures additionally tells us that it is a MAN WHO IS BROUGHT BEFORE THE ANCIENT OF DAYS in Heaven…

And, ‘the lamb looking as though slaughtered’ is STANDING IN FRONT OF THE THRONE ON WHICH GOD IS SEATED… and the ‘lamb…’ is of course, JESUS CHRIST… Standing among the HUMAN KINGS OF THE EARTH AND ELDERS.

No, GOD did not become man…!
Agree, and thank you for such good information


Thank God for you understanding the truth.

Please, let me know what else you believe.
I have some mystery Babylon beliefs, but I was waiting for someone to create the thread for it. As far as your topic goes, I believe that God is God, Jesus is Jesus, the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit. I believe that the Word is the foundation of each, and the Holy Spirit is the building block or stones of each.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
I have some mystery Babylon beliefs, but I was waiting for someone to create the thread for it. As far as your topic goes, I believe that God is God, Jesus is Jesus, the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit. I believe that the Word is the foundation of each, and the Holy Spirit is the building block or stones of each.
Have you tried creating a thread about Babylonian beliefs? Find the ‘Other Beliefs’ section and post your question there.

As far as the rest of what you said:
‘The Holy Spirit’ is a title used by trinity believers so they can distance THE SPIRIT OF GOD from its true use and also claim that it is a PERSON IN GOD - the third Person in God.

The reality is that it should just be ‘The Spirit of God’… note: ‘OF GOD’.

And Jesus is ‘The Son of God’… ‘OF GOD’.

So what is ‘The Father’??? ‘The Father OF GOD’.

That last title is a sticking point for Trinitarians and they NEVER ADDRESS it… because it would destroys their ideological belief.

Simple silliness causes them grief and they run away when the point is put to them yet they keep believing what they know to be false because it means they would not belong to their group / they could nog go back to their trinity church and be with their like-wise wrongful-believing colleagues.


Have you tried creating a thread about Babylonian beliefs? Find the ‘Other Beliefs’ section and post your question there.

As far as the rest of what you said:
‘The Holy Spirit’ is a title used by trinity believers so they can distance THE SPIRIT OF GOD from its true use and also claim that it is a PERSON IN GOD - the third Person in God.

The reality is that it should just be ‘The Spirit of God’… note: ‘OF GOD’.

And Jesus is ‘The Son of God’… ‘OF GOD’.

So what is ‘The Father’??? ‘The Father OF GOD’.

That last title is a sticking point for Trinitarians and they NEVER ADDRESS it… because it would destroys their ideological belief.

Simple silliness causes them grief and they run away when the point is put to them yet they keep believing what they know to be false because it means they would not belong to their group / they could nog go back to their trinity church and be with their like-wise wrongful-believing colleagues.
Soapy thank you for that really good information.

I would first like to say be a little lenient with the Catholics because many of them were taught that as small kids and they grew into believing it. It is not true at all, but they were taught as children that a trinity is the holy grail of their entire religion. Along with rosary, praying to false idol images of Mary, and the psychic display of repenting to a man (priest) all of which God has forbidden. We should be lenient with them because they do not know any better as they were taught from a mixture of the Holy Bible and Catholic Bible. Their Catholic Bible has 7 chapters added to it that are not in the Holy Bible. When you're a child adults applaud, and you do whatever is right or wrong ten times more just to please them.

Second, you are right that Holy Spirit may be closely related to the Catholics and their trinity, however from time to time we use Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit interchangeably. Using it does not always refer to the Catholic trinity, blessings
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Well-Known Member
Have you tried creating a thread about Babylonian beliefs? Find the ‘Other Beliefs’ section and post your question there.

As far as the rest of what you said:
‘The Holy Spirit’ is a title used by trinity believers so they can distance THE SPIRIT OF GOD from its true use and also claim that it is a PERSON IN GOD - the third Person in God.

The reality is that it should just be ‘The Spirit of God’… note: ‘OF GOD’.

And Jesus is ‘The Son of God’… ‘OF GOD’.

So what is ‘The Father’??? ‘The Father OF GOD’.

That last title is a sticking point for Trinitarians and they NEVER ADDRESS it… because it would destroys their ideological belief.

Simple silliness causes them grief and they run away when the point is put to them yet they keep believing what they know to be false because it means they would not belong to their group / they could nog go back to their trinity church and be with their like-wise wrongful-believing colleagues.
Simple, God the Father has Divine sons, the Father is in the Sons that he created in the eternal past, they are divine beings coming from a divine Father. To see a Son of God is to seeing the Father. They have divine powers and authority in their own right. Our Creator Son incarnate in the likeness of flesh and lived among us. Some people were just too ignorant and narrow minded to understand that. The tragedy is that anything that their minds can't understand they assume is impossible! So out of superstition and theological arrogance, they killed the Son of God.

John 14:8-21

New International Version

8 Philip said, “Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us.”

9 Jesus answered: “Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time? Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, ‘Show us the Father’? 10 Don’t you believe that I am in the Father, and that the Father is in me? The words I say to you I do not speak on my own authority. Rather, it is the Father, living in me, who is doing his work. 11 Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves.


