"KenS, post: 5084387, member: 47847"]I disagree. The process was detailed enough to find consistency. In fact, scriptures that are1000 years apart still are accurate.
THE PRISTINE TRUTH: Reliability of the Old Testament Text"
Yet what good did this meticulous preservation of the ancient Hebrew text do? After all, some English scribe who made an error centuries ago has led virtually all English speakers to believe that one of the 10 commandments is wrong. I suppose that goes for any language that the bible was interpreted into from an English version of the bible as well. Clearly expecting fallible human beings to keep God's message in tact over the centuries has its flaws and seems to be a terribly ineffective means of communicating that message to future generations.
"I guess you would have to study to find out. Certainly getting facts and understanding before commenting is a good thing. No... no other words in the Ten Commandments are wrong. The word should have been translated "murder"."
I assume that you know there are no other errors in the ten commandments because you are personally fluent in ancient Hebrew. How many other mistranslated words are in the rest of the old testament? What about mistranslated words in the New testament? With an estimated 9 million people out of about 7 billion in the world who are fluent in Hebrew you are a very fortunate minority. Sadly for the rest of us checking the English version of the bible for errors in translation from Hebrew isn't an option. Not to mention being ignorant of the various languages that the New Testament has been translated from. That means that God apparently expects 99.999 out of every 100 humans alive to be forced to take the word of other fallible human beings as to what His message actually is. Now if humans beings were incapable of error and never let personal agendas influence their actions then I'd agree that this is a fine method for communicating an important message. But since the reality is that humans are quite error prone and often try to manipulate their fellow humans for personal gain, it is clearly a very POOR means of communicating an important message... that is if you genuinely want the vast majority of people to correctly understand it.
"You are talking about BC and about Jewish Law so please don't make confuse the two Last will and Testaments. For Christians, the Cross has eradicated some of the things that you are mentioning."
Ah yes, another of those supposedly crystal clear clarifications that Jesus made. Yet somehow when I Google 'did Jesus say to ignore the old testament' I got over 600,000 hits with articles with headlines that include:
Do Not Ignore The Old Testament – Evil Bible .com
No, Jesus Did Not Soften the Old Testament--In Fact He Did the opposite
Why do Christians ignore the Old Testament? It's the Word of God also ...
Jesus Affirms Old Testament
Jesus Said Forget the Old Testament
Gee, I'm sure glad that Jesus cleared THAT up. But of course you said it eradicated SOME of the things, which I guess means folks get to pick and choose which parts of the OT they still need to follow and which parts they can ignore. I mean, if Jesus had been clear about which parts are still valid and which aren't or if any parts had actually been eradicated at all, how can so many people vigorously debate the subject, with BOTH sides providing quotes from scripture that they claim supports their position? It just goes to show that the messages from the NT have been just as ineffectively communicated as the messages from the OT.
"Again... you are making decisions without information. What was the lifestyle of the Canaanites? What was their future?"
What lifestyle did the adult Canaanites practiced that you feel justified slaughtering their innocent children? And are you claiming that EVERY SINGLE adult Canaanite approved of and participated in the atrocities being committed? That sounds far more like war propaganda where you paint ALL of the enemy with the same broad brush. Do you honestly believe that every single German in Germany was aware of and fully supported the atrocities committed by Hitler and the SS? Are you of the opinion that every single person living in Japan was aware of and supported the atrocities committed by Imperial Troops during the war? Or were such terrible realities generally kept from the general population? But even if it WERE the case in Canaan that somehow every single adult participated and fully approved of the horrible acts that were being committed, do you seriously believe that a child should be punished for the misdeeds of their parents?
"I find it interesting about your response. Are you saying that we shouldn't have used the atomic bomb killing the men, women and children while we let them continue murdering men, women and children?"
There remains significant debate as to whether or not dropping 2 A bombs on Japan was needed to stop the war, but that's an argument for another time. Unfortunately your analogy falls flat, because even though innocent children were killed during those two attacks, we did not continue dropping A bombs on Japan until every single man woman and child was slaughtered. If we'd done THAT then your analogy would be apt.
"I disagree. I find the disagreements when men ignore or discredit what was in black and white. As I interact with over a dozen Christian denominations, it would seem like we don't have the problem you are talking about."
Funny how reasonable people can disagree as to what the meaning of what's in black and white is. If that weren't the case then there wouldn't be not just dozens but literally thousands of Christian denominations, let along thousands of completely DIFFERENT religions all based upon ancient writings with exactly as much validity as the ancient Hebrew writings. Apparently all gods have poor communications skills in common.
"Actually, the thousands of years of translations has been a plus. Under normal circumstances, one would think that after the millenniums of progressive translations in multiple languages would dictate a dichotomy of verbiage of texts.
History shows that there is little variance and the substantive information is actually in complete harmony."
Yet a FAR more effective means of conveying a vital message would be to not have ANY fallible human translations involved whatsoever. Even I a horrible fallible human being can see that. It amazes me that it isn't obvious to God as well
"A plus for Christian text. The advent of modern technology has enhanced our capacity to study and realize what man added, by interpretation, and what God said. No different than what Jesus said to the Pharisees of his time.
it remains a people problem not a clarity from God problem."
However, since God decided that the way to convey his message was by using these fallible often self-serving people to pass it on from one generation to the next it kind of IS a God problem... unless of course God wants us to be confused. In which case the method God chose appears to be working just fine.
One final analogy. I'm a father with 12 children and I have the same message I want conveyed to all 12 of them. I decide to tell my eldest the message and expect him to pass it on to the other 11. At the end of the day I find that only 2 of my children received the message in tact. The other 10 either misinterpreted some of what the eldest told them, took it out of context, or somehow never got the message at all. As a father should I consider the means of communication I used to convey my message to have been effective? I could blame the lack of communication on my children's inability to interpret properly or their ignorance of proper context or the fact that one of them happened to be down in a corner of the basement when the message was getting passed around and never got it. Or I could acknowledge that I would have had far better luck getting this vital information across if I'd taken the time to sit down and convey the message to each of my children individually. As a father I would have to acknowledge that I either didn't really want all my children to get the message or that I picked a really poor method for getting my message across.