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High Morals of Holy Prophet (sa) when in Power/ He Defended Atrocities against New Faith.


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you.

Before the fall of opposition in Makkah, news came that non-Muslim Arab tribes at the then-Syrian border were planning to attack Madinah.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) sent a group of 15 people for investigation.

When they reached at the border, they saw indeed an army buildup was in process. The people in group began to convey message of Islam to them. In response, they were killed.

When news reached to Holy Prophet (sa), he wanted to sent an army for the matter. Meanwhile news came that opposing armies were dispersing so he postponed sending his people.

Holy Prophet (sa) wrote a letter of complaint to the representative of Roman Empire in Basrah. He was leader of Ghussan tribe. The letter was carried by a Companion Al-Harth. On his way to Syria, he stopped at a place called Motah where he met a Roman official [Surjeel of Ghussan tribe]. When Surjeel learned that Al-Harth was ambassador of Holy Prophet (sa), he killed him to stop the letter. It seems that Surjeel did not want Roman Emperor to know about complaint about what Ghussan people and others were doing at borders.

The news reached to Holy Prophet (sa), now he send 3000 men to take care of growing situation caused by border tribes. Commander was appointed. Two replacement commanders were appointed too. Holy Prophet (sa) advised the group to exercise righteousness; and when they would be in area of Syria, they shoul not harm people in worship-places, women, children, blind, elderly. They should not demolish building and cut trees.

When the group of 3000 reached at border, they found that Roman emperor with 100,000 men and 100,000 non-Muslim tribes was already present. At the place of Motah, fight took place, Muslim commander and then both replace commanders were martyred. Then a fourth companion took charge and employed certain tactics and brought back the remaining people in group safely.

Holy Prophet (sa) was informed about matter through revelation and before return of the group, he gathered the Muslims in mosque and told them about all events.


Earlier it had been decided in Hudaibiyah Peace treaty that Arab tribes would be free to join either Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) or Maccans and both sides would not fight against each other for 10 years unless one of the side breach the agreement and attack other…….Quraish of Makkah and another tribes jointly attacked a third tribe [which was ally of Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)]. They send people to inform Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and asked help under the agreement.

When Makkans realized what was going to take place under the agreement, they felt fear and send their leader to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.)…..They knew they were the violators of treaty.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and Muslim tribes entered the Makkah, and general amnesty was granted by and large.


Since Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) entered Makkah after unexpected events and it was sudden. Non-Muslim tribes in south knew it late, they gathered for battle which took place at Hunain area. At first, Muslim army suffered from sudden arrow attack, and their own rides created more troubles. At a time Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) was alone but he voiced:

I am Prophet, I am not false

I am (grand)son of Abdul Muttalib

Then at his message to come back was raised and all scattered Muslims gathered again and defeated the foe.


Latter Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) went to make siege of city of Taif. The people of city had thrown stones at him in his (s.a.w.) early time and drove him out bleeding. After some time, he (s.a.w.) was counseled that whole Arabia has become Muslim, this lone city cannot do any harm now, so he (s.a.w.) left them. After sometimes, people of Taif too became Muslim.


Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) went to Madinah. Some hypocrites made a plan to go to Syrian non-Muslim government and their non-Muslims Arabs tribes and incite them to attack Madinah. And second part of plan was that non-Muslim tribes of Madinah would spread news that Syrians are attacking….The purpose was to start a war b/n Muslims and Syrians.

The highly careful Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) took his people and went Tabook near Syria, his sources told him there was no Syrian collection. He came back after making some agreements with tribes. Two months passed in these matters. When returning, foe ploted final plot and made some people sit in a narrow place for attack but Allah the Exalted revealed to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) and he send people to drive them away. …. Even then these hypocrites were not given any punishment.

Latter tribes continued to come and join Islam.

Ref: Based on: Book: Introduction to the study of Holy Quran @ alislamDOTorg
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Premium Member
If I may ask, in what way were these people hypocrites? Perhaps this isn't the right word, or I may be misunderstanding.


Peace be upon you.
If I may ask, in what way were these people hypocrites? Perhaps this isn't the right word, or I may be misunderstanding.
Peace be on you..They were some people who for one or other reason showed they believe Islam but in secret, they were not friends......My humble purpose here is not to name people or other faiths at that time, but to show that when early Muslims gained power, non-Muslims especially in tribal areas, created troubles and tried to create misunderstanding across the border by getting help from unhappy elements of inside.

Another reason to write this is to refute such extremists Muslims groups of today who think wrongly that as soon as Islam gained power, it began to attack others. It was not the case at that time.


Premium Member
Peace be on you..They were some people who for one or other reason showed they believe Islam but in secret, they were not friends......My humble purpose here is not to name people or other faiths at that time, but to show that when early Muslims gained power, non-Muslims especially in tribal areas, created troubles and tried to create misunderstanding across the border by getting help from unhappy elements of inside.

Another reason to write this is to refute such extremists Muslims groups of today who think wrongly that as soon as Islam gained power, it began to attack others. It was not the case at that time.

I see - so these were people who pretended to be Muslim, but in fact did not believe in the message brought by Muhammad?

Why would they pretend, do you think?


Peace be upon you.
I see - so these were people who pretended to be Muslim, but in fact did not believe in the message brought by Muhammad?

Why would they pretend, do you think?
Many reasons: e.g. to weaken the new community from within.


Premium Member
Many reasons: e.g. to weaken the new community from within.

OK, thanks, it's interesting to hear Islamic perspectives on this important period.

I wonder, why do you think they would have wanted so badly to weaken the community? Spite?

