Hi Pah,
We've all heard the cliche 'it is better to be wealthy and unhappy than to be poor and unhappy'. To be serious, the answer, I think, is that happiness does not stem from wealth.
To me, happiness is probably mostly something which is dependent on whether you are having your 'needs' met or not.
I once saw a TV programme in which a girl, who had been declared as being in comatose,in a 'total vedgetative state' was sitting, in a wheel chair in front of a whole audience. She had been in the tvs for some eight years, and the only reason that her life support had not been switched off is that one of her parents was adamant that that should not happen.
One day, the parents noticed her eyes open, and she was blinking.
The girl in the audience was incapable of any movement whatsoever, except fo the blinking of her eyes - one for 'no' two for 'yes'.
The guy whose show it was went to her and asked 'Do you wish that the machine had been turned off?' Somehow - don't ask me how, but along with the one blink answer there was some 'aura' of conviction in the girl's answer. The guy then asked her if she was glad to be alive, and she fiercely blinked twice.
I just could not understand it.
It was only one day, a couple of weeks later, when I was talking to a psychologist, that, after telling him the story, he gave me the answer.
She was happy because she was having her needs met.
She was being cared for in every way by people who loved her; in her small world, there was nothing that she wanted except for that. She WAS happy.
There's nothing whatsoever in that story that relates to her financial situation; what good would money do for her?