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God-Explanation-Status-Attributes-Reasoning-Path Through-Atheists-Prayer


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you…Following are some quotations by Hazrat Promised Messiah Mahdi (on whom be peace) in which he explains about: Who is Allah the Exalted, His Status, His Being Master of all power, He is One and Only, He is the One Who is the Creator of all creations, Everything vanishes He does not vanish, To reach the God of this universe now the only way is through Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) who is unmatchable in beauty and beneficence……….Hazrat Promised Messiah (a.s.) said that, to observe powers of God the Exalted, it is essential to lean towards Him with purity, it is essential to worship Him, when human attain this state then God quickly embraces human and showers His blessings on him……He (a.s.) said with deep sentiments that, with such God, make your connection so that your worldly life and life in Hereafter is reformed. He explains about God:

“God is the Light of the earth and the heavens i.e. every light -- which is visible in the height and depth, whether in souls or in bodies, personal or impersonal, outward or inward, conceptual or concrete -- is grant of His grace. This indicates to the matter that the general blessing of Hazrat Rabbul aalameen [Dignified Lord of the Worlds] is encompassing everything; none is vacant of His grace. He is, Who is the Source of all grace and the first cause of all lights and the fountain of all mercies. His Being is the real Qai’yum [Holder, Supporter] of all universe and the Protection of all low and high. He is, Who has taken out everything from dark-house of non-existence and granted it the cloak-of-being. There is no-being except Him, who is essential and earliest in the realm of itself or has not received grace from Him; in fact earth and heavens, human and animals, stones and trees, souls and bodies all beings exist due to His grace.” (ruhani khazain, vol 1, p 191..)

“Association, according to the circle of wisdom, is of four types; sometimes association is in number, sometimes in status, sometimes in ancestry, sometimes in action and sometimes in effect. Thus in this Surah [Holy Quran, Surah Ikhlas, chapter 112], it has been announced that God is free of those four associations and it has been explained that He is One in His number, not two or three. And He is ‘Samad’ [Besought of all] i.e. He is unique and alone in His status of being necessary and dependent-upon. And except Him, all things are invent-able and perishable beings, they are dependent on Him each moment. He is ‘lam yalid’ i.e. He has no son, so that, due to being son he may become [wrongly considered] His associate. And He is ‘lam yolud’ i.e. He has no father, so that, due to being father, he may become [wrongly considered] His associate. And He is ‘lam yakun lahoo kofowan a-had’ i.e. There is no one to be His equal in His works, so that action-wise, someone may be declared [wrongly considered] as His associate. Thus, in this manner, (He) manifested that God the Exalted is free and clear of all four types of association and is One with no partner.” (ruhani khazin, vol 1, p517, supplement note 3)

“In the Holy Quran, our God describes His attributes,
‘qul ho wallaho ahad – allahus samad – lam yalid wa lam yulad – wa lam yakun lahoo kofowan ahad’ [112:2 to5] i.e. Your God is such God Who is One in His Being and Attributes. Neither any Being is from ever to ever (anaadi and akaal) like His Being, nor anything’s attributes are like His attributes. Human knowledge is dependent upon educator and is also limited but His knowledge is not dependent on any educator and is also unlimited. The human’s hearing is dependent on air and is limited but God’s hearing is from own power and is not limited. And human’s vision is dependent on Sun or any other light and is limited but God’s vision is due to own light and is unlimited. Similarly, human’s power to create depends on some matter and also rely on time and is limited too. But God’s power of creation does not depend on any matter and it does not need time and is unlimited because all His attributes are un-resembled and unlike (to anything) and as if nothing resembles Him, nothing resembles His attributes. If one of His attributes were to be defeTHEctive, all His attributes would be defective and therefore His Unity cannot be established unless He were un-resembled and unlike in His all attributes like His Being. Then next to it, the praised verse means that God is neither anyone’s son, nor anyone is His son because He is Self-Sufficient, He needs neither father nor son. This is Touheed [Unity] which Holy Quran has taught (and) which is the basis of faith.” (ruhani khazain, vol 1 p 46..)

