There can be homosexual, bisexual or heterosexual pedophiles. It's wise to notice that those are adjectives not nouns in front. Most pedophiles gravitate towards being attracted to any gender, because they are pedophiles and the object of their desires are children.
Children are not able to consent either legally, emotionally or psychologically. This is why pedophilia is considered a toxic deviancy. It's one sided and in practice harm's the object of desire with no recourse for a victim immediately.
There is no link with the sexual abuse of boys and that link making boys gay. Most homosexuals never experienced sexual abuse. Many identifying as homosexual who later tell of sex abuse tell that the abuse happened after they suspected they were gay...and a pervert took advantage of this. I.E. Grooming an "easy" target.
How this relates to my OP makes sense. We don't consider heterosexuality degenerate when young girls are raped by grown men. Do we? My point.
Homosexuality is not degenerate, perverse or deviant either. Why the fuss about it? It's telling, the why, and shows why in this thread. People feel strongly that gays, and the like, are perverts. They focus obsessively on this. All the while, never with full heartedness addressing the real issues that are rampant within the largest denominator. How convenient of them.