Here's a passage that stuck out for me:
Bartholomew asked Jesus, "Teacher, tell us about God."
Jesus responded, "God is ultimately indescribable. God is to be worshipped and adored. God is beginningless and endless. God is life-giving energy, the transcendent power of creation and governance, truth and order. The infinite, immanent, absolute reality which is the divine ground of time, space, and being. God is the source and essence, the flow and sustaining power, of the Universe. The unfolding continuation of all. God is our Father, our Mother, the Holy One, a holy sage, a mountain, light, the dove and the crane, the lamb and the lion, and many powerful symbols. God is the great mystery of existence. God is existence. God is all that one is, and the fact that anything is. God is the sacred. God is the ultimate question and the ultimate answer. God is wonder and true understanding. God is true being. God is communion."
Bartholomew was confused. "So you say God is all things, then is there no sin in the world? No evil?"
Jesus answered, "All the universe is sacred, though certainly there is evil. By holding a deep-seated respect for existence one may see the evil, the beast, eating away at the world, devouring the sacred."