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Going down the rabbit hole

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
What exactly do you require to be convinced that the governments of the world are evil?

Suppose they want to enslave us all.

It's been a while since I've gone down the rabbit hole (age 16-20). I have good resources, I can prove a lot of negative things about the governments and elites if I tried. They are a bunch of sociopaths who want to enslave all of humanity lol.

I left the rabbit hole because it was too taxing. Understanding how statists are just blindly trotting us all into our enslavement was emotionally draining. But I've had a long break, and it is important to be informed. So I think I'll dive back into it.

Is anyone here willing to have an open mind on this subject? If I could bring forth evidence that the elites are eugenicists, would you listen? Or would you say "That's a cOnSpIrAcY theory"? I find many statists are close minded and narrow sighted. The elites literally want to enslave all of humanity, and we are letting them.

Anywho, I'm considering trying to wake up all you sheeple. I know most of you won't listen, but is there anyone who will? I don't ask you believe me, I ask that you be open to the evidence and willing to change your view on the governments.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
What exactly do you require to be convinced that the governments of the world are evil?

We could've continued our discussion from your last thread on this same topic just a couple days ago. But you didn't reply to me again.

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
We could've continued our discussion from your last thread on this same topic just a couple days ago. But you didn't reply to me again.
Oof, sorry @Left Coast , I have only spotty service and I have to manage my time on this site I can't always get back to every thread or everyone, it wan unintentional. Try not to be salty


My own religion
What exactly do you require to be convinced that the governments of the world are evil?

Suppose they want to enslave us all.

It's been a while since I've gone down the rabbit hole (age 16-20). I have good resources, I can prove a lot of negative things about the governments and elites if I tried. They are a bunch of sociopaths who want to enslave all of humanity lol.

I left the rabbit hole because it was too taxing. Understanding how statists are just blindly trotting us all into our enslavement was emotionally draining. But I've had a long break, and it is important to be informed. So I think I'll dive back into it.

Is anyone here willing to have an open mind on this subject? If I could bring forth evidence that the elites are eugenicists, would you listen? Or would you say "That's a cOnSpIrAcY theory"? I find many statists are close minded and narrow sighted. The elites literally want to enslave all of humanity, and we are letting them.

Anywho, I'm considering trying to wake up all you sheeple. I know most of you won't listen, but is there anyone who will? I don't ask you believe me, I ask that you be open to the evidence and willing to change your view on the governments.

Well, I can't complain. I have been on disability pension for over 20 years now.


My own religion
What exactly do you require to be convinced that the governments of the world are evil?

Suppose they want to enslave us all.

It's been a while since I've gone down the rabbit hole (age 16-20). I have good resources, I can prove a lot of negative things about the governments and elites if I tried. They are a bunch of sociopaths who want to enslave all of humanity lol.

I left the rabbit hole because it was too taxing. Understanding how statists are just blindly trotting us all into our enslavement was emotionally draining. But I've had a long break, and it is important to be informed. So I think I'll dive back into it.

Is anyone here willing to have an open mind on this subject? If I could bring forth evidence that the elites are eugenicists, would you listen? Or would you say "That's a cOnSpIrAcY theory"? I find many statists are close minded and narrow sighted. The elites literally want to enslave all of humanity, and we are letting them.

Anywho, I'm considering trying to wake up all you sheeple. I know most of you won't listen, but is there anyone who will? I don't ask you believe me, I ask that you be open to the evidence and willing to change your view on the governments.

Have you ever studied the Nordic countries? If not, do that.


Veteran Member
What exactly do you require to be convinced that the governments of the world are evil?

Suppose they want to enslave us all.

It's been a while since I've gone down the rabbit hole (age 16-20). I have good resources, I can prove a lot of negative things about the governments and elites if I tried. They are a bunch of sociopaths who want to enslave all of humanity lol.

I left the rabbit hole because it was too taxing. Understanding how statists are just blindly trotting us all into our enslavement was emotionally draining. But I've had a long break, and it is important to be informed. So I think I'll dive back into it.

Is anyone here willing to have an open mind on this subject? If I could bring forth evidence that the elites are eugenicists, would you listen? Or would you say "That's a cOnSpIrAcY theory"? I find many statists are close minded and narrow sighted. The elites literally want to enslave all of humanity, and we are letting them.

Anywho, I'm considering trying to wake up all you sheeple. I know most of you won't listen, but is there anyone who will? I don't ask you believe me, I ask that you be open to the evidence and willing to change your view on the governments.
I know that "the elites" are not all philanthropists but why would they want to enslave us? Too much hassle. They just want our money, anyway they can get it.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
I perfectly agree with you.
If a State is run by elitist people, it can be a nightmare.

But if the State is run by populists, that is people who have the vocation to serve the people, the State is a great thing.
I can mention Kant, Montesquieu, Gentile ...so many philosophers who say how great the State is.


My own religion
I know that "the elites" are not all philanthropists but why would they want to enslave us? Too much hassle. They just want our money, anyway they can get it.

It is not that simple. Try using a complex explanation with several factors and several forms of government. I mean use reason, logic and evidence.


My own religion
I perfectly agree with you.
If a State is run by elitist people, it can be a nightmare.

But if the State is run by populists, that is people who have the vocation to serve the people, the State is a great thing.
I can mention Kant, Montesquieu, Gentile ...so many philosophers who say how great the State is.

Well, in Denmark all politicians are populists, they are just different versions.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Well, in Denmark all politicians are populists, they are just different versions.
Yes, I know.
If you have noticed, in the US they use the word "Government", actually in Europe I have always heard of the word "state, Staat, état" to indicate the public administration system.

an anarchist

Your local anarchist.
I know that "the elites" are not all philanthropists but why would they want to enslave us? Too much hassle. They just want our money, anyway they can get it.
At the core of it, it is because they are eugenicists. I believe I can show this with time and research. I'm not saying there is a NWO as it isn't necessarily a unified effort. There are competing interests amongst the higher ups and various countries.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
What exactly do you require to be convinced that the governments of the world are evil?

