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Has Your View Changed Thru These Forums?

Has Your View Changed Thru These Forums?

  • Total voters


Active Member
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has had their views change through any of the discussions and debates on these forums? And not necessarily a change in Religion, it could be a change in a particular belief within your religion or you have changed your view about someone else's religion, beliefs or views.

Please feel free to share any changes you've experienced through these forums.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
The forum shows the diversity of views. It's prompted me to think in different directions which I may not have considered.

I maintain that no forum or person can cause you to change your views, it's only you that can do that when it comes right down to it.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
I voted other because my views are, and always have been, subject to change with the introduction of new information. My views have shifted ever-so-slightly since I signed up here. I honestly don't recall if this is a result of research here or elsewhere, or if it is a result of Self-reflection. Suffice it to say that there has been no epiphany or 'ah-ha' moment since I arrived.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Yes, my opinions have changed through my participation on these forums. For instance, I used to think most religious people were more rational and reasonable than I do now, although I still believe some are quite rational and reasonable -- and in a few cases, even more so than me.

As you might guess, I am more interested in how and what people think and feel about religious topics than I am interested in most of the topics themselves. Ultimately, I'm here because I'm interested in humanity, because most of humanity is religious, and because to not understand the hows and whys of people's religiosity would be to not understand much there is to understand about humanity.


Rogue Theologian
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has had their views change through any of the discussions and debates on these forums? And not necessarily a change in Religion, it could be a change in a particular belief within your religion or you have changed your view about someone else's religion, beliefs or views.

Please feel free to share any changes you've experienced through these forums.
I'm pretty much a one trick pony
I still post the same song and dance......just more refined and concise

In the beginning (hehehehe)......
I would introduce myself ....in spite of the obvious avatar
and then do a paragraph of my belief

often I would forget the silly rule of using the words .....I believe....
or it's 'my opinion'
get wrote up and kicked off the forum

but it's the same stuff
qualified with the word 'belief'.......or without the word 'belief'

I don't have a religion
that seems to confuse people
apparently equating belief to religion

and sometimes I'm way too quick or too short on words
I get to the point and the next guy is caught off guard

I just love this stuff

you could say....I'm making practice

We all stand before God and heaven sooner or later

They will ask.....who told you that?
and why?.....did you believe it

note my signature

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has had their views change through any of the discussions and debates on these forums? And not necessarily a change in Religion, it could be a change in a particular belief within your religion or you have changed your view about someone else's religion, beliefs or views.

Please feel free to share any changes you've experienced through these forums.

When I first came here I was Catholic. I already had my differences with Christianity after understanding and experiencing what they fully believe. Talking it out on here and bringing back old practices when I practiced Zen by talking to Hindus and Buddhist helped me see a different perspective.

Outside of that, I learned a bit more about Jehovah's Witness view of jesus not being god. I knew that but their arguments were compelling. I completely stopped practicing Catholicism, give my respects from time to time, and conform my life to The Buddha's teachings.

Everything else is pretty much the same. I learn more from conversation but people just love to debate. ;)


Oldest Heretic
My views, in general, rarely change much these days, nor would I expect them to.
However I am always finding out and learning new things.
This forum supplies information on how other people think, but very little of it is reason to change my own point of view on anything.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
It hasn't changed my views but it has enlarged my understanding and increased my knowledge in many subjects. GREAT people on this forum.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has had their views change through any of the discussions and debates on these forums? And not necessarily a change in Religion, it could be a change in a particular belief within your religion or you have changed your view about someone else's religion, beliefs or views.

Please feel free to share any changes you've experienced through these forums.
Not in any significant way. However, I have learned new things certainly through discussion here. I have often had to explore and research a bit to create good posts here, this has increased my knowledge. Not sure I would have cared otherwise.


Well-Known Member
Not in any significant way. However, I have learned new things certainly through discussion here. I have often had to explore and research a bit to create good posts here, this has increased my knowledge. Not sure I would have cared otherwise.

I'll second this view.

Mister Silver

Faith's Nightmare
Some nice people on this forum, through the process of private messaging since I was not ready to share my views with the general forum public, helped me to understand that atheistic paganism is not a contradiction in terms or, as some would call it, an "oxymoron".

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has had their views change through any of the discussions and debates on these forums? And not necessarily a change in Religion, it could be a change in a particular belief within your religion or you have changed your view about someone else's religion, beliefs or views.

Please feel free to share any changes you've experienced through these forums.

My answer was yes, and by these forums, I mean competing sites as well as RF, where I have many years and thousands of posts of experience beside that acquired on RF.

The greatest changes weren't in point of view - I've learned a lot of factual items here, and learned to identify logical fallacies by name, for example - but my opinion about the damage that organized religion does to individuals formed here. I had already come to see organized religion as a destructive force at a higher level, such as how it damages entire nations and societies, which continues on even now as demonstrated by the last American presidential election and the changes that followed. That comes from the news.

But it is only in a venue like this that one gets the longitudinal exposure to individual believers who can maintain their anonymity and who have no other connections to other forum participants than these discussions that it possible to see just what effect faith based thought and Christian doctrine has on people.

