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High Status of Women in True Islam :Address of Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V(a.t.) to Ahmadiyya Ladies


Peace be upon you.
Peace be on you….In UK Jalsa Salana 2015, Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper) addressed to Ahmadiyya Muslim ladies on 22 nd August 2015.

The session began with recitation of Holy Quran (Surah Al Hashr, verses 19-25). Then a poem was read. After that Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (a.t.) granted awards to female students who excelled in academics.

In his address, Huzur (a.t.) said that these days, there is an importance of number of women in any society and country. Women rights are talked in elections in big countries. Females are praised to get their attention, it make them feel they are being considered equal to men. But gauging through standard of truth, it is seen that men’s own interest have more weight.

Women have tried to get their station by getting education and by raising their voice for rights in society, they have gotten supporters like organizations for human rights. Yet they face discrimination in advanced countries. They get lesser wages than men. They become victim of physical abuse and harshness by men. Sixty to sixty five per cent marriages break down. Women are valued because of governmental reasons, not because of their fundamental respect.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) has established respect and status of women -- not by virtue of their quantity, any worldly status or beauty -- but due to their responsibilities and sacrifices.

There is an example, a Sahabiah (female disciple) named Asmaa (may Allah be pleased with her) came to Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) to represent women and said Allah has sent him for men and women alike but men are moving ahead to get pleasure of Allah and His nearness because of certain things they do, e.g. offering Salaat in congregation, Friday Salaat, Janazah Salaat (to pray for a passed away), more chances for doing Hajj, Jihad. She said we, the women, take care of houses, wealth and children after men have gone, ‘do we get same reward?’

Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) lauded her question and said that she should well understand and tell the other women that the woman who takes care of husband’s home well and train children will get same reward as her husband gets by doing virtues and Jihad / struggle.

These days, by misuse of true meaning of Jihad Islam is being abused. Some women are falling in wrong hands on the name of so-called Jihad. When foe try to finish religion, defense is allowed but aggression is not allowed.

Some Muslim women who have less knowledge they feel troubled and shy and sit in corner in advanced countries or try to copy them on the name of freedom and drift away from religion. This freedom is not in rights but it takes away dress. They do not know the great status of women in Islam. A believing woman who believes in Imam of age - the woman who pledges to be slave of Allah – her freedom is much more, provided her husband is believer too. Despite her being called slave of Allah, her high status cannot be imagined by Western countries.

Women live with fear in progressed countries, they are beaten. As in Asian countries where many women bear oppression to save their houses -- they suffer in West too. Once Huzur (a.t.) was (perhaps) in France, he was about to enter an elevator / lift, a Khuddam [Ahmadiyya young men] at security duty opened the door. A family tried to enter the elevator first. Huzur (a.t.) told Khuddam to let the family go first and gestured the woman for that. Woman was ethical, she told her husband to let Huzur (a.t.) go first. Upon this, husband scolded her badly. Tear came in her eyes. Her feelings of humiliation were visible but she showed patience.

The Companions of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) knew that if they treated their wives with harshness they shall earn displeasure of Allah the Exalted and Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). They were very careful due to belief.

In this era, Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) has developed understanding in Jama'at about importance of paying rights to women. He advised men if they knew the importance of paying rights of women and if they knew the sin of not paying their rights, perhaps then they would not do even one marriage – far to talk about two, three or four. No doubt, under certain circumstances, Islam has allowed up to four marriages but attached condition are so severe that if these are not fulfilled, the sin for man is so huge that perhaps he do not do even one marriage.

The high status of woman is evident from the answer of Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) when someone asked him who was the most rightful of his good conduct? Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said, ‘your mother’. The man asked two more times. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) still told him, ‘your mother’ , ‘your mother’. The man asked fourth time? Then Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said, ‘your father and then other relatives in succession’.

