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hi I'm new


I basically came here to produce religious/creation theories for others to examine critique and suggest. So I can edit and adapt my theory in the way most scientific theories are examined. In this way I believe I can rationally prove to most people why there is a grain of truth in all religions but no religion is completely right.

here is what i wrote about religion on my blog.

I like to believe most myths and religions have a grain of truth somewhere caused by humanities unconscious connection to the source of all things (god, allah, buddah, the source ,the force, eternal energy) whatever you want to call it.
However because this connection is unconscious it is always misinterpreted by the mystic/dreamer/ religious leader, leading to what has happened with every major religion.
I think every human has the ability to connect with this font of information and the more you try to help others the more you will begin to innately understand and access the source of all that is good.
You may have heard the expression people hear what they want to hear. This is what causes all the different versions of what God is and what is required of us.
Everyone who has wrote a religious book or had books written about them has felt that connection and attempted to put what they feel is true into words. Some have done better than others, others have had their message changed by some who have wanted to manipulate and control the faithful.
But even if the exact words unaltered by the connected person (helper) is recorded. It may never be 100% accurate because although they may get some parts completely correct the very act of recording information causes them to engage their intellect to determine exactly how to put it into words and therein lies the cause of some errors.
Even more important than the emotional-intellectual translation errors there is the simple fact that us humans on this earth are mortal so until we die and move on to an immortal existence we will never be able to completely understand or process any information completely accurately because we experience time in a linear fashion with a beginning and an end.
The force for good being eternal and existing before the concept of time would not be able to conceive of time in a linear fashion just as the human brain can never fully comprehend eternal-ity.
All we can do is help not hinder others lives and development on this earth allowing are connection to grow to the stage where we automatically know right from wrong.

Think about things with only good/love for others and you will feel what is right in your heart. This will allow you to sift through all the misinformation you encounter in the world and religions and therein discover what to do.

I do just that and when learning about religions i keep running into stumbling blocks like why would god do that or act like that or command someone to do that. Also more blocks appear when reading religions with stringent rules on the way you should act or the way you should pray.

I believe wholeheartedly that any eternal force for good would not need or require any one to worship or praise them in any ritualistic fashion. What it would want from us is simply to help not harm others and i don't mean just directly physical actions but emotionally, virtually ,mentally. However you connect with others whatever reaction your actions cause it would be more in line with the intentions of a force for good if the reactions you cause are beneficial.

Iti oj

Global warming is real and we need to act
Premium Member
Welcome to rf. Nice intro post. I look foward to seeing you around and helping you debunk some of these hypothesis. Id reply more to your op but it'd a bit wordy and im posting from a dieing phone… but welcome.
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Jehovah our God is One
hi, welcome to the forum. I think you are correct in that we tend to see what we want to see, but I dont believe this is always deliberate. As a way to illustrate it, imagine 10 people sitting at a large round table with a statue in the middle of the table. No one person will see the statue in exactly the same way, nor can they see the statue in the way any of the other people see it....this is because each person has a different perspective. And our perspectives are often shaped by our own experiences and by the way we individually think and feel about things.

All descriptions of the statue 'can' be right, but they can never give you the full picture.


i basically just copied and pasted my views on religion into a thread called "Maybe there is truth in all religions but the end result is actually wrong" in General Religious Debates might be better to get some thoughts going