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Big Queer Chesticles!
I just want to say...thanks so much for the laughter before I go to bed tonight. Reading about "demons" produced from anal sex...what a hoot. I don't seem to recall..was it just anal sex involving two men, or just any anal sex? :p Not that I even believe in demons you know, but...whatever lol. I mean, I suppose one may claim I should know this stuff, being all witchy and all but..come on...demons? From anal sex no less? LOL

I mustve missed that post lol


Who the hell r v to tell homosexuals how they can or can't live...if god is there then he created them as we'll so they need sem respect as someone who is not homosexual...

And y they are if much debate... There r ppl outside who are involved in sexual relations with more then one partner.. Islam allows 4 women for a man..I say fight against that..


RF's pet cat
if god is there then he created them as we'll so they need sem respect as someone who is not homosexual...

I don't agree with acting badly towards homosexuals, I believe in respecting one another even if someone doesn't agree, but this comment doesn't make sense. God created everything, including bad things, does this mean we have to respect all those bad things too?


I don't agree with acting badly towards homosexuals, I believe in respecting one another even if someone doesn't agree, but this comment doesn't make sense. God created everything, including bad things, does this mean we have to respect all those bad things too?

No that's not what I mean... First I am shifting more towards agnostic then god..

However, I find it astonishing that U r comparing good and bad with homosexuality argument...I hope u know that's its not a choice to be homosexual..


RF's pet cat
No that's not what I mean... First I am shifting more towards agnostic then god..

However, I find it astonishing that U r comparing good and bad with homosexuality argument...I hope u know that's its not a choice to be homosexual..

I know it's not. I'm just saying that because God created something doesn't mean it's good. That was what your argument was lacking.


Veteran Member
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Gurtej said:
...if god is there then he created them as we'll so they need sem respect as someone who is not homosexual...
This is true. Disrespect is a problem that crops up sometimes; so it needs to be dealt with. Also with something that has to do with sex, its going to take patience and courage to help people get their heads clear. Its not obvious what to do. Time passes and information is lost. People today don't remember why things are the way they are. We tend to think the way things are is good enough or that its the way they always have been; even now with so many recent changes in the world. When I was a child there was no internet, for example. When I encountered The Internet on a computer one day I thought it was an odd and redundant program.

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
I just want to say...thanks so much for the laughter before I go to bed tonight. Reading about "demons" produced from anal sex...what a hoot. I don't seem to recall..was it just anal sex involving two men, or just any anal sex? :p Not that I even believe in demons you know, but...whatever lol. I mean, I suppose one may claim I should know this stuff, being all witchy and all but..come on...demons? From anal sex no less? LOL

Glad I could entertain you..:)

Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Who the hell r v to tell homosexuals how they can or can't live...if god is there then he created them as we'll so they need sem respect as someone who is not homosexual...

And y they are if much debate... There r ppl outside who are involved in sexual relations with more then one partner.. Islam allows 4 women for a man..I say fight against that..

Bro no ones hating on homosexuals..why you hating on hetrosexuals..I believe based on the ratio of men to women on earth right now..if everyone would like to get married we would have a shortage of men (even tho the hindus/indians ancestors of sikhs were burning their women..I say fight against them!!)

Dont be a hater..learn how to skate...
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Monotheist 101

Well-Known Member
Let me restate...I love homosexuals..I like going out with Gay men..they buy me free drinks :D..I am not homophobic at all..the anal sex/magick connection is a mystery but have come across various occultist who claim it speedens up the ritual..dont believe me look it up yourself..you might not get it by Googling "anal sex homo magick" but rather if you download a few books written by occultist..theres alot of them..I like reading them better than watching a horror movie..IMO the Paranormal Activity movies are exaggerations and honestly quite crappy :)...I will say again not a homophobe here...I love gay people...not enough to have sex with them tho :)


Bro no ones hating on homosexuals..why you hating on hetrosexuals..I believe based on the ratio of men to women on earth right now..if everyone would like to get married we would have a shortage of men (even tho the hindus/indians ancestors of sikhs were burning their women..I say fight against them!!)

Dont be a hater..learn how to skate...

Agree I am not a hater nor a homosexual my self..
So am I right to assume that homosexuals should be given all rights including free will to be married in each and every country..