“‘Then after that [the Holy Quran] mentions a logical argument about His being One, without having associate; and said:
‘lo kana fihemaa aaleyhatun illallaho lafasadataa’ (from 21:23) ‘ wa maa kana ma-ahoo min elahin’ (from 23:92) i.e., Had there been any other God in heavens and earth, except the One-Being Who combines in Himself all perfect attributes, both heaven and earth would have been corrupted because it was inevitable that, at times, the groups of believers of gods may have acted against each other. With this discord and difference, disturbance would have found way in universe. Moreover, if there were separate creators, then each one of them would have wanted welfare of his own creature; and for their comfort, he would have justified the destruction of others. Thus, this, too, would have become reason of disturbance in universe.” (ruhani khazain, vol 1, p 518.. supplement note 3)

“The God, towards Whom, the Holy Quran has called us, it has mentioned these attributes of Him:
‘howalla hullazi laa elaha illa howa aalemul ghaibey wash shahadatey howar rahman nurrahim’ (from 59:23)
‘maalekey yomiddin’ (1:4)
‘al-malekul quddusu salam ul momenul moheymenul azizul jabbarul motakabbero’ (from 59:24)
‘howallahul khalequl barey-ul mosawwero lahul asmaa-ul husnaa yosabbeho lahoo maa fis-samawatey wal-arzey wa howal azizul hakeem’ (59:25)
‘alaa kulley shey-en qadeer’ (from 2:21)
‘rabbil aalameen – al’rahmanir raheem – maleykey yomiddin’ (from 1:2 to 4)
‘ojeebo dawatad’da’ey ezaa da’aa’ney’ (from 2:187)
‘al haiyul qaiyum’ (from 2: 256)
‘qul ho wallaho a’had – allahus samad – lam yalid wa lam yoo’lad – wa lam ya’kun lahu kofowan a’had’ (112: 2 to 5)

‘He is Allah, there is none worthy of worship except Him, the Knower of the unseen and the seen. He is the Gracious, the Merciful.’ (59:23)‘Master of the Day of Judgment.’ (1:4) ‘…The Sovereign, the Holy One, the Source of Peace, the Bestower of Security, the Protector, the Mighty, the Subduer, the Exalted…’ ‘He is Allah, the Creator, the Maker, the Fashioner. His are the most beautiful names. All that is in the heavens and the earth glorifies Him, and He is the Mighty, the Wise. (59:24-25) ‘Allah has the power to do all that He wills.’ (2:21) ‘…Lord of all the worlds, The Gracious, the Merciful, Master of the Day of Judgment.’(1:2-4) ‘…I answer the prayer of the supplicant when he prays to Me.’ (2:187)‘…The Living, the Self-Subsisting and All-Sustaining…’ (2:256) ‘Say, He is Allah, the One; Allah, the Independent and Besought of all. He begets not, nor is He begotten; And there is none like unto Him.’ (112:2-5)

This means, that God Who is One; without associate, except Whom no one else is worthy of worship and obedience. This is said so that if He were not without associate then perhaps (as apprehension) He might be overcome by a rival. In such case, Godhead would always be in threat.

The affirmation that, no one is worthy of worship except Him, means that He is such a Perfect God Whose attributes, merits and excellences are so exalted and high that if we were to select a god out of the existing-beings based on perfect attributes, or were to suppose in our hearts, the best of the best and the exalted of the exalted attributes which God should possess, then the most exalted – more exalted than Whom could not be possible – is that God; in Whose worship, to associate a lesser would be wrong.

Then it is declared that ‘aalemul ghaib’ [(He is) the Knower of the unseen], i.e. He alone knows His-Being. No one can comprehend His Being. We can see the features of the sun, moon and every creature but unable to see the features of God.

Then he said that He is ‘aalemush shahadah’ [the Knower of the seen] i.e. nothing is in veil from His sight. It is not justified that being called God, He could be negligent of knowledge of things. He keeps each particle of this universe in His sight but human cannot.

He knows that when He will break this system and will bring about the Qaiyamat [Hereafter, Judgement]. No one else knows that when that will happen. Thus, that is God Who has knowledge of all those times.

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Peace be upon you.

