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God Questions......

What do you think formed Gods law? Where did he come with the laws and what made his existence go this course? If you are all powerful and existed forever what makes you determine what is good or not, why do you like burning for cattle versus the offering of gold and gems? I've always been curious on what influences the allmighty?


Well-Known Member
What do you think formed Gods law? Where did he come with the laws and what made his existence go this course? If you are all powerful and existed forever what makes you determine what is good or not, why do you like burning for cattle versus the offering of gold and gems? I've always been curious on what influences the allmighty?
Your questions can not be quickly answered friend.
Scripture says God has always existed - so we can assume he has learnt and experienced more than anyone.
We also know that God is trying to teach man on the basis of His knowledge. When you talk about burning cattle do you mean 'animal offerings and sacrifices ' ? This is something that takes a lot of understanding and accepting. But let us remember it happened in the OT and is no longer practiced or required today. That part of ancient knowledge has been superceded by other requirements.
Man's education has to move on !


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
What do you think formed Gods law? Where did he come with the laws and what made his existence go this course? If you are all powerful and existed forever what makes you determine what is good or not, why do you like burning for cattle versus the offering of gold and gems? I've always been curious on what influences the allmighty?

Luckily in Hinduism there are no God-given laws or commandments and concepts of good and bad, right or wrong are illusory (not universal).
Your questions can not be quickly answered friend.
Scripture says God has always existed - so we can assume he has learnt and experienced more than anyone.
We also know that God is trying to teach man on the basis of His knowledge. When you talk about burning cattle do you mean 'animal offerings and sacrifices ' ? This is something that takes a lot of understanding and accepting. But let us remember it happened in the OT and is no longer practiced or required today. That part of ancient knowledge has been superceded by other requirements.
Man's education has to move on !
The strange thing about what you said to me is that in the OT God punished man for trying to become like him from Adam and Eve to the tower of babel. God learning and experiencing things seems strange for a creature that everything originated from? Is he not the source? Did something create him or did something happen that changed him?

@Madhuri : I think Hindus might be a few steps ahead of the religions I have dealt with.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
What do you think formed Gods law? Where did he come with the laws and what made his existence go this course? If you are all powerful and existed forever what makes you determine what is good or not, why do you like burning for cattle versus the offering of gold and gems? I've always been curious on what influences the allmighty?

I wonder why god created us and also those laws.I dont like those laws.:(
I wonder why god created us and also those laws.I dont like those laws.:(
Leviticus is almost what makes me want to cross the threshold into a complete rejection of God and his law because honestly so many of those laws, I break and from what I understand even thinking the thoughts is the same as committing the sin. The overwhelming guilt and sorrow has to have a plan behind it right? So what is the source of this justice and how did God come to make this his foundation?


Well-Known Member
God does not/did not punish man for wanting to be like him .
The reason God stopped them was that they were doing it (aiming to be like him) from a false premise. Remember they (Adam & Eve) had disobeyed God thinking they could attain to God's level by their own efforts and own reasoning. This is an impossibility (as God knew) so there was no point allowing them to go on - hence Babel.
But even so God was not washing his hands of man and continues to struggle on with us to this day !
But to end up fair, just and good it must be done GOD's way as HIS Commandments require !(not as WE figure it out in our perverted imperfect ways).


RF Goddess
Staff member
Premium Member
I wonder why god created us and also those laws.I dont like those laws.:(

He didnt and you know it :)

Edit to add: Unless we get philosophical and start talking baout the relationship between atma and paramatma in which case it can be argued that anything created by man is created by God...but maybe you werent referring to that...


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
He didnt and you know it :)

Edit to add: Unless we get philosophical and start talking baout the relationship between atma and paramatma in which case it can be argued that anything created by man is created by God...but maybe you werent referring to that...
But why did that all powerful god allow those souls to get into samsara...I think there is some problem with omnipotence.


Well-Known Member
I wonder why god created us and also those laws.I dont like those laws.:(
God created mankind to make us into his own likeness - to become spirit-children of God.
The reason this is not a straightforward process is because man(kind) sinned (disobeyed) and erred from the prescribed process which follows a rule of Law.
There is no other way of reaching that goal. But man has a choice if he wants to accept that way or not.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
God created mankind to make us into his own likeness - to become spirit-children of God.
The reason this is not a straightforward process is because man(kind) sinned (disobeyed) and erred from the prescribed process which follows a rule of Law.
There is no other way of reaching that goal. But man has a choice if he wants to accept that way or not.

Why did the adam (or whoever it is) sin/disobeyed the god?Why was the all powerful god unable to prevent the sin?I actually have problem with god's omnipotence..


