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Hillary applauds 11 year old kid for taking a knee.


Veteran Member
That would be a difference between people like you and me. The flag absolutely represents the sacrifice of military personnel and anybody else in love of service and Country who paid the ultimate price of which we enjoy, that they themselves never will see or enjoy ever again .
Hmm, so those military personnel didn't fight for Americans' freedom to protest things they find unjust?

Have you ever heard any of the kneelers expressing disdain toward military personnel? Or is it that perhaps you're trying to make this into something that it isn't (like Trump does)?


Veteran Member
Boy are you guys just a sorry lot to behold.

It's obviously too much trouble for people in a collective setting to at least stand or salute for a few minutes while the anthems being played then take a knee afterwards.

You would have garnered a lot more respect for that, and bring attention to the issues. But no you have to put yourself ahead of it all and screw the anthem because you're more important. That's how I'm reading it.

I'm sorry I'm just not that disrespectful to those who have died.
How about all the people standing in line to buy beer and hot dogs or relieving themselves in the washroom during the playing of the national anthem. Do those people outrage you as much as the kneelers do?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Hmm, so those military personnel didn't fight for Americans' freedom to protest things they find unjust?

Have you ever heard any of the kneelers expressing disdain toward military personnel? Or is it that perhaps you're trying to make this into something that it isn't (like Trump does)?
Let's put it this way, can you find any recorded account in history whatsoever where national symbolism in the way that we're seeing today?

Maybe they should burn the American flag while taking the knee for added effect. You know to help the cause along.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
How about all the people standing in line to buy beer and hot dogs or relieving themselves in the washroom during the playing of the national anthem. Do those people outrage you as much as the kneelers do?

Yeah if everybody was collectively watching them **** in the toilet after buying beer.

Maybe the football players should have bought beer and ****** in the toilet?

That might have worked out better, who knows?


Veteran Member
Yeah I do. If people are going to act like that just go incognito and don't advertise over the loudspeakers that your going to buy a beer and **** in the toilet because you got issues.
Have you ever been to a football game? There are people roaming all over the place, tailgating in the parking lot, buying food, chanting, going to the washroom, etc. throughout the entire thing, including the playing of the national anthem. Why are those people not being disrespectful of the flag and the national anthem, in your view?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Have you ever been to a football game? There are people roaming all over the place, tailgating in the parking lot, buying food, chanting, going to the washroom, etc. throughout the entire thing, including the playing of the national anthem. Why are those people not being disrespectful of the flag and the national anthem, in your view?
If you're there watching a game are the cameras and the fans focused on specific tailgaters or the football players?

Hey listen, if football players want to take a knee let them take a knee. They are going to have to deal with the fallout .

I'm not going to shout off the rooftops to have their heads chopped off or have them thrown in prison or anything like that. ;0?

But I will vemenitly carry the opinion that such people football players, or civilians are displaying themselves out to be incredibly selfish disrespectful and dismissive cads and not worthy of my attention whatever issue they may carry personally . If they can't show any respect themselves on one thing on their part , then they don't deserve any respect or attention back in kind.

Fortunately there's also a fair number of that do stand and show their respects as the anthem is being played . Then they go get beer and **** in the toilet.
You're just as bad as those with Westboro Baptist who indiscriminately go around disrespecting the people who died in service of the country who themselves fueled by personal agenda willingly shows such a display of incredible disrespect

This is a truly idiotic point. The 2 situations are not even remotely analogous.

a) A deliberate attempt to cause specific people anguish by physically disrupting the funeral of someone they love who has been tragically killed. A systematic attempt to permanently ruin a significant moment in people's lives following a traumatic event.

b) Someone taking a knee on the sideline at an NFL game (after explicitly stating that no disrespect is intended to the military who have his full support and gratitude) because they feel US values are not being respected by authorities. Something that causes no direct harm to anyone and that you actually have to choose to be offend by and could very easily just ignore with quiet contempt if that was your wont.

It's essentially for observing a moment of silence and an act of affirmation whenever you honor the dead and the fallen, whenever the flag and pledge is honored and by respecting that, you also acknowledge yourself as being among the values by which this country was based and founded upon. This ought to remain pristine of and in itself. I think that's important so people don't over time, as new generations emerge in wake of older generations who step down, avoid tarnishing and conflating the reasons why national symbolism is there in the first place.

In my opinion, using the flag or pledge of Allegiance as a platform for grievances and contentions dilutes its original meaning and representation of all the people that built this country and died for this country. It's for them as much as ourselves.

If this were truly so, then it seems somewhat incongruous to treat the issue as a political football, and turn it into a shrill rant against '**mod edit**' who, along with the veterans who disagree with you, are the despicable scum of the earth like Westboro.