It was in forums like this one that I got to examine the thinking that derives from unjustified belief in the face of contradictory evidence. It was here that I first saw faith based confirmation biases at work, especially among the creationists.

It was also in these forums that I realized the depth of Christian atheophobia - just how much the Christian church demonizes and marginalizes atheists, and how large the fraction of believers that buy into it is. You don't really get that from the news the way you do its homophobia and misogyny.

I also got to see many humanists from the same vantage point, and compare the effects of the two worldviews on those accepting them.

I also came to understand that much nonreligious thinking is also faith based, especially political orientation and views on climate science. It was here that I formulated my present position on the differences in the psychological makeup between liberals and conservatives, and saw the differences in the way that Christianity manifests in liberals and conservatives.

Once again, this only comes from protracted discussions with individuals who feel safe expressing their opinions without the risk of ramifications - something that does not happen much with relatives, neighbors, friends, coworkers and the like. The conversations with such people are necessarily less frank due to the possibility of opinions damaging those relationships, something that matters much less here.


Veteran Member
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has had their views change through any of the discussions and debates on these forums? And not necessarily a change in Religion, it could be a change in a particular belief within your religion or you have changed your view about someone else's religion, beliefs or views.

Please feel free to share any changes you've experienced through these forums.
My understanding of what the term "atheism" mean has improved. I understand now that it is an extremely general term that merely describes everyone who isn't a theist.

Also, my understanding of Islam has improved quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has had their views change through any of the discussions and debates on these forums? And not necessarily a change in Religion, it could be a change in a particular belief within your religion or you have changed your view about someone else's religion, beliefs or views.

Please feel free to share any changes you've experienced through these forums.


I became attracted to Atheistic Satanism and the Left Hand Path. That opened the door to thinking about Social Darwinism and even trying to be an Objectivist (Ayn Rand's philosophy) and borrowing from it for a bit (which was unthinkable before I joined here). I wouldn't have bought a copy of Mein Kampf, the Nazi Youth Handbook or read "The Doctorine of Fascism" as I tried to get along with ex-stormfronters on here and that has been valuable. I did briefly look at Deism and Natural Theology to think more about "God" beyond the faith versus facts stereotypes (and a copy of William Paley's "Natural Theology" is on my book shelf as a result). Some of the threads made me re-think political correctness, multiculturalism, Islam and Trump which would not have happened otherwise. politically I've shifted "rightwards" as a result as my political compass shows. I also owe my interest in BDSM to this place. :D

However, its been dealing with people of different beliefs that's had the most impact. After debating with people and finding how limited success has been in changing people's minds, it has made me think much more about "why" that is. Its been revealing in terms of people's psychology and in getting to know how different people see each other. The biggest challenge has been learning to get along with people and I've tried to take something positive away from that.

Being on RF has been a major "check" on my most extreme beliefs and I haven't been able to suggest stuff that is deeply offensive to people. I couldn't say anything blatantly pro-soviet or totalitarian because I could put a name or a face to the group of people who would be affected and occasionally I have had to talk with people who either suffered under Communism or whose relatives have which has been humbling (in a good way). Had I stayed on Revleft, that would have been much more normal and I may not have thought so much about it. Knowing that someone with a much more detailed knowledge of their religion could pick up on a specific point I make has made it much harder for me to just dismiss religion out of hand and so I'm more aware of just how ignorant I am about religion. That has been restrictive but it has also made me more thoughtful. I've certainly become much more adult for being here (even if perhaps I wish there were more political and religious views represented on the forum).


Master of the Art of Couch Potato Cuddles
I can't be convinced of some things but for the most part I've had moments where I had to sit and think about my point of view and why it wasn't accurate.


Trying to bring myself ever closer to Allah
Premium Member
Hi there, I was wondering if anyone has had their views change through any of the discussions and debates on these forums? And not necessarily a change in Religion, it could be a change in a particular belief within your religion or you have changed your view about someone else's religion, beliefs or views.

Please feel free to share any changes you've experienced through these forums.

So I don't believe my views wrt my religion have changed significantly. But I have become more willing to more fully embrace aspects of my views that I have been wary of (being as heterodox as they are). And I have certainly sharpened up my views and clarified them better in my own mind.

I have also learnt a good deal about other people's beliefs and their takes on their and other people's religions and worldviews. And various other things about the world. It's a great forum for that :).


Active Member
Yes, my view of paganism is actually worst than I thought. Nothing wrong with meditation, this is fantastic stuff. The idea that they give attributes to materials, is mind boggling, and very tribal and ignorant, this is why they are so superstitious, and what happens next is innovation. Innovation upon innovation. When you have a small problem you go to a small god, and when you have a big problem you go to a bigger god.


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Yes, my view of paganism is actually worst than I thought. Nothing wrong with meditation, this is fantastic stuff. The idea that they give attributes to materials, is mind boggling, and very tribal and ignorant, this is why they are so superstitious, and what happens next is innovation. Innovation upon innovation. When you have a small problem you go to a small god, and when you have a big problem you go to a bigger god.

I'm going to go way out on a limb here and hazard a guess that you still have a whole lot to learn about the Paganisms. :D