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here's different thinking about god, you've never heard

some people have a problem with the god of the bible being cruel. they see that good things happen to evil people and horrible things happen to good people, they see a god that has no problem ordering the killing of innocent babies and children, they see the wholesale slaughter, in sometimes very sadistic fashion, of millions of people with no intervention by this god. has anybody else ever considered that maybe theyre expecting a kind, gentle god that never allows destruction, pain, or suffering, and will only make people happy with whatever he does for them? and that maybe the god of the bible does exist, but the fact might be that he's a hateful deity, and we're unfortunate enough to have been created by him for bent pleasure?

this isn't necessarily a thinking about god that nobody's heard.

i mean, even if i said that god was an orange living in the crisper drawer of an old woman's apartment on mulberry street, somebody probably has heard that before and still asked the same question.

what's a god? why should i believe in it?
this isn't necessarily a thinking about god that nobody's heard.

i mean, even if i said that god was an orange living in the crisper drawer of an old woman's apartment on mulberry street, somebody probably has heard that before and still asked the same question.

what's a god? why should i believe in it?

i understand that it might not be thinking that no one has thought, but i'd like to hear from people who have thought it.


Outstanding Member
God is often regarded as being Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnibenevolent ( and some others ). Most have already imagined how it would be if he didn't have one of those traits.


Well-Known Member
It's more like being presented with all this then you open up the new testament. My head explodes. I have little problem with the way Judaism explains their God, but when I hear the interpretations of (most) Christians I feel coated with slime and lose more respect for Jesus and the bible. It's exactly as Ghandi said.


Well-Known Member
This can never be the god of the bible. The biblical god is not a complete dick, he is only mostly a dick.... There is a difference.
It's more like being presented with all this then you open up the new testament. My head explodes. I have little problem with the way Judaism explains their God, but when I hear the interpretations of (most) Christians I feel coated with slime and lose more respect for Jesus and the bible. It's exactly as Ghandi said.

what do you think about god, if you believe in him?


Hostis humani generis
are you a maltheist?
I am not a follower of the Christian, Mormon, Jewish or Muslim paths, and nor do I believe in the historicity of the Bible or believe in the Biblical conception of God that one obtains from reading the Bible literally. I'm what I call a Dharmic syncretist: I follow Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism. At the same time. :D

If I did believe in such a God, I would view him to be an asura, though. An asura is a sort of "materialistic/foolish god", if you will, so in a way.

However, this doesn't mean I think any of those who use or believe in the God of the Bible are worshipping an evil or nonexistent entity, though, only that these events if taken literally. Most people I have encountered, however are knowledgeable enough to know that they are myths that have a symbolic purpose. I find the Jewish interpretation of the Bible to be the best, and I do like Jewish philosophy.

My own God, though, I have no maltheistic beliefs. My God is love. My God is the essence of sat-chid-ānanda: truth, consciousness, and bliss.


Imaginary talking monkey
Staff member
Premium Member
My own beliefs about the nature of God---benevolent vs. malevolent and sadistic--- depends a lot on what kind of a day I''m having.


Well-Known Member
I call a Dharmic syncretist: I follow Buddhism, Hinduism, and Sikhism. At the same time. :D

AKA a stinking British hippie!

As to the OP, I think notion of good and evil is a mistake. There is nothing that is explicitly good or evil. G-d is omnipotent, but what He does does not necessarily make Him evil because we are only human and we can only judge and see things from our narrow perspective, whereas G-d's is infinite.


Hostis humani generis
AKA a stinking British hippie!
Whoaaa man, why all the haaaate? The universe is inside us both, maaan.
Whoa.. I have hands.

*stares at them vacantly*

Um. I'm running short on hippie-like things to say. :D


Well-Known Member
what do you think about god, if you believe in him?

For me God is pantheistic. God = here, now. No judgments, no petty jealousy, only the moment as it is. There's not much else I can add to that since "God" is just a word. The truly supernatural cannot be expressed intellectually, you can only have guide posts. Unfortunately Christians think the finger pointing at the moon is the moon.
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