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Guess where I am


The Devil's Advocate
Hey guys, greetings from the UU motherland! I am in balmy Boston where the natives are commenting on the lack of snow (and coldness) in early January. (Can we say "global warming" anyone?) I flew up from DC on Wed evening after work with the rest of my office. We're staying at Pickett and Eliot, which is the UUA owned bed and breakfast, just around the corner from 25 Beacon Street. Every room is named after an historic Unitarian or Universalist or UU. I am staying in a room dedicated to Rev. Adin Ballou.

Thursday was a big day. Not only was Massachusetts' first black governor sworn in but lots of firsts were happening back in D.C.
(see: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44779) and there was a strong UU connection going on. And on Thursday afternoon I was sitting in a chair around the big old conference table in Bill Sinkford's office. My boss meets with Bill regularly but it's only the second time I've been in the office. It's cool; it over looks Boston Commons and on the walls are quotes from Channing ("May your life preach more loudly than your lips") and (I think) Murray (can't really remember the second quote now). And on a small side table is a union soldier's hat from the civil war, as a reminder of our past and that freedom does not come without a price.

On Sunday I will visit the historic Arlington Street church, and will let you know it goes, and will try to get you pictures of some of these buidlings.

Just wanted to share this with my fellow UUs. :)


The Devil's Advocate
lilithu said:
Thursday was a big day. Not only was Massachusetts' first black governor sworn in but lots of firsts were happening back in D.C.
(see: http://www.religiousforums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=44779) and there was a strong UU connection going on.
Hey again,

I forgot to mention earlier that UUA headquarters, 25 Beacon Street, is right next door to the Massachusetts State House. We have of course been hanging our banner in support of marriage equality, especially since the state legislature had that stupid little vote recently. Soooo, when all those news cameras surrounded the State House in order to film the gubernatorial transition, this is what they all saw:

