Crippled Avenger
Death to all Ablist Norms
I consider myself an agnostic. That said, I often wonder if or if not their is a God. One of the things that confuses me in this matter is that the Bibnle has many seemingly contradictory teachings. An example of this is the Old Testaments command to kill murderers. Yet in the New Testament, murderers can be forgiven. How does that make sense ? On one hand your going to blot them out of existence, yet the New Testament forgives them free and clear.
So my question is, does religion lead to acceptance of people ? If that is so, what do we do the remarks of the Bible lead some people to kill gays ? If God truly accepts everyone and does not reject anyone that does not choose something (I consider gay people to be that way because nature and other biological componets made them that way) evil, that are we to make of God's utter rejection and horrifying, barbaric order to kill and ignore gays ? This is the act of a barbarian more than the act of a Supreme Being.
So my question is, does religion lead to acceptance of people ? If that is so, what do we do the remarks of the Bible lead some people to kill gays ? If God truly accepts everyone and does not reject anyone that does not choose something (I consider gay people to be that way because nature and other biological componets made them that way) evil, that are we to make of God's utter rejection and horrifying, barbaric order to kill and ignore gays ? This is the act of a barbarian more than the act of a Supreme Being.