As per the title, have any of you had an overwhelming religious experience? I'm not talking about a William James 'spiritual awakening of the educational variety', but a big - life altering, perception changing - overwhelming religious experience.
If so, what was it like?
I believe true religious experiences occur when one has a vision of one's place here on Earth. An inspirational affirming moment that tells you that you are on the right track.
Yes - I have had a number of life-altering, perception changing and overwhelming religious experiences on high doses of psychedelic drugs. :rainbow1:
It was like I was Communicating with something Greater than my current self. :cover:
On some occasions I saw glimpses of my future which then manifested. I've also recieved instructions which I followed, sometimes completely altering my direction in life as a result.
This experimental Alchemy did achieve great results - the summit of which was a form of chemically controlled annihilation of mind.:thud:
However - these results certainly can be achieved without the use of psychedelics.
Life-altering Perception-changing religious experiences can be achieved by choosing a path of Initiation through the practise of Mysticism.
The whole purpose of a Ceremonial Magick is to whip the magician into a heightened state of awareness, for the specific purpose of changing one's perception in order to alter one's life.
Since I discovered Ceremonial Magick 4 yrs ago I have found no need for psychedelics.
You can achieve lasting and significant results through the 8 limbs of Yoga and the practise of seeking No-Mind.
Through the use of any of a variety of Magickal techniques you are able to change yourself and thus you change your Universe.
I believe the cessation of conscious thought - by that I mean the complete
Silencing of the Internal Dialogue - must be the ultimate mystical ecstacy.:angel2:
I think that is what Enlightenment must be like. Complete Silence.
It would explain the woodcutter story. After Enlightenment he continues to chop wood, but he does so in Perfect Happiness.