Then affirmed ‘howar rahman’ [He is Gracious] i.e. Before the existence of animates and any action proceeding from them, out of His pure grace and not for any other purpose, nor as a reward for any action, He makes available the provisions of comfort for the ; as for instance, He made the sun and the earth and all other things for us, before our being and presence of our actions. This Divine bounty is designated Rahmaniyyat in the Book of God, and on account of this action, God the Exalted is called Rahman.

And then said that ‘arraaheem’ i.e. That God, rewards better for good deeds and does not waste anyone’s effort and by virtue of this action is called ‘raheem’ and this attribute is designated as Rahimiyyat.

And then affirmed: ‘maalekay yomiddin’ [The Master of the Day of Judgment] i.e. That God possesses everyone’s recompense in His Hand. He has appointed no agent to whom He has committed the governance of the earth and heavens, having withdrawn from it altogether, being no longer concerned with it; that agent gives all recompensation or will give it in future.

And then it is said: ‘al maleykul quddoos’ [(from 59:24), The Sovereign, the Holy One ] i.e. That God is the Sovereign, on Whom there is no mark of defect. It is obvious that human sovereignty is not without default. If, for instance, all the subjects of an [earthly] sovereign were to flee to another country by migration, then his sovereignty cannot keep on. Or if all his people were afflicted with famine, how could any revenue be collected? Or if the subject people were to debate with him that what does he possesses more than them then what merit of him he will prove?

But God’s sovereignty is not like that. He can destroy everything in one instant and can create other creatures. Had He not been such a Creator and Powerful, His kingdom would not have endured without cruelty. For instance, having forgiven and having bestowed salvation upon the people of the world once, how would He have acquired another world?

Would He have to catch again saved [from sin] people, to send them back to the world, and would have revoked His forgiveness and salvation unjustly? In such case, His Godhead would have proved defective and He would have become a tainted ruler like earthly sovereigns who frame [ever new] laws for world; and are put out of temper time after time; and when at the times of their selfishness, they find no remedy other than cruelty, they consider cruelty as if it is mother’s milk. For instance, imperial law considers permissible to let the passengers of a boat be destroyed in order to save a ship, but God should have no such compulsion.

Thus if God had not been All-Powerful and Creator from nothing, He would have either used cruelty instead of Power or would have left Godhead by being Just. God’s ship continues to sail with full power and at true justice. [metaphor].

Then affirmed: ‘assalaam’ [Source of Peace] i.e. That God Who is safeguarded against all defects, misfortunes and hardships, moreover He is Provider of Security. Its meaning are clear because if He Himself had fallen in troubles, killed by people and remained unsuccessful in His desires then by seeing this bad model, how could hearts had gained comfort that such God would surely release us from troubles.
Thus, Allah the Exalted describes about false gods:
‘innallazina tad’oona min doo nillahey la’en yakhloqoo zobaban wa lawijtamey’oo lahu wa in yaslub’ho muzzo’babo she’an laa yastan’qezuho minho dha’ofat taleybo wal’matlubo ma qadarullaha haqqa qadreyhi innallaha laqawiyun aziz’ (22:74-75)

i.e. The people you have taken as God, they are such that if they jointly want to create a fly, they will never be able to do so even though they help each other. But if fly snatches away their thing, they will have no power to get the thing back from the fly. Their worshppers are weak in wisdom and they are weak in power. Can such as these be gods? God is He Who has more power than all-powerful ones and Mightier than all. No one can catch Him and kill Him. People who fall in such mistakes are those who do not recognize prestige of God and do not know how God should be?

Then said: God is the Bestower of Peace and sets forth proofs of His excellences and Unity. This is an indication to it that the believer of true God cannot be ashamed in any company, nor would he be ashamed in the presence of God because he is equipped with strong proofs. But he who believes in a artificial god finds himself in great distress. Instead stating the arguments, he describes every meaningless thing as a mystery so that he should not be laughed at and seeks to hide proven errors.

Then it is mentioned: ‘almohaimenul azizul jabbarul motakabbir’ (from 59:24) i.e. He Guards everyone, and Mighty over all, and Restorer of break down, and His Being is very Autonomous.

