Do you know what "psychopathy" means?
How do you justify the claim?
Or is it just an insult because you dislike her.....& why dislike her so much?
I only call people things when it's warranted. When it comes to mental health stuff, which is a very important issue to me, I don't say things like that lightly. I, myself, suffer from mental health issues so I'm hardly going to use those things as an insult. Some would say that I have ASPD traits, as well.
Anyway, a psychopath or a sociopath is really just a person who has a severe poverty of emotion. They do not experience emotions like guilt, remorse, love or even hate, really. They're rather vapid and one-dimensional. They don't view others as persons. Other people and even non-human animals are just objects to them that they may use to obtain whatever goals they have. They're experts at mimicry, which they use to get by unnoticed in society. But when the mask falls, there's really nothing there. Nothing we'd think of as "human", anyway. They may or may not be violent. Most aren't. They're not insane, either. They tend to be very rational, actually. They think in terms of cold rationality (meaning they think in a mechanistic sort of way, not "rational" in terms of logic).
As for Rand, her entire ideology is entirely self-serving, praises extreme greed, selfishness and even encourages the disregard of the rights of and the well-being of others. She idolized and praised William Hickman, a serial killer and general criminal who kidnapped, murdered and dismembered a 12 year old girl. Rand wrote a lot about him and viewed him as her "ideal man". He was her hero, really. He was her hero because his maxim was "what is good for me is right". He had no regard for other people and didn't even view other human beings as people. He only lived for himself. That is what Rand promoted and how she herself felt. That's the basis of her entire "philosophy", this extreme, callous "might is right" view.
I dislike her because I find her ideology thoroughly disgusting, irrational and unhinged. She was a very nasty person with very nasty ideas, on the whole. Whatever good things she has to say about individualism and the Promethean will can be found elsewhere and in a better form. (I prefer Stirner and Nietzsche, myself.)
And it can only be voluntary if there's another option, which capitalism provides.
Anarchism believes in free association. You go join or create a capitalist commune. Good luck.