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Having an opinion

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
If a person holds a certain opinion about me, its nothing i can do :) because its their opinion based on their own experience of me.
The thing is an opinion can be based on wrong impression or wrong information about others.

So to be able to hold a true opinion one has to know and understand the other person:) and that is not always the case.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
If you want an honest response to this thread, it seems to me that you lend a significant amount of time and effort to others' opinions of you. In the last few weeks alone, you have made multiple renditions of this thread or others stemming from a similar concern about others' opinions.

If others' opinions are causing distress to an extent that affects one's quality of life, I think it's a good idea to bring that up with a professional. I regularly go to a therapist, myself, even when I'm not feeling particularly distressed. I find it to be a great habit if one has access to it, similar to maintaining hygiene on a regular basis.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
If you want an honest response to this thread, it seems to me that you lend a significant amount of time and effort to others' opinions of you. In the last few weeks alone, you have made multiple renditions of this thread or others stemming from a similar concern about others' opinions.

If others' opinions are causing distress to an extent that affects one's quality of life, I think it's a good idea to bring that up with a professional. I regularly go to a therapist, myself, even when I'm not feeling particularly distressed. I find it to be a great habit if one has access to it, similar to maintaining hygiene on a regular basis.
Actually I am not in any distress or in need of a theraphist:)
I have never had a better time of my life as I having now.

Yes this summer was ruff for me because during theraphy it started to dawn on me who i really am.
It feels like i been playing a game until the last weeks.

My life wad chaos every day for most of my life. But now I am fully in control of what my views are what my opinions are.

But maybe my posting are not showing to others what was intention when rhey was written.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
If a person holds a certain opinion about me, its nothing i can do :) because its their opinion based on their own experience of me.
The thing is an opinion can be based on wrong impression or wrong information about others.

So to be able to hold a true opinion one has to know and understand the other person:) and that is not always the case.

Your opinion is noted.

Debater Slayer

Staff member
Premium Member
Actually I am not in any distress or in need of a theraphist:)

Your posts and thoughts seem to indicate otherwise, in my opinion, but either way, I wish you happiness and peace of mind.

I have never had a better time of my life as I having now.

Yes this summer was ruff for me because during theraphy it started to dawn on me who i really am.
It feels like i been playing a game until the last weeks.

My life wad chaos every day for most of my life. But now I am fully in control of what my views are what my opinions are.

But maybe my posting are not showing to others what was intention when rhey was written.

I'm not convinced that things go from bottom to peak, or vice versa, in such a short time, so I suspect this might be how you want things to be rather than how they actually are.

I'm trying to offer you constructive feedback, but it's your own life and state of mind, at the end of the day.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Everyone is entitled to an opinion about other people. We observe, we think, we interact. Based on all of that, we come up with an opinion. I first learned how different that can be when discussing former high school teachers with friends that had had the same teacher. It was a learning experience for me, because some of the teachers I couldn't stand, others admired, and vice versa. We both had similar experiences but came to vastly differing conclusions.

As far as what others think of me, I really don't care. If they think I'm a saint, fine. If they think I'm an egomaniac, fine. I can't change what they think anyway, (perhaps in minor ways, over time) as they've already come to their opinion.

I agree with Debater Slayer's wisdom on this. If what others think of you is becoming a burden, seek professional help, just as it anything is a burden.
I have no longer a problem with other people's opinions about me

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Your posts and thoughts seem to indicate otherwise, in my opinion, but either way, I wish you happiness and peace of mind.

I'm not convinced that things go from bottom to peak, or vice versa, in such a short time, so I suspect this might be how you want things to be rather than how they actually are.

I'm trying to offer you constructive feedback, but it's your own life and state of mind, at the end of the day.
I honestly do not care what others believe i can or can not do when it comes to my high or low point in life.

Non of you know how hard i eork every single day on this issues.

I have the best time in my life because I hsve zero negative thoughts in my mind and have had since my last transision to wesring makeup ang coming out as Bi-sexual

Those are the best choice i hsve made so far. Because that feeling of knowing i have some feelings that religion say is bad that almost killed me.

I actually feel free


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
I have no longer a problem with other people's opinions about me

I hope his is, indeed, the case.

I have no control over the opinions of others. In my experience, the only opinions others have of me that matter are the ones I find truth in. And in such cases, if I don't like that opinion, then I have to choose to change. No one else can do that for me.


Veteran Member
If a person holds a certain opinion about me, its nothing i can do :) because its their opinion based on their own experience of me.
The thing is an opinion can be based on wrong impression or wrong information about others.

So to be able to hold a true opinion one has to know and understand the other person:) and that is not always the case.

Secret Chief

If a person holds a certain opinion about me, its nothing i can do :) because its their opinion based on their own experience of me.
The thing is an opinion can be based on wrong impression or wrong information about others.

So to be able to hold a true opinion one has to know and understand the other person:) and that is not always the case.
Your opinion may not be the same as the opinion of others. Psychologically we all live in a world of partial information, incorrect information and biases. There can be no such thing as a "true" (objective) opinion, since opinions are...subjective. Here's one opinion: you constantly seek validation from others. I think you might benefit from getting off that particular hamster wheel.


Pantheist Christian
Premium Member
@Seeker of White Light

As with everyone else, only you and God know the true you

Everyone else knows only an impression of you, which is based more on their personal dispositions/prejudices than on you yourself

Even those closest to you know only an impression of you, for instance they may be biased due to love

Getting others to understand you is all about impression management

I wish I had learnt this much earlier in my life and been had more methodical about my own impression management

But regarding me on RF, that ship has long sailed :(