Then it is said: ‘ho wallahul khalequl bareyul mosawwero lahul asmaul husnaa‘ (from 59:25) i.e. He is such God that He creates bodies, He creates souls too, He draws features (of baby) in womb. All conceivable holy attributes are His names.

Then affirmed: ‘yosabbeho lahu maa fissamawatey wal-arzey wa howal azizul hakeem.’ (from 59:25) i.e. The dwellers of heavens glorify His name with purity and of earth too. It is indicated in this verse that there is populace in heavenly bodies and they abide by Divine guidance.

And then it is mentioned: ‘alaa kulley sheyin qadeer.’ (from 2:21) i.e. God is All Capable. It is comfort for worshippers because if God is unable and is not Capable then what can be expected from such God?

Then it is said: ‘rabbil aalameen - arahman nirraheem - maalekey yomiddin’ (1: 2-4), ‘ojeebo dawatad da-ey eza da-aaney’ (from 2:187) i.e. He is God Who nourishes all universes, Rahman, Raheem and Himself is Master of Day of recompense; He did not give this authority in anyone’s hand. He hears call of all criers and answers i.e. He accepts prayers.

Then affirmed: ‘al-haiyyul qaiyyum’ (from 2:256) i.e. He is Ever-Living and Life of all lives and Support of all beings. It is said so if He is not From Ever To Ever, it would be apprehended lest He should die before we die.

Then it is said, That God is One God, neither He is anyone’s son nor anyone is His son; none is equal to Him and none is of same kind to Him.” (from 112) (ruhani khazain, vol 10, p 372…..The Philosophy of Teachings of Islam)

“The true objective of all commandments of the religion of Islam is to reach the reality that is inherent in the word ‘Islam’. For this purpose, the Holy Qur’an comprises teachings which are working towards endearing God. Somewhere they exhibit His splendor and beauty and somewhere they remind His beneficences; since love for someone is created in heart either by beauty or by beneficence. Thus it is written [in Holy Quran ] God is One, without associate by virtue of His excellences. He suffers from no defect. He comprehends all perfect attributes and manifests all holy powers. He is the Originator of all creation and is the fountainhead of all grace.

He is the Master of all recompense and every matter returns to Him. He is near and yet far, and He is far and yet near. He is above all, but it cannot be said that there is someone below Him. He is more hidden than everything else is but it cannot be said that there is something more manifest than Him.

He is Self-Existing in His Being and everything is alive through Him. He is Self-Sustaining and everything is sustained by Him. He supports everything and there is nothing that supports Him. There is nothing that has come into being on its own, or can live without Him on its own.

He is Carrying everything and there is nothing which carries Him. There is nothing which is made by itself, without Him or can exist without Him by itself.

He en-spheres everything, but it cannot be said what is the nature of that en-sphering.

He is the Light of everything in heavens and earth and every light has shone forth from His hand and is a reflection of His Being. He is the Nourisher of all universes. There is no soul that is not sustained by Him and is by itself. No soul has any power which it has not obtained from Him and is by itself. His mercy is of two kinds. (i) One, which has been anciently manifested without being the result of any action on the part of anyone. For instance, earth and heavens, the sun, moon and planets, water, fire and air, and all the particles of the universe which were created for our comfort, and similarly all those things that were needed by us, were provided before our coming into being. All this was done when we were not even present; no action had proceeded from us. Who can say that the sun was created on account of some action of his, or that the earth was created in consequence of some good action of his? In short, this is the mercy which came into operation before the creation of human and his actions and is not the result of anyone's actions. (ii) The second mercy in the one which comes into operation in consequence of human action.” (ruhani khaza’in, Vol. 20, p 152…)

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Peace be upon you.

