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"he believes that becuase..."


Well-Known Member
I am sick and tired of morons thinking that I am a Satanist because of anger or daddy issues, it is disrespectful and just false! That somehow my relationship with my dad and "God" was synonymous. My dad is a strawman fundamentalist and I pity the man, but what does that have to do with my religious beliefs? So what if I was once a Christian? I didn't leave because I was "hurt", I left because it didn't work and I was tired of working with a system that made me miserable. Also, SATAN IS GOD! So if I hate my dad and thus god... that don't make sense because Satan is God.
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Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
I think anyone who wants to have Yahweh as a father must have daddy issues.The Christian and Jewish God is anger personified! Not you.
These "morons" love to box people in, it seems, to make their beliefs somehow sound better than yours. Satanists have such a bad rap and I think that may be from where these "moronic" thoughts come - people see you as bad, ergo something bad must have happened in your life to have made you turn.

As usual, I think it comes down to people knowing ***** all about Satanists and making assumptions about things which they don't understand. This does tend to be Christians.

I was tired of working with a system that made me miserable.
I hear you - I left Christianity for the same reason. Everything I did made me feel an unhealthy guilt. And they think they have the right to say you have issues?


Premium Member
I am sick and tired of morons thinking that I am a Satanist because of anger or daddy issues, it is disrespectful and just false! That somehow my relationship with my dad and "God" was synonymous.

Since I've never really been a christian, I can't say I know what your feeling when fools say these things to you. What I will say is simply put them out of your mind and your misery for they are the lowest of creatures who are unworthy of your consideration. Be free to Be your Self. Manifest the existence which partakes of you. Abandon that which dispises you, and strengthen all that which gives you increase and happiness in Life. :D Ave, Brother!

Gnothi seauton!


Sugar and Spice
People seek to explain what they don't understand because what they don't understand scares them.
You are what and who you are, it is your own understanding of that which matters.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
I hate to be the one to point this out, but the OP sounds, well... angry. >_>;

Whether or not your perchance for angriness led you to some particular religion or another is little more than idle speculation. On the one hand, the egoistic focus of Satanic paths certainly allows for greater acceptance of anger as an emotional state. On the other, I see plenty of mainstream religious adherents who sound a hell of a lot more angry than this OP. This is probably why I don't personally make much of a connection between anger and Satanism. Angry people are angry people, regardless of religious affiliation. If other people want to make the connection, they're free to. They've a right to their beliefs, and that reaction is hardly unexpected. Satan is the cultural scapegoat of Western culture. It comes with the territory. Not much different from the reactions I would get if I introduced myself as a Witch. Negative reactions and scapegoating comes with the territory. I generally choose to not be offended by other people's worldviews, especially when my own religious identification label opens the door wide open for negative accusations. :shrug:


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
My relationship with my father was mostly troubled only by misunderstanding, but that never really became between us. What effected me more is that he was raised in a culture where the youth regularly migrate away from the homeland and barely ever speak to one another in adulthood. Thus once I became adult we rarely did anything together. I wouldn't mistake that for dislike though since I did understand the culture of the family. People probably blamed what I became initially on such a relationship, but I never had a problem with my parents other than the distance which seemed strange to me because I was raised here in the USA and with kids who were (their parents being vastly different from mine).

It's easy to blame Satan when in fact it is YOU that are probably the problem. When you spend your entire life with your head in a hole humming lies to yourself like some sort of mantra it becomes difficult to actually think. This to me is actually the problem -- that mainstream religions encourage this behavior instead of doing the right thing because it suits them more for adherents to act this way. As long as a religion is serving itself it is not serving its people as far as I am concerned. It is this perception that made me what I am, and my arrival as a Satanist initially began as a minor inversion, but later logically defended in my mind based on reasoning. If God wants slaves I am in league with The Devil unequivocally.


Consults with Trees
Staff member
Premium Member
It's easy to blame Satan when in fact it is YOU that are probably the problem.

