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Well, lets see now my name is Erasmo and I am an athiest. I am tolerant of other religions, although to me they seem rediculous. I think that religion is simply a way for people looking for answers to take the easy way out and simply say "well God did it". Yet, for some people at least, i think that religion is a good thing, it keeps the world from losing its humanity. Alot of religious people obey the law of their religion rather than their government, for fear of enternal damnation rather than fear of 5-10 years in a state prison. Religion, to me however, makes no sense. I find it incredibly hard to believe in a book, a far-fetched book at that. To me the bible is nothing more than a fictional book with a really big fan club of obssessed fans willing to kill or be killed for it, much like that of Star-Wars.


Well-Known Member
Well, lets see now my name is Erasmo and I am an athiest. I am tolerant of other religions, although to me they seem rediculous. I think that religion is simply a way for people looking for answers to take the easy way out and simply say "well God did it". Yet, for some people at least, i think that religion is a good thing, it keeps the world from losing its humanity. Alot of religious people obey the law of their religion rather than their government, for fear of enternal damnation rather than fear of 5-10 years in a state prison. Religion, to me however, makes no sense. I find it incredibly hard to believe in a book, a far-fetched book at that. To me the bible is nothing more than a fictional book with a really big fan club of obssessed fans willing to kill or be killed for it, much like that of Star-Wars.

Welcome to the forum! Most religions (as far as I know - Im still learning) teach to obey the rules of their country ie the law. I dont know a religion that specifically teaches anything which is againset the law of that time. There are people that break the law and then use their religion as an excuse, but they are extremists! and dont follow the mainstream of the religion! Most religion just teaches a moral, harmless way of living. I believe in what most of the bible says naturally. Remember one of the commandments - thou shalt not kill! So I dont know of anyone who truely follows their religion willing to kill as it goes against what it teaches anyway!



Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
Hi Erasmo, welcome.

A few things;

Well, lets see now my name is Erasmo and I am an athiest. I am tolerant of other religions, although to me they seem rediculous. I think that religion is simply a way for people looking for answers to take the easy way out and simply say "well God did it".

LOL! There's a bit more to relgion than that. Granted there are some people who's approach to their religion could be summed up that way but they're a very small minority (and these people aren't usually looking for answers, they're usually looking for an excuse to forget about the questions).

For that matter there are quite a few religions that don't even include a belief in any kind of personal God.

Yet, for some people at least, i think that religion is a good thing, it keeps the world from losing its humanity. Alot of religious people obey the law of their religion rather than their government, for fear of enternal damnation rather than fear of 5-10 years in a state prison. Religion, to me however, makes no sense. I find it incredibly hard to believe in a book, a far-fetched book at that. To me the bible is nothing more than a fictional book with a really big fan club of obssessed fans willing to kill or be killed for it, much like that of Star-Wars.

Again, you seem to be equating religion with christianity and christianity with the belief systems of a very small percentage of christians.

(sort of like saying "Jeffrey Dommer was from Wisconsin therefore everyone from Wisconsin is a serial killer).

I also get the impression you haven't spent much time actually reading the bible (which you probably should if you're going to bother having an opinion about it).

In any case, welcome.


Well, lets see now my name is Erasmo and I am an athiest. I am tolerant of other religions, although to me they seem rediculous. I think that religion is simply a way for people looking for answers to take the easy way out and simply say "well God did it". Yet, for some people at least, i think that religion is a good thing, it keeps the world from losing its humanity. Alot of religious people obey the law of their religion rather than their government, for fear of enternal damnation rather than fear of 5-10 years in a state prison. Religion, to me however, makes no sense. I find it incredibly hard to believe in a book, a far-fetched book at that. To me the bible is nothing more than a fictional book with a really big fan club of obssessed fans willing to kill or be killed for it, much like that of Star-Wars.[/quote

WElcome to Rf Erasmo

we obey the laws of the lands as long as it stays with the laws of the bible,

once it goes agains't the laws of the Bible ,we obey god rather then man,

I don't believe in Killing anyone ,But I am willing to give my life for it ,,

A Christain doesn't die he only goes from This life to a better life , that has no ending.,


Administrator Emeritus
Staff member
Hi erasmo,

Welcome to religious Forums,

I hope you get to like it here, and look forwards to reading your posts.:)


A little more about myself...

First off, the mention of thiests obeying the laws of their religion rather than those of their governments is not necessarily a bad thing. I think that eternal damnation is alot more effective than a fine or jail time.

I have read the bible...or at least I have read alot of the bible, its one of the many reasons I am athiest and I am sorry if I refer to Christianity alot, where I live it is the majority religion, and as most Christians are, the people here are rather anxious to push their religion on every thing that breaths. I will try to work on that and I hope that by becoming a part of this forum I will learn a bit more about other religions.

Thank you for welcoming me every body, I will try to keep an open mind but I am sorry if I am a bit close-minded at times...I have spent much of my life searching for a God and have found nothing more than a few pushy Christians. :)

(I had originally posted this yesterday, but at my school the "post quick reply" button actually takes longer than posting a regular reply and I had to log off (the bell rang) before it could finish, sorry about that)


Well-Known Member
A little more about myself...

First off, the mention of thiests obeying the laws of their religion rather than those of their governments is not necessarily a bad thing. I think that eternal damnation is alot more effective than a fine or jail time.

I have read the bible...or at least I have read alot of the bible, its one of the many reasons I am athiest and I am sorry if I refer to Christianity alot, where I live it is the majority religion, and as most Christians are, the people here are rather anxious to push their religion on every thing that breaths. I will try to work on that and I hope that by becoming a part of this forum I will learn a bit more about other religions.

Thank you for welcoming me every body, I will try to keep an open mind but I am sorry if I am a bit close-minded at times...I have spent much of my life searching for a God and have found nothing more than a few pushy Christians. :)

(I had originally posted this yesterday, but at my school the "post quick reply" button actually takes longer than posting a regular reply and I had to log off (the bell rang) before it could finish, sorry about that)

Hi erasmo,

Not to worry, you will find lots of nice christians on this forum! I know what you mean about pushy ones, its one of the reasons I became athiest when I started uni - one of my friends appeared to be really pusuhy and constantly told me "your not a proper christian, your going to Hell!" etc etc. At first I fell out with her over it and didnt like her all that much. But after a time, I realised that she was actually right, I wasnt a proper christian. I dont agree with people pushing their opinions on people, but I do think they have a right to stand up to what they believe in and I think that is what she was doing! :)

A word of advice, dont base your opinions on christianity on the people, base it on the religion itself - thats what I started to do! and realised that the religion itself is rather nice! :)