Trey of Diamonds
Well-Known Member
What do you think the difference between God and Satan is? Is Satan a lesser being than God or of equal power and standing?
I know the stories but I've never bought into them. I've always thought that the two would be of equal strength or power, otherwise one would win. When I began studying other religions and eventually became a Unitarian I came to see both God and Satan as personifications of postitive and negative energies. This would make them equal or a good God and an evil God if you will and I wondered why the Abrahamic religions didn't portray them as such. Is it a deep seated need for Good to be more powerful than evil?
I know the stories but I've never bought into them. I've always thought that the two would be of equal strength or power, otherwise one would win. When I began studying other religions and eventually became a Unitarian I came to see both God and Satan as personifications of postitive and negative energies. This would make them equal or a good God and an evil God if you will and I wondered why the Abrahamic religions didn't portray them as such. Is it a deep seated need for Good to be more powerful than evil?