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I'm new (obv). lol

I was referred to this site by a friend, after being unable to find any other religious forum on the web tolerant of my personage and my beliefs.

Well, I used to have 'beliefs' before they all went no-where. Maybe I am still seeking answers and that's why I am here.

I started off as a Christian (pentacostal), moved on to Therevada Buddhism, onto Animism/Shamanism/Wicca, then onto Hinduism, before becoming a fully-fledged Atheist (with latent Wiccan tendencies).

The only thing I took from Hinduism, was the notion of a non-dual form of existence called 'Brahman' which doesn't necessarily require the belief in a god. In fact, 'god' is more a part of Maya (illusion) that keeps us all ignorant of the real truth.

I guess I have just become disillusioned (which is probably a good thing) and disenfranchised by all structured religions, in that to belong to one, you must accept everything or nothing at all. You don't get to say 'well, that applies to me and that does not' you don't get to pick and choose what part of that Religion you believe in. It's all or nothing - I prefer 'nothing'.

I've just been hurt too much by other people and all in the name of 'religion'. If I disagreed with anything and spoke out, I would immediately become ostracized and shunned from any faith. I saw intolerance perpetrated by the tolerant, vindictive acts perpetrated by the forgiving, greedy acts perpetrated by the charitable....

So, in the middle of an 'Existential Crisis', I find myself posting here - I have nowhere left to go, but either to 'turn within' (which I already do) or just to go out and partake of all life's pleasures I have been hitherto denying myself because of 'religion'.

For now, I am Atheist and that's working. I feel relieved, but I also feel there's a hole there left by my belief in god that needs filling up with 'something', but I do not know what.

Anyway, enough about myself - I have gone on for too long already. Pleased to find this place after such a long time.


Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
I'm an atheist magician myself. Currenty pretending to be a theist. Anyways welcome.


Just old
Premium Member
And you ended up here ???
Oh well...good luck
and welcome aboard.
Watch out for Awoon....he bites !


What? Me worry?
Hey, N. We probably do know you, and everyone has to find their own truth.


Hello and welcome to the forum.

Firstly tell me.. are you aware of RF frubals ? :)

My educated guess would be that 'frubals' are like some kind of reputation system, would I be correct in this assumption?

I also don't worry about people biting me. I've become totally desensitized to all that.

I thank you all for your warm welcomes and I shall endeavor to be a productive and supportive member of this community.



My educated guess would be that 'frubals' are like some kind of reputation system, would I be correct in this assumption?
You are right.
Let me explain you how that works, step by step.

Step 1) There's scale sign ( ) on the upper right corner on my post, just click on this scale, now widow will open to type any word, for example Good, excellent etc..
Just press the button below after typing something in that box.

Step 2) Open your User control panel to see the "Latest reputation " column.

I also don't worry about people biting me. I've become totally desensitized to all that.
I thank you all for your warm welcomes and I shall endeavor to be a productive and supportive member of this community.
You are more than welcome :)


Istha gosthi
namaskaram nobody :namaste

I'm new (obv). lol.....

.....For now, I am Atheist and that's working. I feel relieved, but I also feel there's a hole there left by my belief in god that needs filling up with 'something', but I do not know what.....

hope you find what you are looking for , .... well atleast hope you enjoy the search ...

and a belated welcome :namaste


New Member
I'm new (obv). lol

I was referred to this site by a friend, after being unable to find any other religious forum on the web tolerant of my personage and my beliefs.

Well, I used to have 'beliefs' before they all went no-where. Maybe I am still seeking answers and that's why I am here.

Welcome to the forum and hope you will get the answer here you are looking for.


New Member
I saw intolerance perpetrated by the tolerant, vindictive acts perpetrated by the forgiving, greedy acts perpetrated by the charitable....

I am deeply sorry for the pains and hardships you had to endure. I hope you will find healing one day. You described the realities of the world out there so clearly.

