I can't speak for all monotheism, but I think if we divide it from three rationales, we would see Strict monotheism as There is only One supreme being and nothing else of importance (Islam), Moderate Monotheism that allows angels and helpers and identities having a trinity of One God. The Father, The Son, and the Holy Ghost. (Christianity) and then you have Liberal Monotheism that considers everything as a whole One. Usually focusing on oneness in spirit and the universe, and we are one with the universe (Buddhism)
If we consider this range of monotheism, There is infinite space in between all of them for someone to base their view on. The more space we fill up in this infinite space the more we realize that we that we might all be thinking the same thing. Yes God is the supreme being and nothings more important, Yes there are helping creations and God can have a spirit, be a Father and have a Son ,Yes we are all connected and we are one with the universe (God) and he is with us. He is us. Don't you see? Rather than thinking of it as a line of monotheistic thought with a ending point on each end, if you see it from the perspective of God, it would just be a singular point. A dot. Your either in that dot or not, but the point is the same, cause we are all God and and through us truth is manifest.