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Grandpa is with Jesus

So, I am new to this Religioius Debate forum, so bare with me.

This past Thanksgiving weekend, I was sitting on the couch at my Grandmas house, with my four year old cousin Christian, when my Grandma showed Christian a picture of my Grandpa, who passed away years ago, and asked my Grandma if Grandpa was with Jesus. Him saying that broke my heart, partly because I miss Grandpa, and then partly because I discovered that I have little faith left that there is a God. Which scares me.:(

I used to be very religious, but not really with any zeal, or true understanding of what my faith was. I was raised in a christian family, sang Jesus loves me, the whole bit. But as I got older, and learned about other religions, and evolution, I started to have a lot of doubts. On of my best friends is Jewish, and lives in Israel. Then I met Nima, my boyfriend, who is a Muslim.

Now, according to Christianity, both Shir and Nima, would be going to hell, or would at least be condemned to eternal separation from God. I can't accpet that. Whether or not Jesus was truely Divine, I can't accept that these people would be fated like that.:no: Furthermore, I cannot accept, that anyone of any religion, who truely has faith, would go to hell. So my beleife has become, that no matter what religion someone is, that God will not send those who put faith in him, meaning they adhere to their religion, to hell.

But then, I also think, just from the story of Adam and Eve, if God knew that Eve would eat the apple etc, and God created us to love us, why did he create us with the knowledge that we would struggle to get back to that perfection, to not be separated from him? :confused:

But, then also, I do want to believe that Grandpa is in heaven, with Jesus perhaps.

I hope that all made sense. I woudl appreciate any thoughts.


Veteran Member
Thrifty you came to the right place. We got a bunch of Christians of multiple denominations, Jews, Muslims, pagans, deists, UU's agnostics and atheists and a whole lot more who examine religion and philosophy on here every day. Wheater you find Jesus, God or nothing I am confident you will find a diverse opinion base and lots of friendship. Welcome to RF and I hope you find inner peace and joy on our site.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Welcome to the Forums!

I suppose you might find an answer to your questions in your conscience, which some believe to be the voice of deity speaking to us.


Lacking Common Sense
I used to be very religious, but not really with any zeal, or true understanding of what my faith was.

Then hon, you prolly weren't really a Christian. Not knocking you or anything, but every one who truly belongs to Christ is a convert, an ex apostate, an ex-something. It means simply one has to have a personal relationship before you can follow... how can you give your heart to someone you don't know or trust or understand? You can't, not really.

And of all the Christians I know personally, the ex-somethings, there are some things in common. One, there is little if any finger pointing or hellfire involved. We are usually too busy with our own spiritual quests etc. to go around trying to condemn anyone else. We are taught very firmly NOT to judge one another, lest we be judged too. Christians are saved people, not perfect people. Ravi Zacharias: "Jesus did not come here to make BAD people GOOD, but to make DEAD people LIVE."

I would think at this point others' hypocrisies or judgmentalism should be the least of your concerns but rather, who is God? Does God exist? Is there a creator? Who is Jesus Christ? etc... rather than wondering who will and won't go to Hell, or whether or not it even exists.

For myself I believe in God. I believe God is sovereign. I believe God's love is all powerful, all consuming, and irresistible. Just like everything else about him, I believe God's love is perfect.

As for what happens when you die, try looking here: great stories all over that site, inspirational and fun to read.

And WELCOME to RF (((((HUGS))))))

Wandered Off

Sporadic Driveby Member
Moon Woman said:
It means simply one has to have a personal relationship before you can follow... how can you give your heart to someone you don't know or trust or understand? You can't, not really.
But you can build what you believe is a relationship with what you unconsciously project to be God - like when people imagine elaborate personalities into strangers they find attractive.

No, I'm not saying all believers are delusional, but it seems to me we'd have more agreement about God if more of us had actual personal relationships with God.

Being incredibly powerful, nonphysical, and infinite, God is clearly beyond our limited abilities to comprehend - apparently by design. To me, that's why a personal relationship of any meaningful depth is entirely out of the question. I know not many agree though.


Not your average Mormon
thriftypassenger said:
So, I am new to this Religioius Debate forum, so bare with me.
Hello, Passenger! Welcome.

This past Thanksgiving weekend, I was sitting on the couch at my Grandmas house, with my four year old cousin Christian, when my Grandma showed Christian a picture of my Grandpa, who passed away years ago, and asked my Grandma if Grandpa was with Jesus. Him saying that broke my heart, partly because I miss Grandpa, and then partly because I discovered that I have little faith left that there is a God. Which scares me.:(
I'm sorry to hear that. Faith can provide us with great comfort. Unfortunately, I don't believe it's something we can simply will ourselves to have.

Now, according to Christianity, both Shir and Nima, would be going to hell, or would at least be condemned to eternal separation from God. I can't accpet that. Whether or not Jesus was truely Divine, I can't accept that these people would be fated like that.:no: Furthermore, I cannot accept, that anyone of any religion, who truely has faith, would go to hell. So my beleife has become, that no matter what religion someone is, that God will not send those who put faith in him, meaning they adhere to their religion, to hell.
Well, possibly that was the belief within the denomination in which you were raised. I am a Christian and I don't believe that either Shir or Nima are in Hell. God is not a monster; He is a loving Father. He doesn't simply condemn everybody who doesn't believe a particular way to an eternity burning in Hell.

But then, I also think, just from the story of Adam and Eve, if God knew that Eve would eat the apple etc, and God created us to love us, why did he create us with the knowledge that we would struggle to get back to that perfection, to not be separated from him? :confused:
He knew that each of us needed to be tried and tested in order to grow. But salvation doesn't need to be the struggle you have described. We don't need to be perfect. We just need to do what we can, and trust Christ to do the rest. (In case, that statement seemed to contradict what I said earlier about Shir and Nima, it doesn't -- not when you understand the entire Plan.)

But, then also, I do want to believe that Grandpa is in heaven, with Jesus perhaps.

I hope that all made sense. I woudl appreciate any thoughts.[/quote]


Sweet n Spicy
Welcome to RF Dear. Your Grandpa is in the loving care and protection of God; we all are - whether you want to call him Jesus, Allah, Krishna etc.