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Heaven vs. hell

Do all christians believe in the concept of universal salvation or are there a few denominations which deny that all people can be saved? Are there any mainstream churches at which advocate the idea that salvation is the exclusive right of devout christians who believe in Jesus as their saviour?


Well-Known Member
Do all christians believe in the concept of universal salvation or are there a few denominations which deny that all people can be saved? Are there any mainstream churches at which advocate the idea that salvation is the exclusive right of devout christians who believe in Jesus as their saviour?

Everyone who ever lived will have an opportunity to be saved one day.


Active Member
Do all christians believe in the concept of universal salvation or are there a few denominations which deny that all people can be saved? Are there any mainstream churches at which advocate the idea that salvation is the exclusive right of devout christians who believe in Jesus as their saviour?

Hi Black.Knight

That's a great question.

When Jesus Christ uttered the words : "It is finished" on the cross, effectively at that point He redeemed the whole world. However Universal Salvation implies that regardless if anyone believes it or not, they are still saved. This is not a biblical reality. That said, it is the role of the Christian/Church/body of believers to help others to awaken into the reality of what has already happened, which implies that, yes, the sinner is already saved, "While we where yet sinners, Christ died for us." However we must "believe", "reckon", "be born again", "take up", "recieve", etc etc.

It's like having the winning lotto ticket in the top drawer but not knowing it's the winner yet. There might be millions in a holding account with your name on it, but until you front up with the ticket and collect, it's not yours yet. But in reality the money is still there. The winning is that Jesus Christ was able to save you, and that is just what He did. The Christian believes that Jesus is the way the truth and the life. The crucifiction death and resurection of Christ in bodily form is the only way of salvation/redemption.

Hope this helps.

Many so called "Christian"denominations attempt to refute this in a number of different ways, but it is a biblical fact that is only revealed from above to each individual personally. But if one does not receive it, it doesn't alter the fact the price for every individual sinner/sin has already been paid in full.

Today is the day of salvation, its a done deal.
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Mother Heathen
Do all christians believe in the concept of universal salvation or are there a few denominations which deny that all people can be saved? Are there any mainstream churches at which advocate the idea that salvation is the exclusive right of devout christians who believe in Jesus as their saviour?

I believe in the concept of universal salvation in the sense that salvation is extended to everyone - it's offered to anyone who wants it, essentially.

I believe that most Christians believe that salvation is found through Christ.


Do all christians believe in the concept of universal salvation or are there a few denominations which deny that all people can be saved? Are there any mainstream churches at which advocate the idea that salvation is the exclusive right of devout christians who believe in Jesus as their saviour?

everyone have/had the chance to be saved,many just refuse. many will be destroyed if that's ALL THEY BELIEVE. don't be fooled,Just believing Jesus is the savior ISN'T going to lead mankind to "salvation" many believe he's the savior,but don't seem to believe many of his words.

if one claim to believe Jesus is the savior,yet choose to listen more to their ministers word,instead of Jesus...then they are NOT going to be saved.JUST as they feel they KNOW many unbelievers are going to a fiery place called hell!, which also isn't true!

what i'm saying is...pray to Jesus for anything...you're going to be destroyed. pray to the "mother mary" or the "saints" you're going to be destroyed. doing the will of Jesus...you're going to be destroyed,(unless you change). yeah...your ministers say do this,but this ISN'T what Jesus said.

Jesus said he does the will of his Father,(John 5:30), so why do many christians continually THINK they suppose to please Jesus? we suppose to follow in his example. we suppose to be doing is FATHER'S WILL,IF..we want to be looked at BY Jesus as his spiritaul siblings!(Matt.12:50-For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother).

many refuse to do this,because it might make society look down at them. so,so many care more of what others think. this will be what cause them their lives .
(Matt.10:36,37 and Luke 21:16,17). even if MANY refuse to believe,Jesus ISN'T aknowledging ANYONE who does NOT worship his Father. Jesus NEVER told anyone to worship him...your ministers DID! so again...the many who's teachers are teaching the way to gain everlasting life,is to worship Jesus as the Father,will be the same who'll cause their flocks,their lives.

i might not make it if i live to see the end,and i might not make it,because i still have many personal fights,that i'm slowly fighting. but i do know this... i BELIEVE what Jesus say concerning who to pray to,and who to worship. i choose to worship Jehovah God, JUST...AS Jesus DID and TAUGHT. and NOT listen to ANY minister who's teaching otherwise. i don't care if that MINISTER IS my friend,family member,man/woman, or child. they can't save my life,only cause me to lose it. peace

Hi Black.Knight

That's a great question.

