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Grand Mercy--Three Conditions for Repentance: Clean Thoughts, Healthy Conscience, Determination.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.


[ch 39 : v 54] Say, O My servants who have committed excesses against their own souls! Despair not of the mercy of Allah, surely Allah forgives all sins. Verily He is Most Forgiving (and) Repeatedly Merciful.

[ch 39 : v 55] And turn to your Lord, and submit yourself to Him, before there comes unto you the punishment; (for then) you shall not be helped.

This is beautiful message of true hope. This message saves us from failure of life because hopelessness often becomes the cause of weakness and failure. This message gives life to spiritually dead and it is announcement of freedom from Satan.

Our Lovely God says:

“Despair not of the mercy of Allah;” (12:88)

“………none despairs of Allah’s mercy save the unbelieving people.” (12:88)

“……and who can despair of the mercy of his Lord save those who go astray?” (15:57)

“And thy Lord is Most Forgiving, full of mercy……….” (18:59)

And why? Because:
“…………your Lord has taken it upon Himself (to show) mercy……..” (6:55)

“…………My mercy encompasses all things.....”(7:157)

Mercy Of Allah covers even those who do not believe. He is Master…..Does Mercy and Love of such Loving God not require that we should increase in our love for Him by following His commandments and get rid of our weakness and correct our sinful ways.

In the past few days a lady in Denmark wrote in a religious newspaper that Holy Quran repeatedly mention punishment and wrath of God and there is no mention of love except in one or two places. She meant that volunteer love of God in Muslims is absent….Ahmadiyya Jama'at Denmark is writing rebuttal.

Allah the Exalted shows mercy and forgives. It is His grand attribute. He does not rush to punish human despite their so many excesses. If person continues to do sins, Allah announces that punishment will come. The operative law of nature acts and punishes. Even then Allah the Exalted is so Gracious that a time will come when Hell will become empty.

In the first mentioned verses Allah draws attention that one should get benefit of Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah and save oneself before one is caught in punishment.

How Forgiving is the God of Islam? This is illustrated in following Sayings of Holy Prophet (peace and blessing of Allah be on him):

“Hazrat Abu Saeed (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) said that among the Children of Israel there was a person who had committed 99 murders. [These examples are being given so that we may be informed about the Mercy of God which has been in existence from the beginning and shall remain forever.] The Holy Prophet said that this man had committed 99 murders and then he started out to ask about repentance. He came upon a hermit, a monk and asked him whether he could now repent? This hermit said no, there is now no way to repentance. This man killed him also.
He kept asking about this after that as to whether repentance can be achieved or not even after all these things and a man told him to go to a certain place. But as he was going there he died and before breathing his last, and as he fell, he turned his chest towards the direction of this place he was heading towards.

The angels of mercy and the angels of punishment arrived and started to dispute about the fate of this man. Allah, the Exalted, ordered the place he was travelling towards to draw near to him and ordered the place from which he was travelling away to become distant from him and then ordered the angels to measure the distances to both these places from where the man had died. And it turned out that the man had died just a tiny distance closer to the place towards which he was travelling to achieve repentance than the place from which he was going away. So Allah, the Exalted, forgave him for this reason.”

“Hazrat Abu Dharr (ra) narrates from the Holy Prophet (sa) that he said concerning His Lord, the Exalted, that He says: O son of Adam, you do not pray to me and yet entertain hope also. So I say, with the sole condition that you do not associate partners with me, I will forgive all other sins and shortcomings, even though your errors be the size of the entire earth. I will come and meet you with my forgiveness that is greater in expanse than the earth. And if you have committed errors so tall as to reach the heavens, and you ask for My forgiveness, I will even forgive you such large errors and will not care an iota’s worth.”

This is Allah, the Exalted, Who is the God presented by Islam, Who is the Most Forgiving.

A narration about God’s Forgiveness during the month of Ramadhan reads as follows:

“Nadhar bin Shaban says that I said to Abu Salma bin Abdur Rahman that tell me something that you had heard from your father that he heard from the Holy Prophet (sa) directly concerning the month of Ramadhan. He said, yes and narrated that the Holy Prophet said that Allah has made the keeping of the fasts in the month of Ramadhan obligatory upon you and I have initiated its establishment for you. So whosoever, keeps these fasts with the intention of winning reward from Allah and having full faith - such a one frees himself from sins to such an extent as to become as free of sins as the day his mother had given him birth. He becomes like a newborn child.”

