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Help for the Utterly Confused?


New Member
Hello! I am new to the forum, so hello. :)

This is bothering me so much I cannot focus on my homework. I will try to make a long story short. I was not raised by religious parents, although my grandmother will forever harass me to become Catholic. When I was 11 I attended a Christian school and have considered myself Christian since then. I have always believed that learning the truth cannot happen in a day. In other words, I don't let anyone or anything influence my beliefs.

For the last several years, I have had a set of beliefs. I never shared them with anyone and assumed they were my beliefs alone. Today, I did a little research for my essay on Wicca. I was surprised (and rather shocked) to find that many of my beliefs were those of the Wicca religion. I was uniformed about all things Wicca until today, so I thought that was sort of strange.

Since then, I have been going back and forth like these smilies here: :yes::no: I believe in my one true God, yet I also believe in many Wicca beliefs. I have always gone with the feelings in my soul to make my decisions; from relationships, to religion, to education. My soul is telling me that I must put my one true God first and not risk offending Him, yet it is also telling me Wiccan's are correct in many of their beliefs. I tried finding help on a few websites and have been met by much disrespect. :(

Sooo, I got to searching for middle ground between Christianity and Wicca and found this forum! I know that everyone has different beliefs and many people say you cannot mix the two. My soul tells me otherwise, and I have found that the more I try to ignore my instincts, the more miserable I am. I guess I'm just wondering.. what do you think? What are your stories about finding "Christian Wicca"? Did you ever worry about offending God? Luckily I have a open-minded mother, and she says I should trust my instincts. Yet my instincts sort of contradict themselves! Have you ever felt this way? Surely it would be easier to gone on my happy Christian way, but that doesn't feel right. I have always been a little "different" in my beliefs, and maybe now is the time to figure out where I belong (even if it is in the "other" category :cool:).


Alien Hybrid
Hi RanFan2

Welcome to the RF.

guess I'm just wondering.. what do you think? What are your stories about finding "Christian Wicca"? Did you ever worry about offending God?

Offending God, no. As He said He will lead you in His way.

How I found Christian-Wicca(CW), (short story) a lot of study,:angel2:.

(long Story)
I was born and bred a very conservative christian, But about 1999 saw a show about wicca and saw that my evolving believe system was the same. When I started I felt, like you, that I am committing a big sin. Methinks it is because we were raised a certain way, where God is seen as just waiting for us to transgress, so that He could condemn us.

I started doing research into wicca at first, then the Gods I would want to worship, but never really found any that "called" me, or held my views. Then I started doing research into Christianity/Judaism and their view on this. Then found a website with details of pre-judaism religions. while reading thru it I read about Asherah, Baal, Mot and El, It suddenly made "sense" to me. I've "incorporated"\"replaced" the whole "Godhead" (as traditional christians would say) with them. And I can say that I've never felt better.

But then this is just my story, in big strokes.

Studying CW today:
methinks it is a lot harder today than 9 years ago. When I started there was a lot of pages that one could easily find about the subject, that was informative. I've listed the only page I know that's informative, today. Most websites was taken off, even Wikipedia's page was cut to a few lines.

If you want, you could PM me and I can e-mail some of the info I have.

Some other info:
So if you're interested in practicing Christian-Wicca, think about what you really believe first. Make your own changes accordingly, and don't accept guff from anyone who tells you that you're "wrong." Just make sure that you're making the combination because you really believe in the two. Think it out, and even write it down. People will call you on it, and the better prepared you are with explaining why and how you made your decision, the easier people will accept that you're not doing things for "fun," but because you are truly connecting to your Creator. - CollegeWicca.com - Christian-Wicca
Some websites:
Can a person be both a Wiccan and a Christian?


Resident Lycanthrope
I started on my Wiccan path as a Christian Wiccan. It didn't last, but I did have a lot of the same reasoning that you mentioned when I did so. It sounds like you are a good candidate for it. If any conflicts come up we do have a couple Christian Wiccans floating around here, and the rest of us normal Wiccans and Pagans might be able to help too. :)


New Member
I am going thought the same issues. I have finally come to terms with it. I am now searching for anything I can find. Books, websites, ect.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
Don't worry RanFan2. You'll be fine. Your mother was right, just follow your instincts. Embrace your contradictions, eventually they might start to make sense.


Two Tears In a Bucket
Hello! I am new to the forum, so hello. :)

This is bothering me so much I cannot focus on my homework. I will try to make a long story short. I was not raised by religious parents, although my grandmother will forever harass me to become Catholic. When I was 11 I attended a Christian school and have considered myself Christian since then. I have always believed that learning the truth cannot happen in a day. In other words, I don't let anyone or anything influence my beliefs.

