Aren't some segments of the American right railing against perceived "indoctrination" and "politicization" in college courses? By the same token, does the above not fit into both categories? Is it going to get criticism from the same people who have criticized colleges over such perceptions?
The course is free, therefore, you are not going into debt to learn propaganda, like happened in the Modern Liberal ripoff mills we still call Liberal controlled colleges and universities. You can stop anytime and not be ripped off like you would with the Liberal run colleges. Liberalism caused more student debt than the rest of history combined, by keeping the students drunk on misinformation fear and hate, that feels right. How many Liberal college graduates thought Russian Collusion was real and not a con job? The Liberals of old were much wiser to such scams by the corruption we saw in Big Government culture.
A change has occurred within Liberalism, compared to the 1960's and 1970's. I was a young Liberal back then. We were about an end to racism and a scale back on big brother and the Military Industrial Complex; "the man". Righteous war like WWII was OK if needed but police actions to buy and sell bullets was a waste of life. John F Kennedy, would now be considered a Republican by modern standards.
The early Liberals were race blind; we are all humans. We had the generation gap as the divide; don't trust anyone over 30. Modern liberals tried to institute a new version of reverse racism and sexism; judge by skin color and by sex. Nixon was considered the poster child for corruption, spying on his political opponents; Liberals, at Watergate. Obama and Biden took this corruption, one step further than even Nixon, using the FBI and CIA to spy on Trump. They far exceeded Nixon, but they still fail to give themselves full credit and replace the picture of Nixon, with Obama and Biden. They would have been "the man" back then; march peacefully on Washington to shame them.
This Hillsdale course may be a good learning experience for the modern Liberal Youth, so they can compare the early Liberals of the love generation of the 1960's and 1970's with the hate generation of today. Liberals of the old days would be detained and harasses for just having long hair, now Liberal leaders will target political opponents and harass even ex-presidents, less he win a fair election. If you were a Liberal back then, the enemy would be called today's Liberals.
The love generation and Liberalism back then was made passible, because religion was strong in the 1950's and 1960's after WWII. The Love was connected Jesus and Ghandi, who were both about love and passive resistance and not hate and violence. The long hair, beard and peasant clothes of the 60's was about humility, and even looking like Jesus. The modern liberals are taught to hates and even attack religion, since it may create a conscience, that will interfere with the propaganda and scams of their corrupt leadership. But back then since our parents were connected to religion and we were applying what we learned from Jesus, too modern problems, we won them over.
Another aspect was to make culture more available for people with handicaps; handicap parking and rest rooms. Back then, the handicap people wanted to work and participate in a normal and productive life. They did bot want to just stay home and collect disability. If you fast forward, now Liberalism is about making excuses for not working and making a free ride a badge of honor It is a leadership tactic to grow government and dependent voters, while never solving problems. Instead they add new perception of problems to keep it growing; drugs and alcohol are now on the dole. The war on poverty is still active after 50 years. It is not about solutions but growing and milking the system, for liberal middleman ripoff scams. Liberalism are run by criminals not volunteers like the days of old; mafia model; Antifa, instead of the church volunteer model; peace corp.
I did not read the course, but I did live from then to now. Then was a better time to be called a Liberal.
When the moon is in the Seventh House And Jupiter aligns with Mars Then peace will guide the planets. And love will steer the stars
Liberal also about mystercism and had openness to the religions of the east and the indigenous peoples.