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Hazrat Aisha (r.a.) : Her marriage to Holy Prophet (sa) was due to Divine Guidance - Her Merits.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on all.
Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) at the age 25, married to Hazrat Khadijah (may Allah be pleased with her) who was 40. After 25 years of marriage, when she passed away, Holy Prophet (sa) supplicated to Allah the Exalted.

Allah the Exalted accepted the prayer of the Holy Prophet (sa) and informed him of His selection through a dream. The Holy Prophet (sa) saw a dream in which Gabriel (as) came before him, presented him with a green silk handkerchief, and said, “This is your wife, in this world and in the hereafter.” When the Holy Prophet (sa) looked at this handkerchief, upon it was the picture of Aishah bint Abu Bakr (r.a)....[Bukhari]

In the latter events, the marriage took place.


Her merits:
=She was fully able to learn the teachings of Islam quickly, easily, and well, so as to become a religious teacher.
=She was extremely sharp and intelligent, due to which she was very befitting for the learning of religious matters and for the understanding of religion.
=Once when asked about morals of Holy Prophet (sa), she said: "kana kholoqoh ul quran" i.e. the entirety of the morals of the Holy Prophet (sa) is encompassed in the Holy Quran.
=She learned the lessons of extreme piousness at home as she was the daughter of closest Companion Hazrat Abu Bakr (r.a.) -- [latter first Khalifah of early Islam].
=Latter even the eminent companions of the Holy Prophet (sa) would turn to her sayings and would seek religious verdicts from her.


Q3 @ 23:00 Question about the allegation on young age of Hadhrat Ayesha (ra) at the time of wedding with Holy Prophet Muhammad(saw).
@ wwwDOTalislamDOTorg/v/4130.html

It mentions various historical events for her age at the time of her marriage. e.g.
a--At the time of Migration / hijrah, her elder sister was 28 [they were 10 years apart] thus Hazrat Aisha has to be 18 or so. Marraige took place in first or second year of Migration.

b--She is reported to have helped in battles of Badr and Ohad.......At Badr a boy Ibne Umer, age 14 wanted to help but he was sent back by Holy Prophet (sa) due to young age. How could hazrat Aisha have been less than 14 while she helped as helper.


It is mentioned in hadith that on one occasion, it was inquired of the Holy Prophet (sa) by Hazrat Aishah (r.a.) “Were you ever confronted by a day more difficult than the Battle of Uḥud?” The Holy Prophet (sa) responded, “O Aishah, your people have compelled me to confront times of severe adversity.”

Then he described the details of his journey to Taif.......

Having met with little interest by people, Holy Prophet sa proceeded to Taif and invite its people to Islam. It was a rival city to Mecca and many influential and wealthy persons lived in it. Meccans also acknowledged its importance. This is affirmed by the Holy Quran, where it is said: ‘They ask: Why was not this Quran sent down to some great man of the two cities, meaning Mecca or Taif?’ (43:32)..... Holy Prophet and his companion stayed in Taif for about ten days. In the end, he called on the most prominent chief of the city, and invited him to embrace Islam. He also rejected him and put him off with the cynical observation, ‘If you are true, I dare not converse with you; if you are false, it is no use talking with you.’
He advised him to leave the city, as no one was ready to pay attention to him. Thereafter, he incited the rabble of the city to chase him out of the town. They started pelting with stones and went on reviling them for a distance of three miles beyond the city. Holy Prophet (sa) and his companion became injured. They took refuge in an orchard. The Quraish owners sent their servant Addas with a tray of grapes for his refreshment. The servant, a Christian slave from Nineveh, marvelled at the pious invocation with which the fruit was received by the weary travellers, ‘In the name of the Lord’, and a conversation ensued in which the Holy Prophet, learning from whence the servant came, made mention of the righteous Yunas, son of Mattai of Nineveh, a brother prophet like himself. Thereupon, Addas swore allegiance to the Holy Prophet, who must have been solaced more by the humble devotion of the slave than by the welcome fruit and grateful shade. [alislam.org]

..........and said: During my return from this journey, the Angel of the mountains came to me and said, “God has sent me to you, that if you so command, I may bring the two mountains of this valley together upon these people, and destroy them.” But the Holy Prophet (sa) said, “Nay! Nay! I trust that Allah the Exalted shall give birth to such people from among them who shall worship the one true God.”

Peace be on all.
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