For the last several years, I have had a set of beliefs. I never shared them with anyone and assumed they were my beliefs alone. Today, I did a little research for my essay on Wicca. I was surprised (and rather shocked) to find that many of my beliefs were those of the Wicca religion. I was uniformed about all things Wicca until today, so I thought that was sort of strange.

Since then, I have been going back and forth like these smilies here: :yes::no: I believe in my one true God, yet I also believe in many Wicca beliefs. I have always gone with the feelings in my soul to make my decisions; from relationships, to religion, to education. My soul is telling me that I must put my one true God first and not risk offending Him, yet it is also telling me Wiccan's are correct in many of their beliefs. I tried finding help on a few websites and have been met by much disrespect. :(

Sooo, I got to searching for middle ground between Christianity and Wicca and found this forum! I know that everyone has different beliefs and many people say you cannot mix the two. My soul tells me otherwise, and I have found that the more I try to ignore my instincts, the more miserable I am. I guess I'm just wondering.. what do you think? What are your stories about finding "Christian Wicca"? Did you ever worry about offending God? Luckily I have a open-minded mother, and she says I should trust my instincts. Yet my instincts sort of contradict themselves! Have you ever felt this way? Surely it would be easier to gone on my happy Christian way, but that doesn't feel right. I have always been a little "different" in my beliefs, and maybe now is the time to figure out where I belong (even if it is in the "other" category :cool:).

Your post reminds me of something Steve Via said at the end of one of his songs. "Walking a fine line between Christian and Pagan". The song is called "For the Love of God", and it is AWESOME! Czech it out .... You can find it on youtube. To address your post, Perhaps you should go with what resonates within. There isn't a single religion that has all the answers, but I do believe that most religions can lead us to realize a great many truths, just as I think that all have the ability to lead mankind to the same end. In others words, go with what you feel is the best path for you. Otherwise you are not being true to yourself.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
Your post reminds me of something Steve Via said at the end of one of his songs. "Walking a fine line between Christian and Pagan". The song is called "For the Love of God", and it is AWESOME! Czech it out .... You can find it on youtube. To address your post, Perhaps you should go with what resonates within. There isn't a single religion that has all the answers, but I do believe that most religions can lead us to realize a great many truths, just as I think that all have the ability to lead mankind to the same end. In others words, go with what you feel is the best path for you. Otherwise you are not being true to yourself.

That is beyond true! Always be true to yourself. Don't take anyone else's ideas as your own even if they resonate with you, before validating them for yourself and create your own as often as possible. There are many many truths so don't become mesmerized with just one and hold yourself back from the rest, even if they contradict, like I said, eventually the contradictions become more clear in how they work.
As a Christian I felt guilty for years for my fascination with, well, the fantastical, the magical and mystical, the fey, the fairy tale....fantasy, magic, mythology, occult, legends, fairy tales, mysticism. I grew up in a Christian home, loved Disney movies, loved the original Gimm fairy tales even better. I heard and red Bible stories, learned a bit of Greek mythology and Arabian Nights when I was 11, from then on I read other mythology and folktales from various countries. I wanted to be a good sorceress or witch and use my magic to change the world into paradise, I would create magical trees of fruit that would feed the hungry and starving and elemenate world hunger. With the trees I could also make shelters for the homeless so there would be no more homeslessness or poverty. I would stop all the wars with spells that made bad, violent greedy dictators good. I would make a spell to make people good, to get rid of angry, jealous, fierce, aggressive violent thoughts and feelings so that everyone would be peaceful and happy. Then I would have a lot of places remain natural, like forests, and clean up cities with slums give people jobs building and cleaning up slums to make nice places in the slum areas of cities and plant flowers and trees there. I would have paths through the ild places so people can visit and travel through them, but protect animals. So anyway, I imagined doing this stuff when I had magical powers as a child. That was why I wanted to be a white witch. Of course, it's all very unrealistic. when I read in my bible that god tells his people, the hebrews, to kill witches, I was very upset. Then I questioned those stories I heard about Samson slaughtering the Philistines, about Joshua and his other mighty Israelite warriors wiping out Canaanites after the walls of Jericho come falling down. It's interesting how the sunday school teachers forget to tell you about the massive slaughter and brutal genocide God ordered his people to do to the native people of the promise land when they tell you the stories as a kid.

My mother was upset when I shared my secret of wanting to be a white witch with her. She did not understand. I always thought there was no such thing as a ChristianWiccan. I thought that Christians that turned to wicca were heretical apostates who were betraying God and Jesus Christ, straying from the true narrow path of salvation because of the worldly temptation of the Devil, that Satan is the master of wicca, he seeks to seduce all he can as fast as he can. If I give in to this idol worshiping heathen faith I will be a traitor, a heretic,