“Our soul and each particle of our being prostrate before that Mighty, True and Perfect God, from Whose Hand every soul and every particle of creation together with all its faculties came into being, and through Whose support every being is sustained. Nothing is outside His knowledge, outside His control, or outside His creation. May thousands of Drud, peace, ,mercies and blessings be upon that Holy Prophet Muhammad, the chosen one (peace and blessing of Allah be on him) through whom we have found that Living God Who gives us proof of His existence through His Word. He demonstrates to us through extraordinary signs His shining countenance which possesses eternal and perfect powers and strengths. Thus we found such Messenger who manifested God to us and we found such God Who created everything through His perfect power. How majestic is His Capability that nothing came into being without it and nothing can continue to exist without its support. That True God of ours possesses numberless blessings, numberless capabilities, numberless beauties and beneficences. There is no other God except Him.” (ruhani khaza’in, Vol. 19, p. 363)

“The Being of God is very hidden, beyond of beyond and most secret, Whom the human wisdom cannot discover through His power alone. No argument of reason can be conclusive argument for His Being because reason can travel and attempt only so far that contemplating the product of universe, it feels the need of a Creator. But the feeling of a need is one thing and it is quite another to arrive at the certainty that the God, Whose need has been felt, does in fact exist. As the operation of reason is defective, incomplete and doubtful, a philosopher cannot recognize God purely through reason alone. Most people who try to determine the existence of God the Exalted purely through the exercise of reason, in the end become atheists. Reflecting over the creation of the heavens and the earth does not avail them much and they begin to mock and laugh at the perfects of God [servants of God]. One of their arguments is that there are thousands of things in the world, we do not see benefit of their presence; our research in those has not proved any product which lead to the Fashioner. They exist merely as vain and useless things. Alas! These unintelligent do not know that lack of knowledge does not necessitate lack of existence.

There are millions of such people in the world who regard themselves class-one wise and philosophers, and who utterly deny the existence of God. It is obvious that if they had discovered a strong reason for the existence of God, they would not have denied God the Exalted. If any conclusive argument had accused them about the existence of Maker – Whose Grandeur is Exalted, they would not have rejected the existence of God the Exalted with utmost shamelessness, mockery and laugh. Thus, no one boarding the boat of the philosophers can find deliverance from the storm of doubts, but is bound to be drowned, and will never ever have access to sherbet of pure Unity.

Now think, how much false and stinking is this notion that that belief in the Unity of God can be achieved otherwise than through the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and with it, human can get salvation. O uninformed-ones, how can there be faith in the Unity of God unless there is perfect certainty with regard to His existence? Be sure, therefore, that belief in the Unity of God can be achieved only through a Prophet, as our Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) convinced the atheists and pagans of Arabia of the existence of God the Exalted by showing them thousands of heavenly signs. Up till today, the true and perfect followers of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) present those signs to the atheists. The fact of the matter is that, till a person observes the living powers of the Living God, Satan does not depart from his heart, nor does true Unity enter into it, nor can he believe with certainty in the existence of God. This holy and perfect Unity is attainable only through the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him)”. (ruhani khaza’in, Vol. 22, p 120..)

About complete belief in God, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said:
“ Our God possesses many wonders, but they are visible only to those who become His with sincerity and loyalty. He does not disclose His wonders to those who do not believe in His Capabilities and who are not sincere and loyal to Him. How unfortunate is that human who does not know till now that he has a God Who has capability to do everything [that He wills]. Our paradise is our God [metaphor]. Our highest delight is in our God, because we have seen Him [spiritually] and have found every beauty in Him. This wealth is worth obtaining though it is obtained by giving life and this ruby is worth purchasing though it is obtained by losing all self. O deprived-ones ! Run towards this fountain and it will fill you. It is the fountain of life that will save you. What shall I do, and how shall I set this good news in hearts, and through what drum shall I make the announcement in bazaars that, yours is this God, so that people might hear? And with what remedy shall I treat so that, for hearing, ears of people should open?” (ruhani khaza’in, Vol. 19, p 21…)

"May Allah the Exalted enable us that we convey the message of this Live God, in following the Imam of this age – the ardent devotee of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him), and bring insight to the world that Live God is present, exists and continues to hear and shows signs; Return to Him, Come to Him. And we should, too, develop live connection with that God, and should act upon this teaching and should pay right of His worship, should get correct understanding of His attributes, should get His bounties, and our progeny and we always be protected against making associate of Allah the Exalted." [Ameen]

Base: Friday Sermon on April 18, 2014, by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help Him with His Mighty Help), London, U.K., alislam.org and mta.tv
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