Suppose they want to enslave us all.

It's been a while since I've gone down the rabbit hole (age 16-20). I have good resources, I can prove a lot of negative things about the governments and elites if I tried. They are a bunch of sociopaths who want to enslave all of humanity lol.

I left the rabbit hole because it was too taxing. Understanding how statists are just blindly trotting us all into our enslavement was emotionally draining. But I've had a long break, and it is important to be informed. So I think I'll dive back into it.

Is anyone here willing to have an open mind on this subject? If I could bring forth evidence that the elites are eugenicists, would you listen? Or would you say "That's a cOnSpIrAcY theory"? I find many statists are close minded and narrow sighted. The elites literally want to enslave all of humanity, and we are letting them.

Anywho, I'm considering trying to wake up all you sheeple. I know most of you won't listen, but is there anyone who will? I don't ask you believe me, I ask that you be open to the evidence and willing to change your view on the governments.

I'm not unsympathetic to your viewpoint, and perhaps on various levels, I would even agree with your assessment. Although in a larger sense, I tend to look at all of humanity as being products of their own nature. We are, essentially, "animals," even if we consider ourselves sentient and more intelligent than the other lifeforms on this planet. Of course, as a member of the human race myself, I recognize that we have made enormous achievements and developments, but we are still also limited by our biological and mortal condition.

So, there will be times and places where people of our species will act in a manner associated with more base and primitive lifeforms, which many in our culture might regard as "evil." Some of them might even work in government, politics, business, religion, military, police - or any number of other fields.

A lot of people have predatory natures, are greedy, tend to take a "me first and screw everybody else" attitude. That seems to be a constant throughout history, in just about every empire and culture which has ever existed. It's the idea that "only the strong shall survive." The strong are able to dominate and enslave those who are weaker. While many humans see that as evil and morally wrong, it's pretty much how things are at a very primitive and base level of existence.

It is the law of the jungle, but since it's a humanly complex jungle, we have human lawyers, politicians, and governments to try to sort it all out and organize it for us. At the international level, we have diplomats, and failing that, there are generals and admirals.

There may be some conspiracies out there. Humans are certainly not above that sort of thing, so I don't doubt that a lot of governments, politicians, and business people are involved in a lot of crooked stuff. It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, full of scum and villainy. But some humans are okay. Some humans try to do a better job and rise above their more primitive and base nature. Some good things have been accomplished, even despite the evil which has existed and continues to exist.

Do governments exist to enslave us all? I suppose that's one way of looking at it, but political power is temporal, and it comes and goes. Nothing ever really remains static. Some people might have evil designs, evil intentions, and they might create a lot of wreckage and misery in the process, but ultimately it fades away. Even the biggest of empires eventually falls; they all do. In the long run, we are all dead.


Veteran Member
What exactly do you require to be convinced that the governments of the world are evil?

Suppose they want to enslave us all.

It's been a while since I've gone down the rabbit hole (age 16-20). I have good resources, I can prove a lot of negative things about the governments and elites if I tried. They are a bunch of sociopaths who want to enslave all of humanity lol.

I left the rabbit hole because it was too taxing. Understanding how statists are just blindly trotting us all into our enslavement was emotionally draining. But I've had a long break, and it is important to be informed. So I think I'll dive back into it.

Is anyone here willing to have an open mind on this subject? If I could bring forth evidence that the elites are eugenicists, would you listen? Or would you say "That's a cOnSpIrAcY theory"? I find many statists are close minded and narrow sighted. The elites literally want to enslave all of humanity, and we are letting them.

Anywho, I'm considering trying to wake up all you sheeple. I know most of you won't listen, but is there anyone who will? I don't ask you believe me, I ask that you be open to the evidence and willing to change your view on the governments.
I think this is a ridiculous idea, but you've heard me on this general topic before. It seems to me that most people claiming governments are malevolent don't know they are born. They take so much that government provides for granted and still whine. Without government, most of us would be already dead or enslaved.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
Sounds to me like you are eager to overgeneralize about whoever you are putting in the category "politician" or "elite." Somewhere between 1 and 4% of the human population has diagnostic characteristics associated with antisocial personality disorder (what you are referring to as "sociopathy"). If you somehow mean to suggest the vast majority (or even a simple majority) of politicians could be diagnosed with ASPD, present your evidence. And by "evidence" I mean peer-reviewed scholarly research, specifically. I do not doubt that some "politicians" or "elites" hold to... well... any idea one can name, really. They're a diverse bunch, rather like the rest of humanity. That's readily apparent even with the most casual of direct observations.


Veteran Member
What exactly do you require to be convinced that the governments of the world are evil?
Evidence does the trick

Suppose they want to enslave us all.
Good enough evidence

it is important to be informed. So I think I'll dive back into it.
True for me too. I don't dive too deep, as it does not make me happy to know all this evil, but I rather know the basics then not know anything

Is anyone here willing to have an open mind on this subject? If I could bring forth evidence that the elites are eugenicists, would you listen? Or would you say "That's a cOnSpIrAcY theory"?
Quite a few yesterday consp.theories have been proven true today.

Hence I keep an open mind, biased by evidence that quite a few governments behave very evil (Adharmic)

I never say "it's Conspiracy".

The elites literally want to enslave all of humanity, and we are letting them
Makes sense to me.

I don't ask you believe me, I ask that you be open to the evidence and willing to change your view on the governments
I am open.

I wish there was a special sub forum for this type of OP's (@SalixIncendium did a poll if people wanted it, a few years ago). But probably not many were interested