Three times with the overwhelming type - all quite different from each other. Such experiences seem to run in my family but I'm unlike my mother and my father in that I have
both of their individual characteristic tendencies for them.
The first was intensely emotional & exciting. I stood on the spot and shook for hours (or what felt like hours). It was like I'd encountered another being who sympathetically stepped inside me, giving me a chance to feed a little from its energy which felt like an harmonic song so loud & fast it also resembled a deafening scream of joy. Afterwards the change in me was from often feeling helplessly frightened & vulnerable to feeling ferociously deviant and full of passionate wonder. Very, very rarely does that side of me show its face openly but I can still feel the force of the ecstatic rage now, just under the skin. It still feels unstoppable.
The second was (as per my metaphor at the time) like the planets aligning and sending a single massively powerful laser down through the heavens and straight down my spine. Aha! I had found an answer to a burning issue (Was there anything essentially 'me' before I was created in my mother's womb?) I looked at the room around me and it flowed into me. I was it and it was me and it was all, endlessly stretching out boundlessly. Afterwards the change in me was a lessening of my neurotic tendencies, greater calmness, the "end of loneliness" (as I called it) and an overall increase in my happiness.
The third was just ridiculous. In the back of my mind I was having a daydream conversation with an imaginary benevolent feminine person while shopping in town. On my way back it suddenly struck me that this imaginary person was saying kind things about people that that went beyond my capacity to understand. I felt kind of heartless by comparison and absent-mindedly thought, "I wish I could see with your eyes..." and the next moment I
did see and it was the most amazing thing I've
ever seen. Everyone and everything around me was suddenly burning intensely like stars; beautiful, dazzling, elegant and I felt love for them like nothing I could ever have imagined - such power & grace to everyone! It was such a shock. Afterwards the change in me was, well, I enjoy other people's company a lot more.