If it is about unity and common values, then those who oppose it would acknowledge that there is no attempt to disrespect the military and that they understand he is making a point about social justice, but wouldn't it be better to find an alternative way to protest? The issue would have disappeared long ago if the NFL and the players had been left to find an amicable solution, but why let that happen when there's so much political capital to be made from fanning the flames?

Someone who truly believed what you say would prefer that those with influence tried to find a solution, rather than twisted and polarised the issue as much as possible in the name of political expediency. Otherwise it just comes across as disingenuous and sanctimonious political grandstanding.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This is a truly idiotic point. The 2 situations are not even remotely analogous.

a) A deliberate attempt to cause specific people anguish by physically disrupting the funeral of someone they love who has been tragically killed. A systematic attempt to permanently ruin a significant moment in people's lives following a traumatic event.

b) Someone taking a knee on the sideline at an NFL game (after explicitly stating that no disrespect is intended to the military who have his full support and gratitude) because they feel US values are not being respected by authorities. Something that causes no direct harm to anyone and that you actually have to choose to be offend by and could very easily just ignore with quiet contempt if that was your wont.

If this were truly so, then it seems somewhat incongruous to treat the issue as a political football, and turn it into a shrill rant against '**mod edit**' who, along with the veterans who disagree with you, are the despicable scum of the earth like Westboro.

If it is about unity and common values, then those who oppose it would acknowledge that there is no attempt to disrespect the military and that they understand he is making a point about social justice, but wouldn't it be better to find an alternative way to protest? The issue would have disappeared long ago if the NFL and the players had been left to find an amicable solution, but why let that happen when there's so much political capital to be made from fanning the flames?

Someone who truly believed what you say would prefer that those with influence tried to find a solution, rather than twisted and polarised the issue as much as possible in the name of political expediency. Otherwise it just comes across as disingenuous and sanctimonious political grandstanding.
Maybe you should research and study American history on the origins and significance of our National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance.

They intentionally targeted The Anthem itself completely ignorant of the reason why it's there in the first place .

I called it already for what it is as many others have as well when it comes to this.

The football players made their own pigeonhole, they can lie in it and wallow in the mud.
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I called it already for what it is as many others have as well when it comes to this.

And many others have called out the hypocrisy of pretending it's about high minded ideals while using it to score cheap political points and arrogantly and disrespectfully assuming you get to speak on behalf of all current or former servicemen and women.

The football players made their own pigeonhole, they can lie in it and wallow in the mud.

A pigeonhole recently feathered with record breaking incomes...

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
And many others have called out the hypocrisy of pretending it's about high minded ideals while using it to score cheap political points and arrogantly and disrespectfully assuming you get to speak on behalf of all current or former servicemen and women.

A pigeonhole recently feathered with record breaking incomes...

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Trump is PROBABLY a paedophile. Prove he isn't.
Nah. It's a fact that Trump doesn't really get peed on by hookers, but rather he saves the hooker urine to serve to unknowing guests--who are told the urine is "the finest wine ever. The most amazing wine ever. The greatest wine ever. They are just really going to love that wine"--who then get a triple bombshell of Trump making his guests watch him force a child to have sex with farm animals.
Prove it doesn't happen. Because my source says it happens virtually daily in the ultra exclusive VIP lounges at the Mara Largo.


Let's go full Trottle
Honestly I'm utterly speechless by the sheer volume of negative commentary by a number of you as it pertains to criticism of the American flag and the pledge of allegiance where as a person just cannot give it a couple minutes to respectfully allow it to conclude and then state the case of contention and issues that need to be known in a high-profile setting.

When the Anthem is over no one cares they snap out of their trance and go on with their lives. No one will notice someone trying to talk after* the anthem about how something that is symbolic of this nation is ignoring a chunk of it's citizens.

You are ignoring the entire point of the taking a knee during the anthem.

Say your cousin is a black guy, and he comes home decorated like a Christmas tree. Then 3 months after his multi tour he gets arrested on a simple traffic violation while he has no warrant and, is beaten to death by cops in the holding cell. Footage revealed/leaked shows that they beat him to death over him asking for his phone call, and he didn't resist. Then post death they talk how awesome it felt to beat him to death. Then the courts that are supposed to preside over these cases finds nothing wrong with the police officers' actions and the "problem goes away."

Investigative reports shows that these same officers have been involved in half a dozen "questionable deaths" under their supervision. These scumbags represent the law and the law represents the government, and the sole function of a government is to provide for the people under it's care.

The government fails its people when there is no oversight for those that enforce it's laws. Laws are above everyone. If you commit a crime, no matter who you are you should pay the consequences. A hell of a lot of people's deaths go unanswered for at the hands of the police.

That is what people are taking a knee for.

There are hundreds of videos out there for you to look up to see just how barbaric some police officers are. And they act in a manner like they can't be touched by the law, why? Because the system that is supposed to govern them? Ignores it, overlooks it, the blue code demands that police can do no wrong. And if wrong is committed, to shut the **** up and don't talk about it.