pray for pasta
i was thinking about an expierince i had about two years ago. and i was wondering if anyone else here has ever died and been brought back i died im not exactly sure how long i was dead for but not to long. i have heard other expierinces and it seems some people see the light so to speak or have a expierince as where some dont. i personally dont count my expierince as proff that something else exists and i havent quite interpetted anything from it but i thought id share it and leave it open to interpet to others. ok so i was rushed into the hospital for a drug overdose becaus ei was unresponsive and not breathing when they got me in my heart stopped. i do not remember the events so this is how i was told but i do remember seeing a sor tof light and feeling a calming peace and i was on idk how to explain it it seemed like an endless white floor kind of like the beginning of assasins creed i saw three hodded figures in black one stepped forward and i was revived before anything else if it helps to get the picture there was some kind of wall/gate thing behind them. i dont count this as any kind of proof i mean it could have just been a result of the drugs but i figured id share.