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Help Stop A Murder


Pro-life Mommy
This ConservativePetitions.com Alert is a special message from Terri Schiavo's father, Bob Schindler Sr.:

By now you have probably heard about a young woman who is threatened with starvation in Florida.

That young woman is my daughter, Terri. In 1990, through circumstances which are shrouded in mystery (and may involve a criminal act by Terri's estranged husband), my daughter was left severely brain-damaged.

But before I go any further, I must put an end to the lies and misinformation that are circulating around the country through the media concerning my daughter's condition.

Contrary to anything you may have heard, Terri is NOT brain dead; Terri is NOT in a coma; she is NOT in a "persistent vegetative state;" nor is she on ANY life-support system.

Terri laughs, Terri cries, she moves, and she makes child-like attempts at speech with her mother and me. Sometimes she will say "Mom" or "Dad" or "yeah" when we ask her a question. When I kiss her hello or goodbye, she looks at me and "puckers up" her lips.

This may not seem like much to you, but it means everything to Terri's mother and me. It tells us she is still here, she still knows us, and with therapy and time she can have some level of recovery.

I know that there are some hard hearted people who believe that due to my daughters condition, she is better off dead. Words cannot describe the pain and anger such sentiments cause us. This is our daughter, our little girl, and even in her disabled condition, she still has the right to life and the right to be loved and cared for by her family.

Why, you may ask, is Terry in danger of death by starvation?

It is a long and outrageous story, but I'll give it to you as briefly as I can.

After the "incident" that left Terry in this condition, her husband Michael Schiavo sued various members of the medical community for money, saying that they did not treat or diagnose her properly at an early stage, and that he needed this money to provide for Terri's therapy and rehabilitation and care.

After lengthy court battles, he finally won upwards of $1.7 million under the guise of caring for our daughter, and then to our horror, he immediately began spending the money on himself and his Playboy lifestyle.

Terri's estranged husband Michael Schiavo has been living with another woman for years, and has two children by her. He is determined to see Terri dead. Why? We believe it's because he gets to keep whatever money is left... and he may have even darker motives than that.

To add insult to all of this injury toward my daughter, Michael Schiavo is still her "legal husband" and therefore is her "guardian." And since they are not legally divorced, he controls whatever health care she will and will not get. We are not even allowed to know if she is getting aspirin.

In 1993 my family initiated litigation against Michael Schiavo solely for the purpose of acquiring medical, physical and neurological assistance for our daughter Terri. The litigation escalated in 1998 when Michael Schiavo petitioned the court to stop Terri from receiving food and water, thereby starving her to death.

In filing this legal action, he retained the services of a high profile euthanasia attorney and the financial backing of powerful euthanasia organizations. He also used Terri's medical rehabilitation money to underwrite much of the legal expenses associated with his effort to starve our daughter to death.

We know that he has spent nearly $500,000 of Terri's money in attorney's fees for just one attorney trying to obtain a court order to have Terri starved to death. The very money that was supposed to be used for Terri's rehabilitation is being used to have her killed.

We very quickly discovered it was impossible for us to compete with the abundance of financial and legal resources the pro-death organizations were providing Micheal Schiavo in their effort to kill Terri. They are pouring time and effort into her starvation because they want to use this case to further the agenda of legalized euthanasia.

My wife and I are not wealthy people. Throughout those years, we did not have any large organizations trying to help rescue our daughter. Consequently, we had to rely on the generosity of attorneys who were willing to offer their legal expertise at no cost or at reduced fees.

The bottom line is that we are in the final weeks or months of our struggle to rescue our daughter from an untimely death by starvation. Death by starvation is very slow, and extremely painful. As you must know, it is against the law to deliberately starve an animal to death. There are members of the Florida court who would not treat a dog the way they plan to treat my daughter.

At this point we must pull out all the stops in our fight to rescue our daughter.

As parents, we are desperate to save our daughter's life. As people who love life, we are determined to deprive the euthanasia advocates of successfully legalizing this form of homicide. We believe that their efforts to kill Terri are designed to set a precedent for the future eradication of defenseless disabled human beings. I was alive when Americans fought the Nazis; I do not want my daughter to meet the same fate of thousands of disabled people in Nazi Germany, and I do not want our country to go down that same dark path.

Friend, though we have never met, I'm asking you for your help. We desperately need your financial assistance to help our family continue the battle to keep our daughter from being starved to death. There are so many expenses in a case like this it is mind-boggling and overwhelming. Please click below to make a contribution now:


Our adversaries believe that by our family's financial attrition and difficulties, they will attain their objective of killing our daughter. Presently, Terri's starvation may only be a few weeks away, unless we find the financial resources to prevent this atrocity from becoming a reality.

