Well #3 is wrong since by your using the word "god" you have an idea. whether any God exists or not. So that leaves 1 and 2.In the start I say: God can be 3 things, idea only, idea + existence in reality, exist in reality and only seen to exist.
This makes no sense as I just noted. You, and other theists, use words and other symbols that represent the idea.I'm showing by what we observe about "God", that it's no an idea nor idea + existence, but rather only seen to exist. The reason is due to due to his magnitude in terms of existence.
An example would be people seeing leaves fall to the ground from trees but not have any knowledge about gravity. They would just observe the effects of gravity, but no idea about it, nor any word. But that's not the case. The many thousands of ideas of gods are very old, and inconsistent. So it's evidence the idea came well before any of the "effects" attributed to the gods. We have thunder and lightening being attributed to gods, but alas they are just narural phenomenon. Theists have been seeing the effect of their gods getting whittled down to very littel by science. What's left for you theists to pin your God to? The gaps are closing.
We individuals are both. If I am observed as a bystander on a city sidewalk the observer may not have any judgment about me at all. I'm observed existing but not nothing else. Friends and family will have ideas formed about me due to interaction. There's my name, memories they have, things I've said, etc. As for Gods, they aren't known to exist independently of human imagination, so they are most likely just ideas. There's no indication otherwise that is compelling. You might say the conviction of the 9-11 hijackers indicates they were following a real God, but I'll bet you will say they were acting on their own authority, even though these Muslims climed to be following God.So it's like if you ask about "yourself", are you an idea, idea + existence, or just seen to exist. I would say we are category two.
Correct. Regardless what we think of ourselves we exist as real beings.Our idea of own self is there + we exist. Our idea of ourselves can be wrong so that our real existence is something else then we imagine ourselves tot be + it's possible we didn't exist (if our parents didn't meet). We aren't necessary being, but we can rule out that we are a mere idea. So we are category two.
Well #3 is irrelevant. But what is it you think you observe about a real God that isn't just imagined by you? If this God of yours really exists amnd you as an ordinary mortal can sense it with ordinary senses, then you will be able to explain how atheists can do the same.However, I'm saying what we observe about God (which can be three categories from all we know perspective) we rule out 1 and 2, and see he is type 3. This is due to observation that his magnitude is at the level of being necessary.
So, explain what you observe of a God existing in reality and not just imagined.