And if religious texts goes against them then ignore them...I know this is easier said then done specially in non western countries but I will cheer for them if that's the case..

Guess u r the first Muslim to agree on this topic:)


Well-Known Member
To call out someone in their sin is detrimental to their Spiritual growth...detrimental to their (soul).....
If someone u know says they're a homosexual and u call them a homosexual and tell them they're sinning in homosexuality, you are in agreement with them and you are telling them that they're not free from sin.
We... must be careful not to create division and bondage.
The veil is torn, the chains are broken... it is finished. There is nothing we can do or not do.
Each of us sin yet its no longer our nature if we realize we're free.
I've heard it said: the power of sin is in the condemnation of it.
I agree
I don't do all Good, neither do I do all bad; do you?
Our message should be of HIM who saved us and his LOVE
After each of us know him and his LOVE & Believe, then its a seed that HE will cultivate.
He is the author and finisher of our Faith!


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That warmth is generous but doesn't quite bake the cake. As long as it is taught that homosexuals were the cause of Sodom's destruction instead of slavery, the Bible will be used to 1. promote slavery and 2. slander homosexuals.


To call out someone in their sin is detrimental to their Spiritual growth...detrimental to their (soul).....
If someone u know says they're a homosexual and u call them a homosexual and tell them they're sinning in homosexuality, you are in agreement with them and you are telling them that they're not free from sin.
We... must be careful not to create division and bondage.
The veil is torn, the chains are broken... it is finished. There is nothing we can do or not do.
Each of us sin yet its no longer our nature if we realize we're free.
I've heard it said: the power of sin is in the condemnation of it.
I agree
I don't do all Good, neither do I do all bad; do you?
Our message should be of HIM who saved us and his LOVE
After each of us know him and his LOVE & Believe, then its a seed that HE will cultivate.
He is the author and finisher of our Faith!

Yes, because telling a homosexual that they are living in sin is very loving and supportive.


Wonder Woman
Monotheist, as to the sex magic thing, sex itself is used in magical pursuits of many different kinds. It is used to raise energy and focus energy towards many goals (the intertwining of bodies and energies being considered a very powerful endeavor). It really depends on the aim of the practitioner. So to just go with the claim that a certain type of sex is connected to a certain type of magical result is just wrong. Anyone that would claim that a particular kind of sex begets a particular kind of magical response exclusively, frankly, doesn't know what they are talking about. They might use that type of sex in their particular ritual for their particular purpose, but that doesn't mean that that type of sex is inherently connected to the result they, personally(themselves or their group/following), are seeking.

I hope this sheds some light on the whole "sex magic" topic, and also explains a bit why I had sheer giggle fits as well. ;)

As a off-handed side note...vaginal sex seems to be quite adept at producing some "little demons". :D


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alternative_child said:
Satan accepts all;
even if you dont worship him;
no matter who/what you are.

Finally, proof that Satan exists! Now that I know it is true I can no longer act unfaithfully. I shall immediately begin collecting He-man toys, Dungeons and Dragons, and Gargamelle actions figures to decorate my abode. I shall cut the heads off of my other action figures to show my dedication, and I shall burn rubber duckies (not vinyl duckies but real rubber duckies). Never again shall I watch Andy Griffith, Highway to Heaven or Little House on the Prairie. Not even the Waltons.


Active Member
I am always a bit hesitant when someone tries to use the Bible to solidify and support their argument against the idea of homosexuality. The Bible presents many ideas, thoughts, and laws that the Christian community tends to ignore or marginalize. Curiously, however, when it comes to something like homosexuality the hypocrisy goes to the wayside in lieu of their own biased perspective.

BBTimeless, what bias would that be? What do you feel the Christian community Ignores or marginalizes?
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1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
BBTimeless, what bias would that be? What do you feel the Christian community Ignores or marginalizes?

Speaking for myself, I've noticed a major disconnect on one issue: whenever the Bible speaks to the issue of slavery, it's consistently in favour of - or at least amenable to - the practice, but I haven't met a modern Christian yet who endorses slavery.

Now... don't get me wrong; I decided a while ago that I'd prefer that people be inconsistent and kind than consistent and cruel. Still, the (IMO) clear inconsistency strikes me as strange.