To FearGod and InvestigateTruth:
I rather reply to you both at the same time, rather than separately about the same issue.
A verse should be relevant to what happen here on Earth, and not anywhere else outside of this solar system, and message to and for the people on Earth, and not any animal here and not to extraterrestrial life outside.
It doesn't make sense to write this whole chapter that relate to the people, on EARTH ( I must stress continuously on "Earth", because you both can't seem to grasp the concept of the languages in the verse), from the very 1st verse of Qur'an 21 to the very last verse (21:112), to have a tiniest part of the verse in the whole chapter to speak of "galaxy" or the Milky Way's galactic centre.
It beggars belief that you would both make claim galaxy's centre for this verse alone, when there are no implied meaning to the galaxy being use elsewhere, other than your (false) claims to 21:33.
Did you bother to read the close surrounding verses, that anything has to do with something outside of this Earth, like the entire galaxy?
To clarify what I mean by "close surrounding verses", I mean just a few verses before and after verse 21:33, say beginning with 21:30 to 21:37?
I would like to go through these verses with you, one at the time (with the exception to 21:33), to see if anything hint about the "galaxy".
- 21:30: it (this verse) speak of separating the sky from the earth (very similar to Genesis 1:6-8), and make all living things from water. Does any part of this verse (21:30) speak of, or hint of the galaxy?
It is not speaking of making living creature outside of Earth, or life anywhere in the Milky Way.
- 21:31: here, it speak of creating mountains, being set firmly so Earth, so there wouldn't quake. Again, does any part of this verse, speak or imply "galaxy"?
(This verse clearly is in error. If you ever study of seismology, you would know that earthquake can be caused by movement of mountains, but this is not the point, and would get us sidetracked from this reply.)
- 21:32: this verse speak of creating the sky or the Earth's atmosphere. The question is the same as the last 2 points. Any mention of "galaxy"?
- 21:34: this verse speak of barring immortal life on humans. Does it speak of other humans, not on Earth?
- 21:35: it speak of every humans will experience death, but before they die, they would be tested. Is it speaking of souls other than those living on Earth?
- 21:36: it speak of people who would disbelieve Muhammad. Does this verse speak of Muhammad being prophet for the entire galaxy? Yes? No?
- 21:37: it speak of man being "hasty" by nature. Does it mean humans from other part of the galaxy, or those on Earth?
None of these verses speak of, or even hint at - the "galaxy". All of it relate to life, mountains and sky on Earth, so why should 21:33 be any different?
I am not denying the sun is orbiting the galaxy centre. Just that this verse has nothing to do with galactic centre. :no: you are both trying so hard to twist the verse around so that say this.
You are debating about the verse, but you are both making false and dishonest claims on what you think the verse should say, not what the verse is actually saying.
I have no doubts whatsoever that this verse is speaking that the sun and moon is orbiting the earth, hence the author believe in geocentric planetary motion, not the heliocentric model.
This is why I distrust religious people when they tried to mix their religions with science. I have no doubt that you are both good people at heart, devout in your religions, but it also make you dishonest with your interpretations.