It is because mother’s role is greatest in raising and training child. From birth to milk-feeding, time to time cleaning, and not caring about her own sleep and comfort -- then she tries to make the child a good person in society. She is the means to take the child to Paradise. If the child, after growing does not do good conduct to her, then there is no guarantee for him to enter Paradise…..The mother who cares and raises child with good training and understanding, and does not mention this benevolence -- such mothers reach to Paradise too. Mothers should understand this point. They should not destroy children by not giving them full attention by staying out of house from morning till evening to earn money to fulfill worldly desires in this society. Pay full attention to their training and education. Holy Quran says ‘you kill not your children’. [from ch6:v152]

It is easier to understand in this Western society where relations break and many children are living with single parents. Many of them fall prey to psychological problems, become weak in education, find bad company due to non-checking, begin drugs and become victims of other evils. Thus husband and wife should sacrifice to end their differences for the sake of children otherwise there are high chances their children will go astray. Men should come in senses and should not worship their low desires and save children. Both husband and wife should develop Taqwa (righteousness) in their hearts.

An objection is raised against Islam that it does not allow woman to decide about spouse……In fact it is matter of custom in some countries. In subcontinent, Muslims, Hindus and Sikhs make matrimonial ties among families and castes……True Islam negates such attitudes of ignorance. Islam commands to give importance to the desire of woman. Some young women write to Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah (a.t.) that their parents are not doing their marriages because young men are not from parents’ larger family.

Once a woman complained to Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) that her father is asking her to marry some person whom she does not like, this person is rich the standard of father is man’s wealth…….. Holy Prophet (s.a.w.) said to the woman that she was free, there was no compulsion to her…….After getting this verdict, she said she did not want her father displeased too, she only wanted to establish the right of women for ever which was established, she would do sacrifice and marry where her father said.

Believer Ahmadi woman should remember that she has done Bai'at of Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace).

To make matrimonial relation, always keep your pledge before you to give precedence to faith over worldly matters.

Ahmadi Muslim men should marry Ahmadi Muslim women.

Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) told four possible reasons to marry a woman; beauty, family, wealth and deen [religion, faith, way, Islam]. He (s.a.w.) asked to see deen.

Thus marriage should be done with women who practice deen. Women should practice deen and pray for their good destiny. There are many problems in Jama'at for women. May Allah solve these. Huzur (a.t.) said he regularly prays for them, each Ahmadi should do too. Deen give priority and importance to the opinion of women for marriage. Those parents who do not do so they oppress their daughters and cause bad name to Islam. If there is a clear violation of any Islamic article, Allah stops to make marriage with such people. For larger-family or wealth issues, marriages should not be hindered. Some women write to Huzur (a.t.) that a good proposal has come but parents are not saying yes due to larger-family or personal ego issues. May Allah grant wisdom to such fathers.

Huzur (a.t.) said it is benevolence of Allah the Exalted that we believe Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) who has guided us at every occasion. He has made clear that every commandment of Islam has wisdom. The commandments about women are there to establish her importance and respect. These should be accepted with good heart. Some times reports from Lajna [Ahmadiyya Muslim ladies’ auxiliary] state that some people say why there is repeated advice to observe Cover (Purdah)...... What is Purdah? It is to establish modesty. If there is no modesty despite Purdah then it is useless. Modesty lies in covering body. Beauty of a woman is in her Purdah which each Ahmadi woman should manifest. It is commandment of Quran. It is due to prestige, security and importance of woman.

Hazrat Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) said that This era is such weak that if there were to be no custom of Purdah in anytime, this era definitely needs it…..Hearts are empty of spirituality…How is it appropriate to leave poor sheep in the forest where wolves abound…….Quran commands men and women to lower the gaze.......Purdah does not mean that women should be kept like as in jail.

It means they should cover themselves and do not stare at unrelated men. Those women who need to go out for social matters they can go. Purdah of gaze is needed too..

No commandment of Quran makes woman inferior to men. Woman has importance as they train children in home, she has importance so her opinion is very important in deciding her marriage. The commandment of Purdah is due to her importance, no feelings of inferiority should be there.

Huzur (a.t.) prayed May Allah the Exalted enable everyone to fulfill pledge to give precedence to faith over worldly matters……Then he (a.t.) lead the silent prayers.

Reference: Based on address to Ahmadiyya Muslim ladies, by Hazrat Khalifatul Messiah V (may Allah be his Helper), 22 August 2015, Hadiqatul Mahdi, Alton, Hampshire, UK, alislam.org, mta.tv
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