Well-Known Member
Why did the adam (or whoever it is) sin/disobeyed the god?Why was the all powerful god unable to prevent the sin?I actually have problem with god's omnipotence..
Adam (man) had/has free choice. Adam chose to listen to Eve who in turn listened to the serpent (satan) who tempted her to follow her own inclination Gen.3v1-6.
God could have prevented it had he not allowed mankind to have free choice. God does not want to force anyone into obedience - he does not want robots.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
Adam (man) had/has free choice. Adam chose to listen to Eve who in turn listened to the serpent (satan) who tempted her to follow her own inclination Gen.3v1-6.
God could have prevented it had he not mankind to have free choice. God does not want to force anyone into obedience - he does not want robots.

How do we separate what's truly god's word and will from what mere mortal men made up about god? There are thousands of different religions after all, each making different claims about the divine, all of which are equally irrational and unsubstantiated. So how do we know "the truth"?


Well-Known Member
What do you think formed Gods law? Where did he come with the laws and what made his existence go this course? If you are all powerful and existed forever what makes you determine what is good or not, why do you like burning for cattle versus the offering of gold and gems? I've always been curious on what influences the allmighty?

I believe life only comes from life in the spirit world and the natural. Thats why when you eat to live, something must die and become a sacrifice in order for you to substain life.
I believe God is the ultimate energy force of life and anything that becomes opposed and brings death is sin and anything that brings life is of God and not sin.
People want to follow their flesh and drink and smoke and the sex, drugs, and rock and roll thing and we see time after time how it can become a life of destruction and early death and the Bible claims the wages of sin is death.
Maybe you don't believe in God but why is there such a universal law of self destruction and where did these laws come from?


Well-Known Member
How do we separate what's truly god's word and will from what mere mortal men made up about god? There are thousands of different religions after all, each making different claims about the divine, all of which are equally irrational and unsubstantiated. So how do we know "the truth"?
We believe in God the Father and in the Son of God !
Each one is held responsible for what he knows and not for other's beliefs.
We are told that the Bible is inspired by God and not by man. The Bible is a book of Faith and does not originate from material evidence - whatever man may claim about it. Man has free choice to believe God or reject him - it's just as simple as that.


Higher and Higher
I believe that the ideas or concepts at the heart of most of the Torah laws were sent by God to the prophets who wrote the Torah. But I believe that those prophets, as human beings with flawed understandings, limited comprehension, and free will to interpret, wrote the laws in the forms that we have.

Furthermore, when it comes to depictions of God's behavior in the narrative sections of the Tanakh, I think it is necessary to remember that they are either metaphorical and poetic, or so interpretive as to be literary supposition. The stories are written by people, about their ancestors' interactions with God: there may be certain grains of truth at the heart of the stories, but they are not there either to serve as a history or science book, nor to accurately and literally depict the true nature of the One God. They are there to teach moral, ethical, and spiritual lessons, using the language and narrative structuring of people living 3000 years ago. Thus, they require extensive interpretation to be understood relevantly, and cannot simply be read in a vacuum, like a newspaper article.

In short, God may have been the source of the law, but the laws as we know them were shaped by mortal men.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
We believe in God the Father and in the Son of God !
Each one is held responsible for what he knows and not for other's beliefs.
We are told that the Bible is inspired by God and not by man. The Bible is a book of Faith and does not originate from material evidence - whatever man may claim about it. Man has free choice to believe God or reject him - it's just as simple as that.

But what separates and substantiates your particular beliefs regarding the concept of god above other beliefs? Why should we trust what you believe over what others believe? The christian bible doesn't have a monopoly on god. Many texts have been written throughout human history that have been claimed to be divinely inspired, so why should we trust yours over theirs?


Well-Known Member
In short, God may have been the source of the law, but the laws as we know them were shaped by mortal men.
And are you saying that an almighty powerful God is quite helpless in the face of human interference with godly matters ?
We see that the 10 Commandments are exactly the same in Exodus 20 as they are in the NT for us today. If we don't trust God to preserve what is important for us we might as well be atheists.


Reincarnation of 'Anti-religion'
Adam (man) had/has free choice. Adam chose to listen to Eve who in turn listened to the serpent (satan) who tempted her to follow her own inclination Gen.3v1-6.
God could have prevented it had he not allowed mankind to have free choice. God does not want to force anyone into obedience - he does not want robots.

I would have rather been a robot...Atleast there will be lesser suffering.


Well-Known Member
But what separates and substantiates your particular beliefs regarding the concept of god above other beliefs? Why should we trust what you believe over what others believe? The christian bible doesn't have a monopoly on god. Many texts have been written throughout human history that have been claimed to be divinely inspired, so why should we trust yours over theirs?
I am not asking anyone to believe me. I am simply stating my belief in God and answering people's posts as best I can.
If anyone wants to believe differently they are free to do so. Our relationship with God and Christ is one to one and we are to follow HIM, not people.