And what do you think their religion was in actuality, if they were only pretending to be Muslim - pagan, Christian, Jewish?


Peace be upon you.
It is obligation for Muslims to tell others about their creed but it has to be with tolerance:

"Pluralism and the Najran Christians: How Prophet Muhammad Went Beyond Tolerance"

"The visit of the Christians of Narjan to the city of Medina in 631CE is perhaps the most important noted interfaith interaction between Christians and Prophet Muhammad."

"When the Christians of Najran arrived to Medina, Muhammad allowed them to pray in Nabawi mosque where the Muslims also prayed. This invitation was not only the first example of Christian-Muslim dialogue, but it was the first time that Christians prayed in a mosque. While Prophet Muhammad and the Najrans were not able to reach common ground on all theological issues, he nonetheless gave them a place to stay near his home, and even ordered Muslims to pitch their tent."
Ref: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/craig...christians_b_9235554.html?utm_hp_ref=religion


Premium Member
Certainly admirable, and demonstrative of Muhammad's sympathy and tolerance. But as an idol-worshipper myself, I do wonder if this tolerance would have extended to pagans?


Peace be upon you.
Muhammad had sex with a nine-year-old girl, beheaded about one thousand war prisoners, stole the wife of his adoptive son, cheated on his wives, had sex with his slave girls, taught his followers that it was OK to rape captive women, condoned the murder of pregnant women who had criticized him, and sucked the tongues of infants. He had the lowest moral standards in the history of mankind.
Peace be on you.
These and other allegations have been refuted several times in following resources:
e.g. @ http://www.muhammadfactcheck.org/
Myth Index
murdered Jews
permitted to lie
marriage to A'isha
and more


Muhammad (s.a.w.) in the eyes of non-Muslims. They are great names, they have refuted above allegations too:

@ https://www.alislam.org/library/links/eyes.html


Prof K. S. Ramakrishna Rao, Head of the Department of Philosophy, Government College for Women University, Mysore, Mandya‑571401 (Karnatika) - India
@ https://www.alislam.org/library/mohammadtheprophet.html


An apology for Mohammed and the Koran : Davenport, John ...
Internet Archive
by Davenport, John, 1789-1877. Published 1882.


Peace be upon you.
Certainly admirable, and demonstrative of Muhammad's sympathy and tolerance. But as an idol-worshipper myself, I do wonder if this tolerance would have extended to pagans?
Peace be on you.....Even though when Oneness of God was announced, very first reactions came from dominant pagans of Makkah, which caused early Muslims to migrate and other things. Holy Prophet (sa) had kept trying dialogue with them.

Within a few days of the Prophet's arrival in Medina, the pagan tribes there became interested in Islam and a majority of them joined.


On the inviolability of treaties the Quran says clearly : Excepting those of the idolaters with whom you have entered into a treaty and who have not subsequently failed you in any- thing nor aided anyone against you. So fulfil to these the treaty you have made with them till their term. Surely, Allah loves those who are righteous (9 : 4). Pagans, who enter into a pact with Muslims, keep the pact and do not help the enemy against Muslims, are to have reciprocal treatment from Muslims. Piety requires that Muslims should fulfil their part of a pact in the letter as well as the spirit. (7) Of an enemy at war with Muslims who wishes to study the Message of Islam, the Quran orders : And if anyone of the idolaters ask protection of thee, grant him protection, so that he may hear the word of Allah : then convey him to his place of security. That is because they are a people who have no knowledge (9 : 6). That is to say, if any of those at war with Muslims seek refuge with Muslims in order to study Islam and ponder over its Message, they are to have refuge with Muslims for such time as may be reasonably necessary for such a purpose.


Of the persons who had been ordered to be executed as exceptions to the general amnesty was one who had been responsible for the cruel murder of Zainab, a daughter of the Prophet. This man was Habbar. He had cut the girths of Zainab's camel, on which Zainab fell to the ground and, being with child, suffered abortion. A little later she died. This was one of the inhumanities which he had committed and for which he deserved the penalty of death. This man now came to the Prophet and said, "Prophet of God, I ran away from you and went to Iran, but the thought came to me that God had rid us of our pagan beliefs and saved us from spiritual death. Instead of going to others and seeking shelter with them why not go to the Prophet himself, acknowledge my faults and my sins and ask for his forgiveness ?" The Prophet was moved and said, "Habbar, if God has planted in your heart the love of Islam, how can I refuse to forgive you ? I forgive everything you have done before this." One cannot describe in detail the enormities these men had committed against Islam and Muslims. Yet how easily the Prophet forgave them ! This spirit of forgiveness converted the most stone-hearted adversaries into devotees of the Prophet.



Diex Aie
Staff member
Premium Member
Hi Muhammad had his critics killed, married a child, executed all the adult men of Banu Qurayzah, forced a lady to marry him after her family members were killed earlier in battle, he carried out many raids and did many things which I find morally reprehensible.

You have every right to believe in him as a prophet, but please don't try convince us he's the height of morality. There's enough info in the authentic Islamic sources to show us Muhammad was anything but perfect.

Hi, since you're new I won't go to action on this. I do need to tell you, though, that this is a DIR, which means that only Muslims can post in here. I suggest you delete your post so as not to cause any offence.


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Debater Slayer

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Premium Member
***Mod Post***

This is the Islam DIR. Non-Muslims may only post respectful questions, and argumentative posts from non-Muslims and Muslims alike are forbidden in the DIR. Please keep Rule 10 in mind while posting.