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Helping your brother...


New Member
Ok, here's the deal:
My sister has an anorexic friend, and she's being trying to help her for a while, but no matter how hard she tried, the girl didn't seem to want to change life.
Now I know what the Bible says about helping your brother, but does it ever talk about a situation when the 'brother' in question refuses help?
As a Christian, should my sister give up or persevere until she succeeds?


godless wonder
Ok, here's the deal:
My sister has an anorexic friend, and she's being trying to help her for a while, but no matter how hard she tried, the girl didn't seem to want to change life.
Now I know what the Bible says about helping your brother, but does it ever talk about a situation when the 'brother' in question refuses help?
As a Christian, should my sister give up or persevere until she succeeds?
It a mental disorder and unless your friend is an expert in that field, then the best person to help would be a specialist who is trained in anorexia. Being a personal trainer, I've seen people who are anorexic working out in the gym for up to 5 hours a day! And there's nothing we can do about it unless we notice that they may pass out. It's a sad disorder and one that needs immediate attention.


renouncing this world
Yes - get her help, professional help. She needs mental and physical experts to put her back into a normal mode. But you should never give up, your job is not to give her medical advise, but to be there to help her spiritually - listen to her, show her that you can be trusted, and pray for her, and try to pray with her.


Fatalist. Christian. Pacifist.
You can always keep trying. Focus on your prayer as well. Have faith. God will listen.