I implore you to please help us. We are writing to you, because we believe you have a heart for justice and mercy. I'm asking you to put yourself in my shoes, and then do whatever you can to help our family. Whether it is $10 or $1000, we are desperate for the resources to fight this battle for our daughter's life at this critical juncture.

Please do whatever you can, and forward this e-mail to any friends or family that you have who you think might be interested in saving Terri's life.

I thank you for your time, your concern, and I solicit your prayers for Terri and our entire family. These have been very trying times for us all.

Sincerely, Bob Schindler Sr.


Pro-life Mommy
Things that each of us can do to help save Terri Schindler-Schiavo:

1) Pray for Terri, for her family and for those who have dedicated their time and talents to helping her plight.

2) If you have relatives or friends who live in Florida, contact them ASAP and ask them to write or call their legislators.

3) Monitor your local media coverage of Terri’s case to ensure that the press reports her condition accurately. Due to media distortions on Terri’s condition, many people think that Terri Schiavo is in a coma, when in fact, Terri appears alert and aware and she responds to her family. If you come across an inaccuracy, please take the time to call or email the media outlet and ask them to issue a correction.

--Inaccuracies in your local media to respond to
MYTH: Terri Schiavo is in a coma or in a comatose-state.

FACT: Some claim that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent-vegetative state, while many doctors and medical professional disagree and believe that Terri is very aware of her surroundings. No doctors or medical professionals claim that Terri is in a coma.

: Terri Schiavo is dying and her family refuses to “let her go.”

FACT: Terri is not “dying.” In fact, she is a healthy woman who happens to have a disability. Terri is brain-damaged but she is not dying of any terminal illness and is not being sustained through a respirator. She breathes on her own and merely receives her food and hydration through a feeding tube. Terri’s family is asking to be given legal guardianship so that they may love and care for her.

Death by starvation and dehydration is painless.

It is upsetting to note that Florida law does not allow a dog to be subjected to a death by starvation so why would should Terri, a human being be sentenced to such a death?
St. Louis neurologist William Burke said:
A conscious [cognitively disabled] person would feel it just as you or I would. They will go into seizures. Their skin cracks, their tongue cracks, their lips crack. They may have nosebleeds because of the drying of the mucus membranes, and heaving and vomiting might ensue because of the drying out of the stomach lining. They feel the pangs of hunger and thirst. Imagine going one day without a glass of water! Death by dehydration takes ten to fourteen days. It is an extremely agonizing death."

If the above link does not work please try going to www.nrlc.org and click on their links. NRLC has been in the process of helping them fight this through legislation, as they have with many other euthenasia cases including ones involving small children.


Brother Napalm of God's Love
And yet as many experts says that Ms Schiavo is not there. There is no way to verify whether or not she is there. Let her go.



Well-Known Member
Some claim that Terri Schiavo is in a persistent-vegetative state, while many doctors and medical professional disagree and believe that Terri is very aware of her surroundings. No doctors or medical professionals claim that Terri is in a coma.
If this is indeed a fact, then it is completely illegal to even consider terminating Terri's life, much less do so by way of starvation, which would fit under "cruel and unusual punishment." If all of this is true, then this is a non-issue.


Well-Known Member
Since he is not really "there" for her, basically commited adultry, and that is a reason for divorce. Custody is taken away from parents over their children over lesser reasons by the state.
Cut the guy some slack.
His wifes been non-responsive for 15 years.

I don`t understand why he wouldn`t have already divorced her if he didn`t feel an ethical commitment to make sure she was cared for and her wishes were carried out.


Well-Known Member
In fact, she is a healthy woman who happens to have a disability.
A disability?
A disability?

A disabilty is something you can overcome and lead a happy healthy normal life.

Terry cannot do that.

This is not you`re common variety of "A disability"


Well-Known Member
TranceAm said:
linwood said:
I am... He doesn't want to take care of the love of his life as long as she lives, her parents want to, but can't since they don't have custody and since he doesn't divorce they can't get it, murder is bad on the long term, suicide is out of the question.
If your not part of the solution, you are part of the problem.
Trance, you`re not getting the entire story from Johnnys.

I'm in Florida and this is a major news story here.
Terrys husbands point is that Terry told him she would not want to live a life like the one she has now before her stroke

From his perspective he is trying to take care of his wife.
He is trying to have her wishes honored.

The claim that he`s just doing it to get the life insurance is the only other motive he could possibly have.
I`m pretty sure the value of that policy has been mostly eaten up trying to keep governor Bushes host of lawyers from passing legislation that directly contradicts the Florida constitution.