“Salman (ra) narrates that the Holy Prophet (sa) addressed us on the last day of the month of Shabaan and said: O people, a grand and blessed month is about to commence. In it is a night which is better than a thousand months. Allah has made the keeping of the fasts of this month obligatory upon you, and made its nights for offering the voluntary prayers. This is the months whose first ten days are mercy, its middle ten days are the cause of winning forgiveness and its last ten days are for obtaining safety from the fire of Hell. And anyone who feeds one who is fasting in this month shall be given such a drink from my reservoir that he will never experience thirst till the day he enters Paradise.”

As stated in the hadith, there is a night in this period that is the Night of Destiny, the lailatul qadar. This night is a great means for seeing the signs of the acceptance of prayer, and drawing a servant of God as close as possible to God. So let us take particular care to perfect our prayers and worship in this last ten day period of Ramadhan.

May this Ramadhan become milestone for us to do all good and to stay away from all evils forever. May we truly repent and and come closer to Allah the Exalted.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) says:
“Taubah [repentance] is, in reality a most potent stimulant and a source of great help for the attainment of high morals.”…. “And it makes a man perfect. In other words, the person who wants to bring about a change and acquire the correct morals, it is incumbent upon him to repent with a true heart and sincere motivation. It should be borne in mind that there are three conditions for repentance, without fulfillment of which true repentance is not achieved.

The first condition is to get rid of wicked fancies which arouse evil propensities. Fancies have great influence. Every action is preceded by a fancy. Thus the first condition for repentance is that evil thoughts and fancies should be discarded. For instance, if a person has an illicit relationship with a woman and desires to repent, it is necessary that he should conceive of her as ugly and should call to mind all her low qualities. As I have just said fancies exercise a powerful influence. I have read that some Sufis carried their fancies to such a length that they saw a person in the form of an ape or pig. Thus the first condition of repentance is that all thoughts which give rise to evil pleasures should be discarded altogether.

The second condition is remorse. Everyone's conscience admonishes him over every evil, but an unfortunate person leaves his conscience suspended. So a sinner should express remorse over his sin and evil action and should reflect that the pleasure to be derived from them is temporary. He should also consider that every time there is a decline in that pleasure and that in the end, in old age when his faculties are weakened, he will perforce have to give up all these pleasures. Then why indulge in that which in the end has to be given up anyhow? Most fortunate is the person who turns to repentance and becomes determined to discard all corrupt thoughts and vile fancies. When he gets rid of this impurity, he should be remorseful.

The third condition is a firm resolve that he will not revert to those vices. If he adheres to this resolve, God will bestow upon him the strength for true repentance and he will be rid altogether of his vices which will be replaced by good morals and praiseworthy actions. This is a moral victory. It is for God Almighty to bestow the power and strength for it for He is the Master of all power and all strength, as He has said:
'.....All power belongs to Allah.....' (2:166).
And man is weak, as is said:
'.....for man has been created weak.' (4:29)”

“Our weapons to achieve predominance are Istighfar [seeking Divine cover and help], Taubah [repentance], awareness of knowledge of Deen [faith], keeping the greatness of God the Exalted in view and to offer daily Salaat of five times. Salaat is the key to acceptance of prayer. When you offer Salaat, pray in it and do not be heedless. And avoid every evil, whether it is about Divine rights or it is about rights of creation.”

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Peace be upon you.

Holy Khalifah (a.t.) prayed: May Allah enable us to be among those who offer true repentance and may we always continue to inherit His blessings. May He enable us to gain all blessings related to Ramadhan.
[Three funeral prayers in absentia were announced and their life events were related; a martyr of faith, a life devotee scholar of comparison of religions, a respected son of Hazrat Musleh Maud r.a.]

More details in: Friday Sermon (18 July 2014), by Hazrat Khalifa tul Messiah V (may Allah help him with His Mighty Help), UK, alislam.org and mta.tv
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