Do you know difference between valid and sound?
Yes. I saw no deductive process.
Everything before the 'therefore' seemed to be a premiss. I'd normally expect an arrow to be a conditional (if .. then ..). Your 'conclusion' was meaningless. I assume it was supposed to refer to god, but it didn't
say that, and God appeared to be a premiss itself.
I don't see what you thought the point of just trying to symbolise all your assertions/beliefs was for, if it didn't involve any actual deductions.
As I said before, all it amounted to was "if what I believe is true, then it's true".
Added: Doesn't help that your assumptions are so confused. It's quite difficult to distinguish what you think is a premiss from what you think is a deduction. For example, do you think "A -> N" is something you deduced or is it a premiss?