I do lean further left than I do right, and I do see democrats as the "lesser evil" vs. the republicans. My biggest issue with the GOP is their history of opposing science (climate change and evolution) and personal freedom (LGBT rights, reproductive rights, cannabis legalization, etc.), which is mainly due to them being joined at the hip with the evangelical movement. I'm not anti-capitalist, but like the military, law enforcement, fire department, school system, etc. I don't think healthcare should be privatized (but like schooling, allow private options for those who want it). It seems rather ghoulish to me to profit from dying children, and then tossing them under the bus once their family's finances are bled dry. People whine about the tax cost (even though it would be less than the inflated costs under the current system.) but these same people don't seem to mind paying into the bloated military budget that could stand to be trimmed down (The U.S. spends the most on it's military, more than the next 7 countries do on theirs combined, and 5 of those are allies) Also, by legalizing, licencing, regulating, and taxing cannabis, prostitution, casinos, etc. it could rake in revenue that could cover it and other expenditures.
Also, I don't trust large, powerful corporations to be lawful and ethical, especially when law and ethics get in the way of profits. I know the idea is that the consumer has the power by choosing who they do business with, but often that choice is an illusion.