Let's try again.
Consider an observer B stationary with respect to an observer A moving parallel at a constant rate in a vehicle. As I already went through this before, let’s say it’s a train car:
Note that the image given is from Bob's stationary perspective. He and Alice are directly across from one another at the instant the light source (spark from lightening) hits the front and rear of the train car from Bob's perspective, and thus from his perspective the two light waves propagate from the front and rear simultaneously:
This isn't what Alice sees. She is moving towards the light wave coming from the front of the train car, and away from the light wave coming from the rear. So to Alice, lightening hit the front first:
In the above picture, the light wave from the lightening has that hit the front of the car has reached Alice, and so she can now say that lightening hit the front of the train car, causing the spark. For her, though, lightening hasn't hit the rear of the train car at all. Bob has a better reason, though, for thinking the two sparks from the two lightening bolts occurred simultaneously:
He sees the two light waves reach the same position at the same time. So he saw the sparks from the lightening flash at the same time and meet at the same point travelling the same distance, thus the sparks (and the lightening) occurred simultaneously.
However, he is seeming them meet before Alice can even say there
was a lightening bolt that struck the back of the train, let alone a spark that caused the light wave that she
has seen.
Your situation is similar but adds the complexity of a reflector to get the triangle (and the generalization of it for time dilation). In your version we have something like this:
The light started from delta 0 and traveled straight up and down length
l, giving us a time interval
But that's not what Bob observes, as he observes a different length and thus a different time interval as in the equations below:
If we solve the top equation for
d and plug the result into the bottom equation we get one equation all in terms of Δ
t. We square it to obtain:
t is now related to Δ
t0 through an equation that tells us (thanks to the denominator) that the time interval for Bob is greater than that for Alice (Δ
t > Δ