They`ve been going at this legal battles for years.

If you think it odd that a wife might tell this to her husband I can assure you it is not.
I`ve informed my wife that my own wishes are the same as Terrys

Read the article, there are some financial benefits for him the way it goes.
Read the source for the article.


kiwimac said:
And yet as many experts says that Ms Schiavo is not there. There is no way to verify whether or not she is there. Let her go.

A woman who tries to communicate, by making vocalizations and giving hugs, is hardly "not there." Threats by the right-to-die attorney Bushnell to have videos of the disabled woman censored shows which side is interested in the truth.

"Let her go"?! She isn't dying! Her condition is not terminal, she is just disabled. We aren't talking about letting anything natural happen, the lawyers are arguing over whether to withhold food from her and starve her to death.


Ceridwen018 said:
If this is indeed a fact, then it is completely illegal to even consider terminating Terri's life, much less do so by way of starvation, which would fit under "cruel and unusual punishment." If all of this is true, then this is a non-issue.
The husband was named by the courts as Terri's legal guardian. Deciding to terminate her life would be "assisted suicide" or "euthanasia", which has not been ruled "cruel and unusual" and remains legal.


Well-Known Member
I urge anyone really interested in this case to please read some other source for your information.

terry is not giving "hugs" Terry is not vocalizing her wants and desires.

these are the thing Terrys parents are telling the press in order to keep her alive.

Please get your info anyplace other than the article posted.


linwood said:
Cut the guy some slack.
His wifes been non-responsive for 15 years.

I don`t understand why he wouldn`t have already divorced her if he didn`t feel an ethical commitment to make sure she was cared for and her wishes were carried out.
She's been responsive for all these years, while her husband went off, found a girlfriend, and had two kids with her. I would hardly call that "ethical commitment" to his wife.

As for her wishes, she was a devout Catholic who didn't believe in suicide. She is NOT being kept alive on ventilator machines, she just needs temporary help eating.


linwood said:
A disability?
A disability?

A disabilty is something you can overcome and lead a happy healthy normal life.
Ok, so you're saying that someone who will never overcome their disability, such as a paralytic or a blind person, is not disabled???!!

People with Down syndrome, and other incurable disabilities, live quite happy lives with their disability.

Just because other people can't do all the things you can is no reason to discriminate against them.


Well-Known Member
Israel said:
Ok, so you're saying that someone who will never overcome their disability, such as a paralytic or a blind person, is not disabled???!!

Uhh..no, thats not what I said.
here let me say it again.

A disabilty is something you can overcome and lead a happy healthy normal life.

There..I said it again.

Do ya get it this time?


Well-Known Member
As for her wishes, she was a devout Catholic who didn't believe in suicide.
Whens the last time she went to Mass?
Whens the last time she took communion?

Do you know these things?

Do you know what she spoke to her husband in the dark in the dead of the night?

No..you don`t.
No one does but her husband.

If you`re argument isn that she wouldn`t be hypocritical in her Catholocism I can tell you you`ve never lived within a Catholic family.


linwood said:
I urge anyone really interested in this case to please read some other source for your information.

terry is not giving "hugs" Terry is not vocalizing her wants and desires.

these are the thing Terrys parents are telling the press in order to keep her alive.

Please get your info anyplace other than the article posted.
I've gotten info from a plethora of other sources.
For example,"the video of Terry Schiavo appearing to smile and look lovingly at her mother seemed to represent cognition. This was also true for how she followed the Mickey Mouse balloon held by her father." - from the Florida Second District Trial Court's decision on Terri's state.


linwood said:
[/b][/i]Uhh..no, thats not what I said.
here let me say it again.

A disabilty is something you can overcome and lead a happy healthy normal life.

There..I said it again.

Do ya get it this time?
That's the same thing I quoted from you before. If I must say it again, a disability does not need to be overcome, nor does it bar a person from leading a happy life, whether you consider it healthy or normal.

As someone with a disability from disease, I do take offense at your comments. I need medications every day and am unhealthy enough to be denied health insurance. My life is not normal by any stretch, but I am quite happy. Disabled people do not need to become undisabled or normal to be happy; We all are entitled to live.


Well-Known Member
Israel said:
Before she became her husband's possession in the eyes of the law.
How long before.

Was it much before she became her husbands possession in the eyes of the church?


linwood said:
Do you know what she spoke to her husband in the dark in the dead of the night?

No..you don`t.
No one does but her husband.
Do you know what she told her mother and father? Her Priest? Her friends?

Do you really think you can trust a man who inherits millions of dollars, enough to pay off his debts, if she dies? Can you honestly say you've never met anyone that would kill for a million dollars?