I disagree about the apes. I believe they have a soul. They have feelings, can reason, and communicate what they want, like, dislike, etc. And we do know that early hominid species (H. habilis and erectus) 2 million years ago had figured out how to make the first simple stone axes (found in Olduvai Gorge). Also, based on how these axes were made, they must've had the ability to transfer the knowledge (teach and learn) and explain purpose of the tool (consciousness and mental reasoning). Also, we do know that apes can feel sorrow when a fellow ape dies. They also show signs of being able to help each other out when in danger, which suggests a primitive sense of being. It's also been shown that they know the difference between "you and me", i.e. they have a personal identity of "me", which suggests self-awareness (the foundation of a soul) in them.
So sorry, all of it points to the "soul" existing for at least 7-10 million years (history of ape species).