John 14:
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip?
he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?

10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto
you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Jesus is letting us know that his solid connection with God is through the words he speaks and those words belong to God, come from God, and are of God. Jesus is in no way at all telling us that he is God, nor does Jesus ever tell us that he is the Father. Many of the Catholics have misunderstood these verses, or just purposely fail to understand them in order to keep loyal connections to the Catholic trinity.

We believers can say the exact same thing, that we are in the Father and the Father is in us by way of the words we speak that are not of ourselves but the Father that dwells in us. Please understand God, blessings.


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Soapy thank you for that really good information.

I would first like to say be a little lenient with the Catholics because many of them were taught that as small kids and they grew into believing it. It is not true at all, but they were taught as children that a trinity is the holy grail of their entire religion. Along with rosary, praying to false idol images of Mary, and the psychic display of repenting to a man (priest) all of which God has forbidden. We should be lenient with them because they do not know any better as they were taught from a mixture of the Holy Bible and Catholic Bible. Their Catholic Bible has 7 chapters added to it that are not in the Holy Bible. When you're a child adults applaud, and you do whatever is right or wrong ten times more just to please them.

Second, you are right that Holy Spirit may be closely related to the Catholics and their trinity, however from time to time we use Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit interchangeably. Using it does not always refer to the Catholic trinity, blessings
I’m always grateful when someone hears the truth and believes it. There is always hope for them when God calls them and they hear his call.

As for ‘Holy Spirit’ and ‘Holy Ghost’… yes, i am fastidious about the FACT that there is no such thing as a ‘Holy GHOST’… there is no such thing as a ‘Ghost’, period!! A ‘Ghost’ is an invented term from the medieval ages wherein the SPIRIT of a person is able to act independently from the BODY. Be it known that there is no such thing. When the Spirit of a person is separated from the body the spirit can no longer act on anything physical and is, in fact, completely dormant, sleeping in the boson (the care) of God, God who created it, even the spirit of those who are evil because it must first be judged before it is condemned…(But the spirit which is of Angel are already judged as wicked if they are set-aside as in those classed as ‘Demons’) … which is why I advocate that no one should use the term ‘GHOST’ as it conjures up the idea that a spirit can HAUNT in the physical world. And ‘Holy Ghost’ is even worse as it creates the illusion that the Spirit of God is a PERSON loosed from the BODY of God - which is what Trinitarians desire their protagonists to believe.

You and others may claim that it’s just ‘another’ term BUT such ideas create dangerous precedences in the Christian belief system - it creates s branch away from truth which leads to false ideology and reinforcement of satanic ideals. Yes, people use it with NO IDEA, NO REALISM, of what they are saying:
  • ‘I believe in God the father almighty…. The SON, and THE HOLY GHOST’!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
John 14:
9 Jesus saith unto him, Have I been so long time with you, and yet hast thou not known me, Philip?
he that hath seen me hath seen the Father; and how sayest thou then, Show us the Father?

10 Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto
you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Jesus is letting us know that his solid connection with God is through the words he speaks and those words belong to God, come from God, and are of God. Jesus is in no way at all telling us that he is God, nor does Jesus ever tell us that he is the Father. Many of the Catholics have misunderstood these verses, or just purposely fail to understand them in order to keep loyal connections to the Catholic trinity.

We believers can say the exact same thing, that we are in the Father and the Father is in us by way of the words we speak that are not of ourselves but the Father that dwells in us. Please understand God, blessings.
He's divine, when he speaks he speaks the Word.

John 1

The Word Became Flesh​

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

The Son of God who existed with the Father from the eternal past and who is the Creator of this world, came down and lived among us in the flesh.


He's divine, when he speaks he speaks the Word.

John 1​

The Word Became Flesh​

1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.

The Son of God who existed with the Father from the eternal past and who is the Creator of this world, came down and lived among us in the flesh.
Likewise the truth is God, love is God, the Spirit is God, etc...

That portion of God known as his word... that word portion is what God used to make all things or speak them into existence. A portion of the word of God became flesh in Jesus likewise it becomes flesh in all believers as we become new creations in Christ Jesus.

If Jesus was God he would have told us so. That would not have been something one particular religion figures out and decides on. God thought He cleared this up by saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear him. Jesus thought he cleared this up by asking Peter who do you say I am? blessings.


Well-Known Member
Likewise the truth is God, love is God, the Spirit is God, etc...

That portion of God known as his word... that word portion is what God used to make all things or speak them into existence. A portion of the word of God became flesh in Jesus likewise it became flesh in all believers as became new creations in Christ Jesus.

If Jesus was God he would have told us so. That would not have been something one particular religion figures out and decides on. God thought He cleared this up by saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear him. Jesus thought he cleared this up by asking Peter who do you say I am? blessings.
In so many words and actions Jesus did tell us so! That’s why we believe that the Son of God IS a divine being. God the Son.