Just a note: Some people tend to be more intolerant when writing messages on the internet. It's an easy place to insult others when no one is looking. Its hard if not impossible to express or receive true friendship over a machine.

I wish you the best and all the possible spiritual blessings there may be.


How does one convert to Hinduism? I thought one had to be born into it.

First off, thank you all again for your warm welcomes and support/friendship.

Now, to answer your question.

I was raised in an atheist family (although I was christened Anglican - Church of England back then).

As a young girl (okay, I have given away my genderless gender), my father was part-owner in a hotel chain in Bali, Indonesia, so I spent a lot of my time there. I quickly became interested in the Wayang Kulit (religious puppet plays) and studying Sanskrit - that just 'happened'.

When I was 10, the family took a trip to Malaysia and it was here, I witnessed my first Thaipusam festival, became lost in the crowd, ended up inside a Bel Murugan temple, saw the priests putting metal skewers and hooks through people and came face-to-face with my first image of Siva - I was in love!

I was quickly bundled off to the police station where I was reunited with my parents, but the experience stayed with me and I started to read/study works about Siva, going back to Bali and worshiping Bhairava.

When I was 16, I joined both ISKCON and the Theosophical Society (there wasn't anything else around in Australia at that time). I stayed at ISKCON for 4 years, but in my heart, I was a Shaiva and I could never reconcile that with worshiping Lord Krishna.

I went back to Bali and joined Yellow Bamboo and took up Hatha Yoga classes in Australia.

When I was 21, I married a Fijian born Indian Pundit (my Yoga teacher) and became Hindu by 'default'. I stayed married to him for 17 years, before divorcing in 2001. I learned all the Pujas and mantras.

Hindus believe in previous lives, so I may have been a Hindu in a previous life and if so, no 'conversion' is necessary.

Of course, I cannot adapt to the Hindu Varna system, I am totally outside of it, but I am a Hindu.

Other Hindus may have different ideas about that, but I do not care. I have been told that I am not a Hindu quite a few times before, but I always say 'cool, I am not a Hindu then, so you can go and be a Hindu while I am not and just continue to worship Lord Siva.
Last edited:

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
First off, thank you all again for your warm welcomes and support/friendship.

Now, to answer your question.

I was raised in an atheist family (although I was christened Anglican - Church of England back then).

As a young girl (okay, I have given away my genderless gender), my father was part-owner in a hotel chain in Bali, Indonesia, so I spent a lot of my time there. I quickly became interested in the Wayang Kulit (religious puppet plays) and studying Sanskrit - that just 'happened'.

When I was 10, the family took a trip to Malaysia and it was here, I witnessed my first Thaipusam festival, became lost in the crowd, ended up inside a Bel Murugan temple, saw the priests putting metal skewers and hooks through people and came face-to-face with my first image of Siva - I was in love!

I was quickly bundled off to the police station where I was reunited with my parents, but the experience stayed with me and I started to read/study works about Siva, going back to Bali and worshiping Bhairava.

When I was 16, I joined both ISKCON and the Theosophical Society (there wasn't anything else around in Australia at that time). I stayed at ISKCON for 4 years, but in my heart, I was a Shaiva and I could never reconcile that with worshiping Lord Krishna.

I went back to Bali and joined Yellow Bamboo and took up Hatha Yoga classes in Australia.

When I was 21, I married a Fijian born Indian Pundit (my Yoga teacher) and became Hindu by 'default'. I stayed married to him for 17 years, before divorcing in 2001. I learned all the Pujas and mantras.

Hindus believe in previous lives, so I may have been a Hindu in a previous life and if so, no 'conversion' is necessary.

Of course, I cannot adapt to the Hindu Varna system, I am totally outside of it, but I am a Hindu.

Other Hindus may have different ideas about that, but I do not care. I have been told that I am not a Hindu quite a few times before, but I always say 'cool, I am not a Hindu then, so you can go and be a Hindu while I am not and just continue to worship Lord Siva.

Thanks for the clarification. And because I forgot to mention it before, welcome to the forums!