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Hi, my name is Heather. I'm seventeen and I'm crazy.
I'm here to learn about religion and hopefully about myself. My username is from Dante's Inferno. I don't know what it means but it seemed appropriate.

I was raised as a cultural Christian, occasionally going to a Pentecostal church. In eighth grade I went to a small private school that taught young-earth creationism, and the people there annoyed me enough that I started calling myself an atheist and switched to a public school the next year.
In ninth grade I tried to become a Christian again, mostly because of Pascal's Wager, and I found that religious belief doesn't come easily to me. I read a lot of arguments both ways, but they didn't really help me make a decision. You can't make yourself believe in anything with intellectual arguments alone. I sort of got bored after awhile and started myself an atheist again, because most people where I live aren't overtly religious and everyone is functionally an atheist anyway. (I don't think I could ever be a cultural Christian again. If I actually, truly believed in God, that would be a pretty big deal and I think it would affect my life a lot.)
But now I'm back, trying to think about all this again.


Dominus Deus tuus ignis consumens est
Staff member
Premium Member
Welcome to the forum "Lady" Heather :cheer:

I hope very much that you find what you are looking for on RF. There are plenty of forums devoted to many different religions in the DIR's, and the people are friendly and knowledgeable.

The Lady of Permutations was Dante's name for Lady Luck, the Wheel of Fortune.

So hears hoping your name is a good omen :D


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
'Lady of Permutations'...I guess the simplest explanation of that would be 'The Lady of Many Aspects'...
(but as mentioned above, in Inferno it was directly talking about Lady Luck)

G'day and welcome.
Pascal's Wager, hey? I'm not surprised that a conversion (or reversion) based on that didn't last...lol

You're in the right place if you're after a bunch of different views on religion, and on life in general. Also, you mentioned you're crazy, which makes this place even MORE appropriate for you.

Thinking about this stuff is good for you. No need to rush for an answer. Just think, post, and have fun.



Well-Known Member
You can't make yourself believe in anything with intellectual arguments alone.

That is a good observation.

Since you are unimpressed with intellectual arguments and contrived religion, you are probably well advised to consider meditation/ yoga.

Or maybe painting, music or writing.

Doesn't sound to me like 'belief' is for you.

Welcome to RF. :)


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member

We have another Heather here....she goes by "Mystic".

An anagram for you...
A smutty porno Lief ad
Last edited:


Hey, My name is Marvek and i am new to this education forum. I have heard about many religions and was curious to know about what are the thing actually in other religions. I have join this community to get in touch with information and discussion started by experienced members here...


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Hey, My name is Marvek and i am new to this education forum. I have heard about many religions and was curious to know about what are the thing actually in other religions. I have join this community to get in touch with information and discussion started by experienced members here...

Hey Marvek

First off, welcome to RF. Hope you find the place both informative and interesting.
Secondly, you might want to start your own intro thread, like Lady of Permutations has done here, so the community can drop in and say hello, etc.