OMFGs yes. Alternatively, we blame some other external thing that isn't you. In some respects it's a cultural thing. With so much focus on the ego and individual in America, we have a perchance for taking credit for our successes and shoving our failures onto someone else. I was taught that in other cultures with a more collectivist mindset, it is the reverse: they take credit for failures so as to not shame the group and attribute successes to others.


Premium Member
OMFGs yes. Alternatively, we blame some other external thing that isn't you. In some respects it's a cultural thing. With so much focus on the ego and individual in America, we have a perchance for taking credit for our successes and shoving our failures onto someone else. I was taught that in other cultures with a more collectivist mindset, it is the reverse: they take credit for failures so as to not shame the group and attribute successes to others.

Yeah, this is very true. When I was a young Satanist there were times when I did blame Satan for my failures. However, when I personally became an adult and eventually a Setian I very soon realized that I am the one responsible for my own successes and failures. There may have been times when I've gotten ****** off at Set, but I've never blamed him or held him responsible for certain tribulations that have arisen in my life. As for triumphs and successes, depending on what they are and what they mean to me I sometimes give thanks to Set. Especially if I initially called upon him to assest me in a certain situation or to achieve a certain task in life.

Gnothi seauton!
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Left Hand Path
I admit, I have anger issues. My personal belief helps me nourish this, Satanism fits me so well because of the attitude. I can be cocky, arrogant, and full of myself and still have a philosophical stand point to justify that. Not only can I back up a very large majority of what I say, either with verbal decisiveness or physical domination, everything I say, I MEAN and every strike I impose upon an adversary is designed to take him out of the game.

Not only that, I hold back even when I seem to be dishing it out. Satanism defines this perfectly in my opinion, because it puts major emphasis on threat level and threat recognition, as well as threat generation and recognition of potential growth. As much as Satanism defines all of this, it holds back in the essence that is THE scapegoat of most religious propaganda. Therefore it is necessary for the Satanist to remember exactly why he advocates Satanic being, it is not just a self sacrifice, it is self implementation used for self initiation into the oppositional realm before them.

And on top of all of that, I, and Satanists in general, fear LITTLE. It is a major button I wear, I provoke little, and when I do it is with reason and confidence. But honestly, defense is our game, because we know how to take it, we should know how to give it.

If you play their game, then you are no different than them, as you are rolling with riddles and words that are never meant to make you understand.

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Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Why does people's ignorance about you bother you so much? Why do others need to understand what you believe if they don't really care to know? The OP is angry, God is synonymous with a father figure, and ignorance is a common human trait. So? Who cares what makes you a Satanist, I can tell you I don't. What you do, that's important, rather than who you think you are. Whether you have daddy issues or not doesn't interest me nearly as much as your actions and words.


Well-Known Member
Why does people's ignorance about you bother you so much? Why do others need to understand what you believe if they don't really care to know? The OP is angry, God is synonymous with a father figure, and ignorance is a common human trait. So? Who cares what makes you a Satanist, I can tell you I don't. What you do, that's important, rather than who you think you are. Whether you have daddy issues or not doesn't interest me nearly as much as your actions and words.

Probably because some of the people saying this stuff has been:

My councilor (about it being daddy issues)
My Mom (about it being about anger)
And a couple of friends (about it being daddy issues)

So to answer, because these were people that were close to me that said these things. I don't get angry when people I'm not close to say it, but when it's someone I know and respect, it really hurts that they would rationalize away something so personal to me.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Probably because some of the people saying this stuff has been:

My councilor (about it being daddy issues)
My Mom (about it being about anger)
And a couple of friends (about it being daddy issues)

So to answer, because these were people that were close to me that said these things. I don't get angry when people I'm not close to say it, but when it's someone I know and respect, it really hurts that they would rationalize away something so personal to me.

Paid councilors are useless, mom's are worried, friends are ignorant.