When Jesus Christ uttered the words : "It is finished" on the cross, effectively at that point He redeemed the whole world. However Universal Salvation implies that regardless if anyone believes it or not, they are still saved. This is not a biblical reality. That said, it is the role of the Christian/Church/body of believers to help others to awaken into the reality of what has already happened, which implies that, yes, the sinner is already saved, "While we where yet sinners, Christ died for us." However we must "believe", "reckon", "be born again", "take up", "recieve", etc etc.

It's like having the winning lotto ticket in the top drawer but not knowing it's the winner yet. There might be millions in a holding account with your name on it, but until you front up with the ticket and collect, it's not yours yet. But in reality the money is still there. The winning is that Jesus Christ was able to save you, and that is just what He did. The Christian believes that Jesus is the way the truth and the life. The crucifiction death and resurection of Christ in bodily form is the only way of salvation/redemption.

Hope this helps.

Many so called "Christian"denominations attempt to refute this in a number of different ways, but it is a biblical fact that is only revealed from above to each individual personally. But if one does not receive it, it doesn't alter the fact the price for every individual sinner/sin has already been paid in full.

Today is the day of salvation, its a done deal.

I can believe, but still sin because I am a human. Will I be saved?
I believe in the concept of universal salvation in the sense that salvation is extended to everyone - it's offered to anyone who wants it, essentially.

I believe that most Christians believe that salvation is found through Christ.

What do you mean by "salvation found through Christ?"
That is, what need to be done by us to have that salvation?


I can believe, but still sin because I am a human. Will I be saved?

many believe once bapized,we're free from our sins. at the point of baptism,we were. but come on,what human doesn't sin? any who say they don't ,just did,because they just lied,which is a sin. Jesus death made it where,IF... one live in a way pleasing to his Father Jehovah God. and live to see the end,(kind of like Noah and his Family,(Lot and his daugthers,etc.), we will be saved.

someone will say that's not true,it is,because when we die,we are ALREADY free from sin,(Rom.-6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord). many will have a chance to be ressurected,because they dead are now sinned-free. you,me and anyone who wants to follow Jesus and serve his Father,(as he show we should),...(Matt.12:50-For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother), can be saved. peace

Faith in Jesus Christ's sacrifice on the cross will save us. Demons believe in God and Jesus and they tremble with fear of him and their coming punishment. We humans need not tremble, God loves us, and He wants us to come to know and love Him too. God wants us to love him and learn His holy ways. He wants us to obey his commands in the Bible and teach others that God loves them and can save them from their sins and problems, whatever mess or hell they are in God will lift you up and put you on solid ground. God wants us to love him and follow His ways. Read the New Testament, the words of Jesus, Jesus sermons and parables, the parable of the good Samaritan, the Sermon on the Mount, the parable of the farmer sowing seed on good soil.


Active Member
Do all christians believe in the concept of universal salvation or are there a few denominations which deny that all people can be saved? Are there any mainstream churches at which advocate the idea that salvation is the exclusive right of devout christians who believe in Jesus as their saviour?

there are 2 universalism theories: One says "alll will be saved at the end".
the other says: "all may be saved at the end". I believe the latter. But I could be wrong. I sure do hope for all of us though.


The book says that he died for the sins of the world...period. I would say that every one is "saved" according to JC. If you believe in heaven and hell that is.


Premium Member
It is a fact that Jesus died on the cross to defeat death and save sinners. But He did not give us all a get out of jail free card. We have to acknowledge that we are sinners and need a savior. We have to be born again, repenting and turning from our sinful past and ask Jesus to come into our hearts and guide us. We need to follow Jesus and put our complete trust in Him. That is the only way that the Holy Spirit will come into our hearts and lead us to eternity. They say that nothing in life is free, BUT, God's plan of salvation IS free to those that accept it, accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Ron and Carol


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Do all christians believe in the concept of universal salvation or are there a few denominations which deny that all people can be saved? Are there any mainstream churches at which advocate the idea that salvation is the exclusive right of devout christians who believe in Jesus as their saviour?

Jesus clearly taught that not all will be saved. Universal salvation is not a Bible teaching, IMO. (John 3:36)