In so many words and actions Jesus did tell us so! That’s why we believe that the Son of God IS a divine being. God the Son.
You are free to believe that, however when Jesus tells us something especially who he is; he never beats around the bush. Jesus is direct and clear.


Well-Known Member
You are free to believe that, however when Jesus tells us something especially who he is; he never beats around the bush. Jesus is direct and clear.
If it was as clear as you believe it to be then it wouldn’t be an issue debated since he returned to heaven!


Well-Known Member
good point colt, but we all have to pray to God for him to open our understanding of the scriptures
You assume that God has opened an understanding for you and nobody else? Billions of people see something very different than you.


I’m always grateful when someone hears the truth and believes it. There is always hope for them when God calls them and they hear his call.

As for ‘Holy Spirit’ and ‘Holy Ghost’… yes, i am fastidious about the FACT that there is no such thing as a ‘Holy GHOST’… there is no such thing as a ‘Ghost’, period!! A ‘Ghost’ is an invented term from the medieval ages wherein the SPIRIT of a person is able to act independently from the BODY. Be it known that there is no such thing. When the Spirit of a person is separated from the body the spirit can no longer act on anything physical and is, in fact, completely dormant, sleeping in the boson (the care) of God, God who created it, even the spirit of those who are evil because it must first be judged before it is condemned…(But the spirit which is of Angel are already judged as wicked if they are set-aside as in those classed as ‘Demons’) … which is why I advocate that no one should use the term ‘GHOST’ as it conjures up the idea that a spirit can HAUNT in the physical world. And ‘Holy Ghost’ is even worse as it creates the illusion that the Spirit of God is a PERSON loosed from the BODY of God - which is what Trinitarians desire their protagonists to believe.

You and others may claim that it’s just ‘another’ term BUT such ideas create dangerous precedences in the Christian belief system - it creates s branch away from truth which leads to false ideology and reinforcement of satanic ideals. Yes, people use it with NO IDEA, NO REALISM, of what they are saying:
  • ‘I believe in God the father almighty…. The SON, and THE HOLY GHOST’!!!!!
Soapy so how do you feel about both God and Jesus using the words Holy Ghost?


Son of his Father: The Heir and Prince
Soapy so how do you feel about both God and Jesus using the words Holy Ghost?
Neither God not Jesus ever used the words ‘Holy Ghost’.

And why would they seeing there us no such thing as ‘Holy Ghost’?

Where are you thinking you read that God of Jesus said ‘Holy Ghost’ at any time?

Now, check on the term ‘Holy Spirit’… where do you read that in scriptures? ONLY IN THE NEW TESTAMENT which was written IN GREEK!!!

In the Old Testament you will only ever see ‘The Spirit of God’.

What’s the difference? Well, how did the Greeks perceive their spiritual rulers? We’re there not multiple GODS who ruled over all things? Did they not believe in ‘disembodied SPIRITS’ who could roam the Earth?

When they wrote the New Testament scriptures, and in order to MORE EASILY proselytise pagans (who equally believed in multiple Gods and free roaming disembodied spirits) the Greek translators would use spiritual visualisations of a Spirit that was independent in authority FROM GOD. And, indeed, the term ‘HOLY’ (Hagios: set apart by (or for) God, sacred) gives the impression that the Spirit of God is self-managing.

However, to further grind in the idea of a free-roaming Spirit (they called it ’Ghosts’) the church and other trinitarian protagonists in the Middle Ages made painting, drawings, speeches, and teachings, etc., that laid claims to such existing entities… hence, since these ‘Ghosts’ were far and away of EVIL intent, a special case was made for GOD’s Spirit which naturally would be righteous, and therefore ‘Holy’.. aka, ‘HOLY Ghost’.

So, you see, the term ‘Holy Ghost’ came out of untruthful belief but which was so reenforced by church doctrine and ignorance (people actually believed they could SEE Ghosts and that Ghosts could haunt persons and places and bring portents to them … E.g. Saul and the Witch of Endor, ‘Scrooge’, or in some plays by William Shakespeare) that the term became a standard term because no one cared for correction out of fear of the church.

Now think about that!!! If you are in fear of the very people supposedly Shepard ing you into the penfold of God… are these truly the Shepards of God… or rustlers stealing the sheep whom are God’s??

So, nowhere in the Old Testament will you find a term “Holy Ghost” because it would be difficult to even force the Hebrew text to say such an abomination. In fact, you won’t even find ‘Holy Spirit’ anywhere either… why? Because it is rightly ‘THE SPIRIT OF GOD’ which in no way conjures up a vision of an autonomous self-managing free-roaming Spirit.
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Soapy so... of the 92 times Holy Ghost is mentioned in the New Testament Bible by God and Jesus, are you saying that its wording was changed during the Middle Ages?

If so, what about God? God says he watches over his word. Did God fail to watch over his word?

Jeremiah 1:12 Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen: for I will hasten my word to perform it.